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Edit history:
Mr. Piggy: 2011-11-29 08:04:58 pm
Mr. Piggy: 2011-06-08 05:04:53 pm
Mr. Piggy: 2011-06-06 09:28:34 pm
Mr. Piggy: 2011-06-06 09:27:57 pm
Mr. Piggy: 2011-06-06 09:11:48 pm
Mr. Piggy: 2011-06-06 09:11:24 pm
Mr. Piggy: 2011-06-06 08:59:06 pm
Mr. Piggy: 2011-06-06 08:56:14 pm
Mr. Piggy: 2011-06-06 08:23:22 pm
Mr. Piggy: 2011-06-06 03:50:30 pm
Mr. Piggy: 2011-06-06 02:48:19 pm
Mr. Piggy: 2010-07-27 08:57:41 pm
In the infinite

Solo Times

-21.9 by Mr. Piggy
-22.8 by Susa (PC)
-22.9 by tcrazy (PC)
-24.35 by Steed (PC)

Sniper Fi
-1:48.4 by Mr. Piggy
-2:38 by beekee350

O Cristo Redentor
-1:29.05 by Mr. Piggy
-1:51.45 by beekee350

-38.04 by Mr. Piggy
-45.20 by KnifeRun

-45.55 by Mr. Piggy
-46.75 by beekee350
-50.1 by KnifeRun
-52.25 by Steed (PC)

Overwatch (2-Player Mission)
-34.65 by Mr. Piggy

Body Count
-38.9 by beekee350
-58.6 by KnifeRun
-2:24.45 by Mr. Piggy

Bomb Squad
-1:16.1 by beekee350
-1:19.25 by Mr. Piggy
-1:29.35 by KnifeRun

-1:04.45 by Mr. Piggy
-1:05.8 by KnifeRun

Big Brother (2-Player Mission)
-1:26.75 by Mr. Piggy

-1:20.1 by Mr. Piggy
-1:26.9 by beekee350
-1:31.4 by KnifeRun

Breach and Clear
-11.6 by Mr. Piggy
-12.1 by beekee350
-14.1 by Kniferun

Time Trial
-1:06.1 by Mr. Piggy
-1:06.55 by Steed (PC)

Homeland Security
-6:57.7 by Arkhanno (Veteran)
-8:59.75 by Mr. Piggy

Snatch and Grab
-1:01.3 by Mr. Piggy
-1:01.35 by beekee350
-1:04.8 by KnifeRun
-1:13.8 by Susa (Veteran)

-7:33.75 by Mr. Piggy

-59.6 by Mr. Piggy

Acceptable Losses
-39.5 by Susa (Veteran)
-43.15 by Mr. Piggy
-43.65 by beekee350
-50.35 by KnifeRun
-1:16.8 by Steed(?, Veteran)

-24.35 by Mr. Piggy
-24.35 by beekee350
-28.5 by KnifeRun

Estate Takedown
-4:16.25 by KnifeRun
-4:46.3 by Mr. Piggy

-55.55 by Susa (Veteran)
-55.65 by Mr. Piggy
-59.85 by jjooeeyy111 (Veteran)
-1:02.35 by KnifeRun
-1:15.1 by Huffers (Veteran)
-1:16 by beekee350

High Explosive
-1:15.85 by Susa (Veteran)
-2:43.4 by gia (Veteran)
-3:30.65 by Mr. Piggy

Armor Piercing
-4:00.05 by gia (Veteran)

Other Guy's post (Steed?)

Hey all, been lurking on SDA for a while, but this is my first post!

Anyone interested in collecting times from MW2's Specials Ops missions? I just did a solo run on Acceptable Loss, Veteren in 1min 16.80secs

I took the chopper first, then the mig. Got spotted near the mig and had to fight my way to the boiler thing which is where the 14 kills come from.

Anyone beat that? If you post scores from other missions with some vague proof I'll edit them into some kind of table and stick it in this post to keep a tally.

Got a couple more:

Suspension on Regular 52.25:

Beats the IW best time Smiley

and The Pit in 24.35 (Don't think I can get much more off this)

Pics are a bit small, web friendly, lean close Smiley
Thread title:  
more keys then pablo escobar
wouldnt do all the missions on veteran. i would just do it on regular. minimum waves, minimum random BS. just overall faster runs. but the choice is yours. it will be separated anyways. havent really messed with speedrunning yet.

hopefully skipping the missions that need two players is ok for solo.
Just cranked out an IW beating Time Trial (snowmobile one with the gates):

Anyone else out there playing Spec? Some comparative times would be nice - you can't all by boycotting the game!

