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Mighty Bomb Jack (Any %) (Single Segment)
Mighty Bomb Jack (Any %) (Single Segment) [Deaths, Best Ending, Warps]
Verifier Responses
Normal Ending Run
Best Ending Run
Decision: Accept both
Congratulations to 'ktwo'!
Mighty Bomb Jack (Any %) (Single Segment)
Mighty Bomb Jack (Any %) (Single Segment) [Deaths, Best Ending, Warps]
Verifier Responses
Normal Ending Run
Audio & Video look good to me. I don't notice any anomalies.
The route looks solid to me. In the past, I've watched speedruns of this game in this that were ~45s longer, and I can really notice the tighter play and better bomb route here.
I wish I had something more in-depth to say, but that's sort of it. The run looks solid, the play looks good, and the videos look fine. Looking forward to best ending runs in the future
The route looks solid to me. In the past, I've watched speedruns of this game in this that were ~45s longer, and I can really notice the tighter play and better bomb route here.
I wish I had something more in-depth to say, but that's sort of it. The run looks solid, the play looks good, and the videos look fine. Looking forward to best ending runs in the future
AV is good, I didn't see any cheating.
I'll be honest here, at first I was puzzled as to how you were skipping levels. I learned by researching a bit that you do it by not collecting any lit bombs until the very last one, and that helped me understand the bomb routes as well. I was impressed by the movement, I know just how much of a pain in the butt those enemies can be, and you did a great job avoiding trouble. A little bit of time lost here and there but mostly due to monster RNG I would assume, and everything is very minor, barely noticeable to somebody who doesn't run the game.
I don't quite know the precise details on how to get the best ending (I've beaten the game only once, if only I knew you could skip levels) but if that involves actually playing all the levels and not just the bonus rooms, then I would be interested. In the end, while the run itself is good, I felt like straight any% was probably not the most entertaining form of Mighty Bomb Jack speedrunning. I would love to see (and maybe do myself) a run that doesn't skip any level. I'm not taking anything away from this run, I just feel there is room for more categories.
Based on this, I definitely accept this run, and I encourage you to go for more complex runs of this game!
I'll be honest here, at first I was puzzled as to how you were skipping levels. I learned by researching a bit that you do it by not collecting any lit bombs until the very last one, and that helped me understand the bomb routes as well. I was impressed by the movement, I know just how much of a pain in the butt those enemies can be, and you did a great job avoiding trouble. A little bit of time lost here and there but mostly due to monster RNG I would assume, and everything is very minor, barely noticeable to somebody who doesn't run the game.
I don't quite know the precise details on how to get the best ending (I've beaten the game only once, if only I knew you could skip levels) but if that involves actually playing all the levels and not just the bonus rooms, then I would be interested. In the end, while the run itself is good, I felt like straight any% was probably not the most entertaining form of Mighty Bomb Jack speedrunning. I would love to see (and maybe do myself) a run that doesn't skip any level. I'm not taking anything away from this run, I just feel there is room for more categories.
Based on this, I definitely accept this run, and I encourage you to go for more complex runs of this game!
Audio/Video: Looks great
Cheating: Only death.
I don't know of anything else to say about this run that the other verifiers haven't already said. Runner shows extensive knowledge of the game, and utilizes it fully to finish it quickly. Bomb routes looked really good, and I swear I remember enemies' hitboxes being a bit bigger than that
Cheating: Only death.
I don't know of anything else to say about this run that the other verifiers haven't already said. Runner shows extensive knowledge of the game, and utilizes it fully to finish it quickly. Bomb routes looked really good, and I swear I remember enemies' hitboxes being a bit bigger than that
Best Ending Run
Audio/Video: Looked great.
Cheating: Lots of it, but only if you count cheating death as cheating.
This run shows off a bit more of the game (levels) since the runner has to collect 5 "S" coins and 2 crystal balls to obtain the best ending. Runner uses a very powerful route, combined with very smart usage of Mighty Coins to make everything possible and grab chests efficiently. Only saw some minor hiccups in movement in a couple places, but nothing that looked bad or caused significant time loss.
Cheating: Lots of it, but only if you count cheating death as cheating.
This run shows off a bit more of the game (levels) since the runner has to collect 5 "S" coins and 2 crystal balls to obtain the best ending. Runner uses a very powerful route, combined with very smart usage of Mighty Coins to make everything possible and grab chests efficiently. Only saw some minor hiccups in movement in a couple places, but nothing that looked bad or caused significant time loss.
The play here looks to be at a very high level. I've never routed this game, but what I saw seemed clever and the mighty coin management looked really well thought out.
This is indeed what this game looks and sounds like.
I didn't notice any anomalies in the mighty coin count, timer, score etc.
Therefore ACCEPT
This is indeed what this game looks and sounds like.
I didn't notice any anomalies in the mighty coin count, timer, score etc.
Therefore ACCEPT
AV is good, my cheat meter stayed at zero throughout the run.
Other verifiers have said it, the routing is great, the run is well done, it deserves its place in the Mighty Game List.
It was fun to see the runs and learn a bit more about the game. Makes me want to start running it, too.
On a side note, those are Mighty Coins? I thought it was M for Masks! (but then again I was a kid and didn't understand English)
Other verifiers have said it, the routing is great, the run is well done, it deserves its place in the Mighty Game List.
On a side note, those are Mighty Coins? I thought it was M for Masks! (but then again I was a kid and didn't understand English)
Decision: Accept both
Congratulations to 'ktwo'!
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