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WERY: 2014-08-07 08:53:04 am
WERY: 2014-08-04 05:12:56 am
WERY: 2014-08-04 05:03:23 am
WERY: 2014-08-02 05:24:18 am
WERY: 2014-08-02 05:21:21 am
WERY: 2014-04-21 08:31:59 am
WERY: 2014-04-21 08:20:58 am
WERY: 2014-04-19 04:41:06 pm
WERY: 2014-04-19 04:29:27 pm
WERY: 2014-04-19 11:27:03 am
WERY: 2014-02-20 02:51:36 pm
WERY: 2014-02-20 02:19:31 pm
WERY: 2014-01-28 02:21:59 pm
WERY: 2014-01-28 02:21:02 pm
WERY: 2014-01-26 04:46:52 am
WERY: 2014-01-26 04:44:55 am
WERY: 2013-12-22 05:48:33 am
WERY: 2013-12-22 04:53:38 am
WERY: 2013-07-08 02:53:26 pm
WERY: 2013-07-07 02:05:52 pm
WERY: 2013-06-30 12:12:07 pm
WERY: 2013-06-30 12:07:02 pm
WERY: 2013-06-30 12:05:06 pm
WERY: 2013-06-27 03:23:07 pm
WERY: 2013-06-27 03:22:33 pm
WERY: 2013-06-27 03:22:13 pm
WERY: 2013-06-27 03:21:28 pm
WERY: 2013-06-27 03:18:57 pm
WERY: 2013-06-27 03:17:52 pm
WERY: 2013-06-27 03:08:24 pm
WERY: 2013-06-17 01:41:37 pm
WERY: 2012-10-09 11:20:33 am
WERY: 2012-10-09 11:09:23 am
WERY: 2012-10-09 11:08:42 am
WERY: 2012-10-09 11:05:16 am
WERY: 2012-09-25 11:47:50 am
WERY: 2012-09-25 11:46:11 am
WERY: 2012-08-28 06:19:16 pm
WERY: 2012-08-21 04:42:22 pm
WERY: 2012-08-14 10:26:39 pm
WERY: 2012-08-14 10:04:06 pm
WERY: 2012-08-14 09:45:21 pm
WERY: 2012-08-14 08:57:23 pm
WERY: 2012-08-14 08:37:32 pm
WERY: 2012-08-05 05:00:21 pm
WERY: 2012-08-04 10:19:05 am
WERY: 2012-07-06 07:15:02 pm
WERY: 2012-05-22 10:41:35 am
WERY: 2012-05-19 09:20:20 am
WERY: 2012-05-08 09:30:50 pm
WERY: 2012-05-08 08:33:56 pm
WERY: 2012-05-08 08:33:52 pm
WERY: 2012-05-08 08:33:48 pm
WERY: 2012-04-17 05:31:18 pm
WERY: 2012-04-17 04:18:59 pm
WERY: 2012-04-17 03:42:42 pm
WERY: 2012-04-17 03:39:16 pm
WERY: 2012-04-14 02:15:58 am
WERY: 2012-04-12 07:57:04 pm
WERY: 2012-04-12 07:54:04 pm
The Duce

Time is measured by Hours:Minutes:Seconds
Today I got a DVD-recorder, so I do what I can to verify my runs. If the label "(verified)" appears behind a time, it has either been recorded on DVD or performed on a livestreaming. If the speedruns are available for viewing, the time inludes an URL to the video

5200 SuperSystem:
Moon Patrol_USA_00:09:30

Pepper 2_NTSC_00:03:19

Neo-Geo AES:

Nintendo Entertainment System / Famicom:

Batman 2: Return of the Joker_USA_00:15:57

Castlevania 2: Simons Quest_USA_01:49:36

Double Dragon_USA_00:27:08
Double Dragon 2: The Revenge_USA_00:28:34
Double Dragon 3: The Sacred Stones_USA_00:27:51

Great Waldo Search_USA_00:03:49

Kung Fu_USA_00:03:56

Metal Storm_USA_00:13:33, 00:15:31(ESA2012)

Roller Games_USA_00:16:39

Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight_USA_00:22:41
Super C_USA_00:23:42

Super Nintendo / Super Famicom:
Castlevania 5: Akumajou Dracula XX_SFC_00:28:04
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Edit history:
WERY: 2012-09-18 02:36:39 pm
The Duce
Well I have made some hellruns in SMB2 and it is based like this. You got to beat the ordinary worlds 8 times before you can access the lost levels(A-B-C-D worlds). I also go with a certain setup of rules when playing the game this way. I have an old document here from a hellrun that I made in 2009:

Hellrun (when you go through an entire game without cheating and it requires you to round it several times before you reach the complete end. You are supposed to pick up highscores as well)

I logged it to and it gave me a higher score than the first try. It comes with pictures and some notes about the result for each round. Total Score means the highest score I achieved in a single round, 1st Death means the stage where the first death occured in the round and Maximum Life Rate stands for the highest number of extra lives I managed to have in one and the same time during a round.