Last three were on Regular btw, only the snow one on Vet.
I r run gudder!
The Pitt is all about perfect aim, no civi's, and getting multiple kills for +accuracy bonus time.

Here is an example...

I have done all the spec ops on vet for PC, but havent felt like trying to speedrun any of them yet. Especially the echos, they are hard because the spawns are random.
Edit history:
gia: 2009-12-09 09:22:10 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I did Echo: High Explosive and beat IW with 2:43.40 it wasn't meant as a speedrun but beating IW probably means its enough, being better at it and maybe using the other weapons a bit more could shave oh so much time.

And this is Armor Piercing in 4:00.05 I did mean it as speedrun although could be faster with a perfect random spawn setup, which I wouldn't bother with.
This is my avatar
By the way, you don't get bonus time while you are in Spec Ops, the bonus time for accuracy only happens when you are in Campaign mode.
Edit history:
Mr. Piggy: 2010-01-13 08:06:49 pm
In the infinite
Here are all my times on Regular Difficulty. These were also done on PS3 if you wanted to know. I created a MW2 Spec Ops board without noticing that someone had already made one :-[  It can be found here:,11170.0.html

I've beaten all the missions on veteran so I do have some skills in this Tongue but if you want proof then I can take pictures, & interestingly, I got the same exact time on both of the snowmobile races 8)

All these times are solo times by the way, and I'll add the rest of my times in later.


Sniper Fi

O Cristo Redentor



Body Count

Bomb Squad

-1:05.5 (this pic my the old time)


Breach and Clear

Time Trial

Homeland Security

Snatch and Grab

-11:32.35 (I didn't try on this one, I don't have a pic because my best time on the home screen is 9min done with a partner)


Acceptable Losses


Estate Takedown


High Explosive

Armor Piercing
-4:34 (I don't have a pic because this time includes only the first 14 jugs, I died on the last jug :()

As you can see I actually beat a few of the IW times...from Wardriving down to Armor Piercing, I only tried these levels 1-3 times so they probably aren't extremely fast.

EDIT: This wasn't done by me, but here is the fastest race time I found:

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
You haven't beat armor piercing's time technically you haven't beat it if you died on the 14th Tongue

Besides that I'm interested on knowing the best times for all missions, but dont want to do the work. Since it seems you are somewhat interested on being the "official" tracker from your other topic, request an admin to put some order on the topics.

Records should list number of players, difficulty, and console/platform.

If you go for it I can give you links for a great time on High Explosive (1 min something) by some youtube user.
Edit history:
Mr. Piggy: 2010-01-15 09:02:55 pm
In the infinite
You haven't beat armor piercing's time technically you haven't beat it if you died on the 14th Tongue

Ha, I knew someone would say something about this, o well, like I said, I'll beat it and put in my real time when I get around to it.

request an admin to put some order on the topics.

I'm not really sure what you mean by this. Do you want me to ask an admin. to like, move the topics around, or combine em, or something like that?

Records should list number of players, difficulty, and console/platform.

I understand the players & console/platform, but idk about the difficulty. I guess I can make a category for that, but if I did I would probably just include regular and veteran difficulty. I don't really see the point in having a hardened category.

If you go for it I can give you links for a great time on High Explosive (1 min something) by some youtube user.

Sure, I'm interested.

PS- I also got 26.85 on Terminal, & I'm sure it can go a little bit lower, but I don't see this one going below 26. The IW time on this one was crap Tongue
Edit history:
gia: 2010-01-16 01:40:38 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I dont think its necessary to categorize, you just put them all together but specify how they were obtained. Yeah I recall admins can give you control over the first post so that you can have the tracking table up there.

this guy supposedly did high explosive on 1:22, but he only put the ending so I call it shady...

Anyway he also has this video which is good enough and full gameplay at 1:53
Edit history:
Mr. Piggy: 2010-01-16 04:21:20 pm
In the infinite
Quote from gia:
Yeah I recall admins can give you control over the first post so that you can have the tracking table up there.

O yeah, I think UcPro did that in the New Super Mario Bros. board. I guess I'll ask.

That vid was pretty cool. I never even knew you could kill them in one shot until you said it on here. It should be easy for me to improve the last two juggernaut levels.
more keys then pablo escobar
i cant remember the name at the moment but anyone have the i think 4th mission in alpha speed run on veteran? the stealth one. im just interested in seeing it being possible to get a good time on veteran.

it also seems veteran is easier on PC.

i was playing high explosive on veteran and it takes four or five explosives to kill it. including direct impact headshots on the 360 version. and they charge 2 or 3 at a time. i dont remember seeing this difficulty in the PC video i watched.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
They die on one hit, check my video (the non record) to learn how to hit the head, many xbox people replied to thank for the strat so it should work on yours, many people, including pc people say the runs are on easy because "to them it takes 4-5 shots" like you say too :P. I saw a video of Evasion (thats the alpha and stealth) which is very fast and the runner was using the advanced movement (jump while sprinting) not sure if veteran though.
Edit history:
Mr. Piggy: 2010-01-17 12:01:23 pm
In the infinite
Quote from KnifeRun:
i cant remember the name at the moment but anyone have the i think 4th mission in alpha speed run on veteran? the stealth one. im just interested in seeing it being possible to get a good time on veteran.

