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sinister1: 2016-07-17 05:04:49 pm
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sinister1: 2013-03-21 07:47:45 am
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sinister1: 2013-03-14 01:55:19 pm
VorpalEdge: 2013-03-14 01:14:33 pm
so pro u don't even know
Single Segment:
15:12.14* by Summoningsalt (near unbeatable run, luck is other worldly)

Current IL times on SDA (or to be submitted/submitted noted with *) All times are world record:

Glass Joe: 42.00 (maxed out...with a star punch)
Von Kaiser: 35.61 by Zallard1 (maxed out)
Piston Honda: 42.25 (Frames could be saved, 0:41.97 is the theory TAS).
Don Flamenco: 14.97 (maxed out)
King Hippo: 37.61 by Adelikat (maxed out)
Great Tiger: 47.48 by Zallard1 (maxed out)
Bald Bull: 0:56.25 by Zallard1 (Probably cannot be topped)
Piston Honda 2: 44.00 by Zallard1 (Sub 44 can happen with tight enough execution, but this is pretty sick)
Soda Popinski: 46.25 by Zallard1 (Sick fight.)
Bald Bull 2: 1:19.82 by Zallard1 (sick, can only be improved if stupid luck strat is attempted)
Don Flamenco 2: 1:23.61 by Zallard1 (only stupidly rare RNG can lower this)
Mr. Sandman: 2:16.97 by Zallard1 (If someone beat this I would be very, very surprised)
Super Macho Man: 0:48.48 by Zallard1 (near impossible to beat, would take a miracle)
Mike Tyson: 2:07.xx* by Zallard1 (can be improved only by getting better luck and still having perfect execution, near impossible to beat)

Version: Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!! (NTSC 60hz)

Runner Resources:


Original post by Stalin
I'm surprised nobody has done this game yet, I can clear it usually in about 18-20 mins, which still seems long.  I don't want to post it if somebody can top it easily.
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PhaZe: 2005-11-23 12:19:35 am
Quiet, you.
I would say go for it.  I can finish the game pretty quickly, but I think what would be really fun to watch would be to see someone go through the game perfect or near perfect.

Speed is obviously the most important thing, but I'd be super impressed if someone could go without getting hit too.

For each guy you fight, there are always special tricks that can help you knock them out faster.  Those would be interesting, too.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
My favorite thing to do was knock down Super Macho Man with a stomach punch
I would love to see this too, but even more Super Punchout, I hear some people can get crazy times on it and I want to see it in action.
100% runs=great to watch
Seeing the original ripped apart would certainly be a treat since I could never quite manage to win as a small kid.

I say read all the rules, go for it, and good luck!
I working on mm2
how do you  K.O.  mr. sandman ?? i know i'm in a rong forum but i't faster in this situation ...
Mostly by punching him in the stomach. You'll know when it's time to hit him in the face.
I working on mm2
ya but when he do his trick like  hupper cut ... (he k.o. me 2 shoot
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illuminated: 2006-01-19 02:27:23 am
Thats when you gotta learn to be quick with the dodge.Man, I could so totaly do this run if I had the game,or a working NES. I tried to play it's officially dead.

*a tear shed for the loss, moment of silence please*
*Insert witty comment here*
there is a run over at bisqwit's site.

i haven't watched the video, but the timer on the page says 17:52. that site does allow using game glitches so you may want to watch the video to make sure it is legit.
I saw that. there was a glitch where Sandman shrunk to half size. I don't know why...
I working on mm2
this guy is pretyy good... is that a world record??
dinosaur from the past
THPS1 Master
I think the tool-assisted of Mike Tyson's Punch out could be mimiced, not perfectly, with few mistakes, possibly a minute or so slower, but It can be done with a similar time. Not saying I could, becasue im not so good at this game, and no longer own it.
I say go for it! That was a cool game, but I could never defeat Mike Tyson.
I remember that when you hit BALD BULL when he's doing he's special trick he fall on the ground so...
March 16, 2010
I can beat Tyson no problem (007 373 5963 - it's cool how so many of us remember the "007" code after some fifteen plus years).

As for speedrunning or general interest, Vortiginous has an interesting video on the Dream Fight with Tyson.  It may not be the fastest route but it proves the KO is possible:

(Zip File)
Take This! Ultra Frisbee-Disk Attack!
This game is one of my favorites for NES. If I had one and a copy of the game, I would definitely do it myself. Hopefully, I can get one soon so I could start on the run. I practice all the time on FCE Ultra and always do very well without cheating. It is one of the best games out there for NES, good luck to anybody who runs Mike Tyson's Punch Out, I'll be rooting for you to possibly set a new record.
Take This! Ultra Frisbee-Disk Attack!
You can also knock out Piston Honda with one punch the second time you face him, about 40-50 seconds into the first round, if I remember correctly. This is a perfect game to run with a bunch of different ways to knock out opponents quicker, shaving some precious time off of your total.
Take This! Ultra Frisbee-Disk Attack!
Hopefully someone is able to come through with a run of this game. I'm sure a whole lot of people can't wait for it.
Hi! I'm andrewg!
So I'm looking at this game and thinking:
- It's a really popular game
- There's no speedrun on SDA
- I'm not THAT great at it, but I'm OK

So to sum up my thoughts: Does anyone want to create an IL table with me?

I think it would be cool if a whole lot of people just submitted a few ILs apiece. Some fights (like Mike Tysons), might be pretty awful at first though... heh. That might stop an IL table's completion. I should work on that.  8)
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bmn: 2009-09-14 01:05:18 am
I recall a site that had a lot of material on PO, including speed strategies (and IIRC a Tyson TKO in R1).


Some of the strategies use the clock stop glitch, so it's not a good idea to use them for an SDA run...
I would say yes, but I got a PAL version, so I'll doubt that will work.
Furthermore, how would the IL table look then, because you can't really get to every enemy from the start, or would that not matter then?
The Dork Knight himself.
I doubt it would matter since nothing transfers between fights. All you'd have to do is use a password to get to the proper division, and keep trying until you get that perfect fight. For verification purposes though you'd probably have to keep all of the footage from the title screen until the fight ends (including any fight in between) but that would get edited out once it's verified.
[+--oo] In control since '86
Talk to DK28.  He's the only person to have a Punch Out run on the site, so I'd guess his skills are up to par.

(I only wanted to post to get my avatar in the thread)  Grin