I'm monochrome
First off, I am brand spanking new to SDA. So aloha and all that, and I hope I'm posting this in the right place. I figured the best way to start would be to not necro a 6-year-old topic and to make a new one.
Mystic Heroes is a game that's like a watered-down Dynasty Warriors. Or that's what others have said when I showed them; I've never played Dynasty Warriors. You run around, kill hoards of things and bosses, and try to survive while not letting all of your own guys die. Or you can let them all die and have to deal with everything yourself because the AI is stupid. Whatevs.
It's also one of those games that has a NG+, and lets those NG+s stack. As in, you just keep building your stats up and up and up and up and up...until you've pretty much hit god mode. But the enemies themselves never get any stronger. So even after three playthroughs, you're breezing through. Even more, and you can't see your health depleting unless you go to the status screen. Even MORE, and your status screen looks like a mess. What, with all of the numbers clipping into each other and going off the screen and what-not.
Other than still trying to get through the story with zero ally deaths (I forgot my record with that one), I want another way to play the game. What better way than trying to speedrun it? But where would I even start? What would the categories be?
I know there are two different versions: GC and PS2. The only differences (I think) are additional characters and modes in PS2. I also think that the multiplayer maps are different between versions. But let's just be perfectly honest: Multiplayer is crazy hard, anyway. I've beat it (gone through one lap of all four stages) all of once. Maybe I suck. Maybe the AI of my partners is horrible and don't know how to stop drawing aggro from five bosses at once. Who knows.
Going off of the GC version: There are two different storylines, based on which character you choose. There are also three difficulties for story mode. Then there's the survival mode, with two difficulties. The characters themselves are slightly different concerning their run speed and jump height. They can all eventually get each others abilities.
Aside from the obvious difficulty and storyline categories, what would be the NG+ limit? A single NG+? Unlimited NG+? Or rather, since you can cancel a story mid-way and still carry the increased stats into a new run, should we be putting a limit on how high stats can be for NG+?
Hrm. Maybe there can be both, and have a Full (Single) Run NG+ category and a 'God Mode' category.
Mystic Heroes is a game that's like a watered-down Dynasty Warriors. Or that's what others have said when I showed them; I've never played Dynasty Warriors. You run around, kill hoards of things and bosses, and try to survive while not letting all of your own guys die. Or you can let them all die and have to deal with everything yourself because the AI is stupid. Whatevs.
It's also one of those games that has a NG+, and lets those NG+s stack. As in, you just keep building your stats up and up and up and up and up...until you've pretty much hit god mode. But the enemies themselves never get any stronger. So even after three playthroughs, you're breezing through. Even more, and you can't see your health depleting unless you go to the status screen. Even MORE, and your status screen looks like a mess. What, with all of the numbers clipping into each other and going off the screen and what-not.
Other than still trying to get through the story with zero ally deaths (I forgot my record with that one), I want another way to play the game. What better way than trying to speedrun it? But where would I even start? What would the categories be?
I know there are two different versions: GC and PS2. The only differences (I think) are additional characters and modes in PS2. I also think that the multiplayer maps are different between versions. But let's just be perfectly honest: Multiplayer is crazy hard, anyway. I've beat it (gone through one lap of all four stages) all of once. Maybe I suck. Maybe the AI of my partners is horrible and don't know how to stop drawing aggro from five bosses at once. Who knows.
Going off of the GC version: There are two different storylines, based on which character you choose. There are also three difficulties for story mode. Then there's the survival mode, with two difficulties. The characters themselves are slightly different concerning their run speed and jump height. They can all eventually get each others abilities.
Aside from the obvious difficulty and storyline categories, what would be the NG+ limit? A single NG+? Unlimited NG+? Or rather, since you can cancel a story mid-way and still carry the increased stats into a new run, should we be putting a limit on how high stats can be for NG+?
Hrm. Maybe there can be both, and have a Full (Single) Run NG+ category and a 'God Mode' category.
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