Are you going to keep track of 2p runs also? I have already started planning for some of the missions for me and a friend to do. We won't being doing all of them, only the ones that will be faster with 2 people.
I can, I'll put up the section & put your times in.
EDIT: I put up to the 2-player section, so go for it, & I also added your earlier times into the board. I don't know how I missed those because I know I read that post
no that acceptable losses is very wrong. i typed a 3 instead of a 5. i apologize. i checked the rest that i typed and they are correct.
also a couple more times
snatch and grab 1:11.55
wetwork 1:02.35
and thank you.
i cant seem to get that sprint/jump trick to work on the 360. or i cant figure out the body count rocket/noob tube trick. i always have to enter the building to start the enemy spawns. i'll keep messing around with it.
ive been watching alot of veteran videos on youtube and i cant figure out why they for one hardly ever get shot and when they do its a shot here and there meanwhile i get laced with shots on regular.
also with my time updates i might start getting annoying so im going to not give my updates often.
you need to do another update. its not times even though i have some. i'll save those for later. you should put my acceptable losses time in second place. as it seconds beekees
Just got 46.75 on Suspension. Me and my friend might be putting the coop on hold because of things he needs to do, and I don't think he is patient enough to run with me. In a week or 2 we will do some practice runs to see if he is, if not I'll have to find another partner.
I found a neat way to get out of bounds on Hidden. Right when you start, run forward and kill the first guy to the right. Then kill the remaining 3 guys in the little area. Go back to where you killed the first guy & you should see a small box next to a mattress looking thing sticking of out a small red crate. You can jump on the box, then jump on the mattress, & then jump from the mattress up on top of the nearest big crate. From there you can run over the tops of the crates back to the start & jump behind from where you start the mission. So far, I haven't found anything that makes this glitch useful. If you go to the right, then the toxic gas will kill you, & if you go left, you'll eventually just fall to your death. This glitch is very similar to the glitch on the sniper level on cod4.
I'd love to see a compilation of speed-runs of all the special ops missions on veteran mode. I'm not so interested in seeing the other difficulty modes though.
Also, I'm sure my Wetwork time can be beaten by at least a couple of seconds - I think I lost time by accidentally flash-banging myself a couple of times. I've done a quick search of the internet and found no videos faster, but one guy exactly matched my time, using a quite different set of tactics (I hadn't seen his video before I recorded mine).