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Normality (pc) (pc) [Any %] [Single Segment]

Decision: Accept

Congratulations to Andrew 'Bigmanjapan' Bondarenko!
Thread title:  
Run Information

Normality (Any %) (Single Segment)

Verification Files

Please refer to the Verification Guidelines before posting. Verifications are due by Feb. 7, 2015.

Please post your opinions about the run and be certain to conclude your post with a verdict (Accept/Reject). This is not a contest where the majority wins - I will judge each verification on its content. Please keep your verification brief unless you have a good reason otherwise.

After 2 weeks I will read all of the verifications and move this thread to the main verification board and post my verdict.
Borderlands 2 Glitch Hunter/ router.
A marked improvement upon the previous submission, there are still a few tricky clicks but nothing worth rejecting over.

A/V : Good
Cheating: None
Timer: I timed it as 23:41 from the first player input at 00:15 to the last Player input which completes the game at 23:56 it would just mean changing the StatID if people agree.

A/V still good, still no apparent cheating, game still a thing

As Judgy said, this is a significant improvement over the previous submission.  Accept-o-rama, dudes!
Quote from Judgy:
I timed it as 23:41 from the first player input at 00:15 to the last Player input which completes the game at 23:56 it would just mean changing the StatID if people agree.


I always though that cutscenes' skips are also events controlled by a runner. In Normality after a brace is put on elevator door you have to mash "." to skip all ending cutscenes.
Edit history:
Judgy: 2015-01-26 10:47:11 am
Borderlands 2 Glitch Hunter/ router.
Quote from Bigmanjapan:
Quote from Judgy:
I timed it as 23:41 from the first player input at 00:15 to the last Player input which completes the game at 23:56 it would just mean changing the StatID if people agree.


I always though that cutscenes' skips are also events controlled by a runner. In Normality after a brace is put on elevator door you have to mash "." to skip all ending cutscenes.

Depends on the game I believe (and the community for that game), for Borderlands 2 we had the ending point as using the vault key even though the ending cutscene was skipable because technically thats the end of the main story. we might have to see what a Staff member says on this occasion.
Edit history:
Bigmanjapan: 2015-10-03 06:12:18 am
Also for some reason prison door glitches when door block is performed:
Ok, I got clarification from IsraeliRD on how runs are timed. 23:41 is correct, waiting for submission to be reopned for new encodes.
Decision posted.
I've reopened the final encodes key, so you should be able to upload the new encodes at your convenience.
Edit history:
LotBlind: 2015-06-24 12:24:24 pm
That door glitch isn't really a glitch, it's just what normally happens when you're inside a thing you're not meant to be inside (there's no texture to draw on the inside of the door so it hall of mirrors it instead).

Did you find a lot of tricks in this game? I'm looking into Realms of the Haunting, another game created in the same engine, so any hints would be great.
Edit history:
Bigmanjapan: 2015-06-24 02:16:53 pm
Bigmanjapan: 2015-06-24 02:01:21 pm
Quote from LotBlind:
That door glitch isn't really a glitch, it's just what normally happens when you're inside a thing you're not meant to be inside (there's no texture to draw on the inside of the door so it hall of mirrors it instead).

Did you find a lot of tricks in this game? I'm looking into Realms of the Haunting, another game created in the same engine, so any hints would be great.

1. There is no distance cocenpt in Normality — you can interact with items/NPCs from anywhere.
2. If item has a special purpose like a brace in the last section of Normality — it has some potential to be duplicated.

Study manual for the game you gonna speedrun, because devs tend to use weird keys like "." to skip cutscenes.

Edit: googled Realms of the Haunting... For a long time, I've been looking for this game. Amazing find. Someone already did pretty good run of it:
Yup, I checked the manual. The keys ARE pretty weird and they're not even wholly the same as given in the manual. In RotH there IS distance.

I guess I'll basically just start a thread for the game so we don't have to talk about it here.