There are a couple people on youtube that have times of 47-48sec. My Evasion time could be quite a bit better.

PS: I messaged Enhasa a couple days ago about having the first post, he hasn't responded yet.
I don't think Enhasa is a admin anymore.
more keys then pablo escobar
i have direct impacted the heads of juggernauts multiple times and they do not die by one hit. but i can keep messing around with it. but missions like this and any echo mission dont feel speed run worthy in my eyes.

i was working on a mission the mission where you must hit a score of 30,000. im aware im bad with mission names it sucks. anyway i got a time of 1m52s with alot of random running around. so im sure i can be down to 1m30s if i can keep a constant combo going. i had a 9. also with a bit more work i can work out a killing route.

the mission in shanty town where you disarm 3 bombs is annoying. in multiplayer ive been stunned for close to a minute. but on this mission the enemy gets flashed for a few seconds. which is annoying.

if the game wasnt so BS. i would run it on any other difficulty. but im just going to play regular. even though some missions are cheesy on regular since you can run right through them.

I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
haha, well the echo high explosive has been done in less than two minutes, that sounds very speedrun worthy since the IW time is double that and the regular play without headshots takes even longer. I suggest you aim for their "necks" instead of the tip of their heads (thats the height level where they hide the weak point in their armor, their face).

The 30k points one has been done in seconds (less than five), serious.

Sorry i dont understand what you mean about the favela market bombs. But yeah on veteran you need a lot of luck in many aspects (spawns, enemy accuracy, etc) so I can understand if you prefer to cut that out.
In the infinite
Quote from beekee350:
I don't think Enhasa is a admin anymore.

O, well it says he is....Should I contact Breakdown then? Or is he still not an admin anymore either?

& yes, the randomness on the bomb defusing level is rather annoying, I've gotten through it no problems a few times & I've died on the first bomb countless times.
more keys then pablo escobar
did you just say someone got 30,000 points in 5 seconds? ok i seen the video 3.9 seconds.

IW's times are on regular. in the breach mission they have a time of 17 seconds and change. this mission is almost impossible going this fast on regular let alone on hardened or veteran. but i have a time of 15sec10. its also luck it all matters if you can split the 4 riot sheilds.
In the infinite
Quote from KnifeRun:
IW's times are on regular. in the breach mission they have a time of 17 seconds and change. this mission is almost impossible going this fast on regular let alone on hardened or veteran. but i have a time of 15sec10. its also luck it all matters if you can split the 4 riot sheilds.

I'll add your time to the list on the other board, & I guess I'll contact Breakdown about first post.

I also believe most of IW's times are 2-player too.
more keys then pablo escobar
some of the missions. but at the same time some mission are quicker alone. like breach and the heartbeat sensor shotgun mission they would be better off ran solo.

what board are you talking about? are the times split in platform or all the times piled together. also i have some other times aswell.
In the infinite
some of the missions. but at the same time some mission are quicker alone. like breach and the heartbeat sensor shotgun mission they would be better off ran solo.

That's why I said most Wink

what board are you talking about? are the times split in platform or all the times piled together. also i have some other times aswell.

I created another board not knowing there was already a spec ops board. It's located here:,11170.0.html
i just did breach and clear on veteran and got 14.85
Edit history:
Mr. Piggy: 2010-01-21 02:01:41 pm
In the infinite
Ok I'll add your time to the list when my Internet is functional (posting from my phone). I also redid a few of the spec op missions & got some pretty sweet records: 22.6 in the pit (I tied the IW time, & I gurantee their time was 2-player), 12.55  in breach & clear (I saw that beekee had beaten my time so I tried to get a better time & found a faster way of beating the level), 24.35 in terminal, 38.04 in evasion, & 47.8 in suspension, & probably the least impressive- 2:34.35 on hidden. I have a video of my evasion record. I have a video of my previous records of the pit, suspension, breach & clear, & terminal. I also have pics of my new records. All of these will be up when my Internet is back.
I got 1:37:30 for Hidden on regular and 29.90 for Terminal on regular. If your going to sort by difficulty i have 13.25 on Breach & Clear on regular