First Round

This round went good even if I have done better before. I bested my former total score in this round. I call this picture Hammerfall. Guess why Wink

1st Death = 6-2 (best)
Maximun Life Rate = 22 (best)
Total Score = 3 125 950

Second Round

This one went a bit more worse since I had the earliest death but in the end it was weighted up by the fact that I got a new best total score and bested the score from round one in this hellrun attempt

1st Death = 2-2 (worst)
Maximun Life Rate = 22 (best)
Total Score = 3 134 350 (Best

Third Round

In this round the luck seems to have turned around and the results got worse than before but I managed to get thruogh stage 8-4 without loosing the mushroom. I slided under bowser.

1st Death = 4-4
Maximun Life Rate = 22 (best)
Total Score = 2 944 100

Fourth Round

I did the same in this round but I took the picture with the princess instead cause it is not usual that you get to that point in big size even though I did it a second time this time. I did not took any picture from world 9 this time

1st Death = 3-4
Maximun Life Rate = 18
Total Score = 2 463 950

Fifth Round

One picture only this time. The result lies in the middle when comparing it with the rest of the results. A middle good round by other word.
1st Death = 2-4
Maximun Life Rate = 21
Total Score = 2 853 950

Sixth Round

This one went most like the 5th round as you might see. And the picture from world 9 was shot in stage 9-1 instead of 9-4.

1st Death = 5-1
Maximun Life Rate = 19
Total Score = 2 754 450

Seventh Round

I now start feel it in the thumbs. Overall this one where one of the worst rounds this day
1st Death = 3-2
Maximun Life Rate = 17 (worst)
Total Score = 2 589 900

Eighth Round

This one went like round seven overall and generated the lowest score. I wished it would be like round eight in my first hellrun I did 3 weeks earlier when I got new records in all the categories.

1st Death = 5-4
Maximun Life Rate = 18
Total Score = 2 421 650 (worst)

The Lost Levels!
I took more pictures of the game here cause the stages here got the most original shape in the the game. It has many of those things you dont see otherwise. But I separate the score of the lost levels from the other rounds since it got a class of its own compared to the others

Pictures got poor quality due to the use of a CRT monitor

So I beat stage D-4 on the last life och the end here looks just like the end in stage 8-4

1st Death = C-3
Maximun Life Rate = 8
Total Score = 535 000

After this round you get back to the logo and you may play again in the lost levels or the ordinary round as you please. A ninth star is added and you may add more stars if you like to beat the game a couple of times more but for me it ends here
Now that is hardcore. Congrats.
It's a BIG HEAD!
In the all-stars version, IIRC, the ABCD comes after world 9, which comes if you  don't warp at all.
Quote from Baron Dante:
In the all-stars version, IIRC, the ABCD comes after world 9, which comes if you  don't warp at all.

Hrm, from playing through Allstars I can't remember if we got to play world 9 or not, but definitely A-D after warping. So probably was just 8-4 -> A1.

And WERY, very impressive, mate!
It's a BIG HEAD!
If you used a warp zone you'll skip straight to level A-1.

So if you didn't, you'll go 9-1 first.
Hi! I'm andrewg!

Wait, so you went for pts. There are so many hidden 1-ups in this game, it's great. Wow, even I wouldn't want to play for 12 hours...

Wait, there are lost levels IN lost levels?
Quote from mzxrules:
Wait, there are lost levels IN lost levels?

I believe those ARE the titular lost levels.
Jumping Turtle
Points, huh? Are you guys being sure to do the turtle shell bounce tricks? I should check my scores in SMBDX some time.
Impressive playtroughs. I have seen Wery playing live and met him a couple of times. We played trough Contra force once too.

I think you should upload some of your videos but I am not sure if SDA would post any of them. But I know for example that your Abadox run is quiet impressive but I don't think SDA would post that because o the fact that it is an auto scroller. Nice to see you around though and good luck with other attempts in the future.
The Duce
Quote from chalmo:
Quote from Baron Dante:
In the all-stars version, IIRC, the ABCD comes after world 9, which comes if you  don't warp at all.

Hrm, from playing through Allstars I can't remember if we got to play world 9 or not, but definitely A-D after warping. So probably was just 8-4 -> A1.

And WERY, very impressive, mate!

Thanks a lot Smiley It is based like this: IF you dont cheat you get to world 9. GEtting to world 9 is a proof of honest gaming and in a hellrun(starting wonder wheater I created the word and gametype) one is supposed to play honest, or at least if tho one who does it wants to challenge this one I made

Quote from Baron Dante:
If you used a warp zone you'll skip straight to level A-1. So if you didn't, you'll go 9-1 first.

