I was looking at the list of speed runs, and I saw one for The Elder Scrolls 3 Morrowind. Supposedly, the player beat the game in 7 minutes. How is this possible? Did he use a glitch and skip most of the game?
If he says "slow" I'd almost assume that it's 2/2.5 k/sec. which would be almost 2 hours. Still, I've set my computer up with a 2.5k connection and downloaded the 120 super mario 64 run on normal. It took about 5 days of non-stop downloading but it was worth it.
i love how he said it was impossible without even reading the notes going with the run (which explain pretty much everything) or taking a glimpse at the run.
What will blow ur mind more is that hes done it faster (6 mins 49 seconds) with a different route, but he working on perfecting it to sub 6 min 30sec area i think
I'm still hoping to see someone marathon Morrowind, Tribunal, and Bloodmoon's main storyline stuff. Like just a straightforward run of it all. >.> Hell, I'd take a go at it myself if my computer could handle the strain of running the game with FRAPS. As it stands, the framerate is pretty questionable. >_>;
I'm just wondering, though, if it would be best to like... kill Vivec and resurrect the Wraithguard on your own (I never looked to see how many of Kagrenac's books you need Xx) or to do the awful Hortator/Ashlander Friend quests, which is basically the Elder Scrolls equivilent of sailing around and finding Triforce pieces in The Wind Waker. c.c
And just so we're all clear, when I say all the main storylines, I mean:
Beating Dagoth Ur Beating Almalexia in the Clockwork City Beating Hircine in his stupid glacier o' werewolves
The hardest part would be the werewolf area, just because they're goddamn mean, y'know? I mean, I suppose grabbing the Amulet of Shadows would let you dash the hell around and avoid combat, but still.
...And I'm posting this HERE because the damn Morrowind topic's deader'n disco. ><
Beating Dagoth Ur Beating Almalexia in the Clockwork City Beating Hircine in his stupid glacier o' werewolves
The hardest part would be the werewolf area, just because they're goddamn mean, y'know? I mean, I suppose grabbing the Amulet of Shadows would let you dash the hell around and avoid combat, but still.
Four words for you: Alchemy for the win. It'd probably be fastest to complete Morrowind's main quest the same as in the current run, then spend a couple of minutes totally abusing alchemy, raising a couple of stats (most notably intelligence and strength; go easy on speed) and fortifying your health.
Hell, I once ran through Morrowind + expansions with an intelligence of 75 million. A potion of fortify attribute created at that intelligence level, gave +3 million for 100+ days. Not to mention I accidentally ate something which gave fortify health once, giving me something like 1 million health, which has yet to wear off. Not that I'd recommend that much alchemy abuse in a speedrun (or on a normal playthrough for that matter), but if you want to beat the game with a low level newbie of a character, it is certainly possible, and concievably even easy.
No abusing alchemy. That takes all the FUN out of it. I know for a fact that just grabbing a handful of exclusive restore healths is enough to take out the Heart without alchemy. I haven't tried at level 1 yet, but if you run the main quest, you should gain at least two levels, you'd think.
Of course, anyone doing a natural-route run probably WOULD use alchemy, which is boring for me. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the runs I've seen so far, but you have to admit - watching someone make and down a hundred potions is mighty bland. >_>
What I'm thinking is sorta like speed running Metroid Prime without sequence breaks. Do the main quest leading to Dagoth Ur, kick his ass, and by that point, you're sure to have had a Dark Brotherhood assassin come after you. If you play Light Armor, that'll also give you a good set of crap to wear, unless you run into Ghostgate and slay the Glass Armor wearers or something. But Ghostgate's outta the way.
I doubt many would care to see such a run, though. I mean, I'm sure some would love to see a Morrowind run that lasts longer than it takes to eat a sammich, but I dunno how many would be for what I'm thinking of. o.o Does that make any sense?
Anyhow, I'm still pondering how best to do such a thing. The way I see it, you'd basically need to camp at Balmora's alchemist's shop and score the Exclusive Health Restore and a buncha mark/recall potions for fast travel. The Boots of Blinding speed would be needed... Crap, I dunno. Lemme go plan or something. Better, I'll go revive the Morrowind topic and let this one die out. >_>
You have a strange definition of the word "can't".
The low quality is a mere 16.3 MB. Assuming you get 4 K/s, that only takes 1 hour 10 minutes.
Actually, I usually connect at about 900bps, so I really can't download anything before being kicked off by someone calling our house, or on of my five siblings wanting to go online.
Start the download at 2am after everybody's asleep and nobody is going to call the house.
You'll have the file by the time you wake up the next morning.
Or you could just use a download manager http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Download_manager . Won't matter how many times the download gets interrupted, you can just resume the download until it's finished.
Is there an audience for what you're describing? I'm sure there would be. But you probably won't find that audience here. As Radix said to me, "This is Speed Demos Archive, not Plot Demos Archive".
I really want to start running Morrowind but where would I be able to find the 1.0 version I've looked everywhere but I cant seem to find it. Thanks for your answers in advance.