Exactly Smiley I used to cheat in games when I was younger but since spring 2004, I always bojcot all cheating in games. According to mine opinion there is no point to play a game if you dont want to play it through and touching every level in the game that you have to pass in order to clear it

Quote from andrewg:
Wait, so you went for pts. There are so many hidden 1-ups in this game, it's great. Wow, even I wouldn't want to play for 12 hours... Nice.

When I play the game regularly I go for the pts. and so I do in the hellrun but the main goal of a hellrun in this game is to go through the entire game in one day(8-bit version only) but when I do the hekkrun I pick up any pts. that comes in my way. I do on the other hand have one rule about pts and that is that all kind of delibertly farming is prohibited so I may not warp back to a lower level and no ricochet-shooting with shells + that no repeatedly circulating with pipes and clouds are allowed in a stage, so only one trip to the clouds are allowed and the same with a pipe, only one visit the the same one.

I try to pick up all 1-ups I cross in the game as well

Quote from JaggerG:
Points, huh? Are you guys being sure to do the turtle shell bounce tricks? I should check my scores in SMBDX some time.

Well that can be done but I banned farming in my pts.runs of this and other games. One simple rule could explain it like this: Always move forward, newer stand still and camp in the same spot. One may stop running from time to time as long as you dont camp

Quote from Frezy_man:
Impressive playtroughs. I have seen Wery playing live and met him a couple of times. We played trough Contra force once too.
I think you should upload some of your videos but I am not sure if SDA would post any of them. But I know for example that your Abadox run is quiet impressive but I don't think SDA would post that because o the fact that it is an auto scroller. Nice to see you around though and good luck with other attempts in the future.

Thanks a lot buddy, well I'd be happy to show my speedruns here in future when I recorded them. So far I only speedrunned 2 shooters so the most of the videos would probably be liked by other speedrunners here on SDA. And sometime when you visit me and/or the other collectors I hope to make a new try for the 2-player speedrun in Contra. I recently got the SCN version of the game that is slower but it is somehow easier to speedrun. I made one succesful in the first try and during the basestages I found it easier to spray rapidly with the spreadgun. Maybe cause the SCN version is slower so you dont have to push as quick as on the USA version
The Duce
Done a couple of speedruns in Contra lately but without new records. Right at this moment I scored a time in 00:12:53 and last week it was 00:12:37 and in that round I died many times so I would have got past below 00:11:55 if I just not died. That my goal but I newer seems to reach it so 00:12:24 remains the record on my behalf Undecided
Yes, a ninja riding a tiger.
Wow just noticed Abadox.  Nice!  That's a personal favorite that I always wanted to perfect, but have yet to achieve a no death play through.  I'd really like to see that one.
The Duce
I hope you will do once I got myself a DVD-recorder. My first best record in that game was 00:16:37 and without any death at all. Then I did another one with no death a by then I learnt a couple of tactics to get through much faster. There might be a chance to get 16 minutes plain i think
The Duce
I have improved some of my results and I have also taken upon other games that was'nt in my list before.

Astyanax_USA_00:33:36 av WERY
Batman 2: Return of the Joker_USA_00:20:12
Castlevania 2: Simons Quest_USA_01:49:36
Double Dragon 2: The Revenge_USA_00:28:34
Double Dragon 3: The Sacred Stones_USA_00:30:15
Great Waldo Search_USA_00:03:49
Metal Storm_USA_00:17:09
Super C_USA_00:23:42

Super Mario Bros 2: The Lost Levels = 3 313 550
The Duce
Improved runs for The Goonies, Double Dragon 3, Street Fighter 2010, Metal Storm, Batman 2, Rygar and Roller Games has been made
You've been practacing a lot then? X_X

Good boy! Cheesy
Wow, I knew about your older times on NESdb but this is awesome! Cheesy
The Duce
Yes the practicing before the marathon is responsible for the improvements and I think there will be more made until then. Batman 2 for instance can be pushed down to 17 minutes. I would have made it last time if I had'nt died on stage 7-1. It is however the easiest of the games so it wont be hard to pull it off
Who's cryin' now?
The Great Waldo Search! I have always wanted to see a run for this! Can't wait til you get this DVD recorder workin'!
The Duce
Well that game is kinda simple. You just find Waldo as quickly as possible and dont play the bonusstages and then you'll run through that game in a couple of minutes. I did that with some of the Ludendigamers as witnesses last year. Might be able to do it again once I got a DVD-recorder
The Duce
I have now verified some speedruns with the help of my DVD-recorder. Kung Fu, Street Fighter 2010 and Rygar. The last two ones were improved of course. I am now only 12 seconds away from a sub30 run in Rygar. That is great
The Duce
Finally I got some of my videos uploaded. Just follow the url's to the video of my speedruns;

Batman 2: Return of the Joker_USA_00:16:56
Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight_USA_00:23:11
The Duce
I have uploaded seven new videos with more speedruns

Pepper 2_NTSC_00:03:19
Kung Fu_USA_00:04:04
Metal Storm_USA_00:15:16
Roller Games_USA_00:18:03