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Hey Kirby, I was checking the games list and I would be available to do commentary for Metroid Prime 2 (if it's at 9:30 EST, which I believe), Metroid 2 remake,  and both runs of Super Metroid.
Talk to the Hand
Hey Kirby or Svenne, just a thought, but have either of you tried contacting Twitch to see if we can get this on the front page? I know a couple of the recent FF and MM relays have gotten there, and maybe people would like to see this as well.
I'll poke svenne about it, he probably has a "cleaner slate" with twitch than I do LOL
Quote from Emptyeye:
Hey Kirby or Svenne, just a thought, but have either of you tried contacting Twitch to see if we can get this on the front page? I know a couple of the recent FF and MM relays have gotten there, and maybe people would like to see this as well.

Yeah man, I can ask them np!
Jumping Turtle
Does anyone talk to Youtube user xmaverickhunter? He has a Hunters run uploaded back in 2010, but it seems there's no option to private message him.
Quote from JaggerG:
Does anyone talk to Youtube user xmaverickhunter? He has a Hunters run uploaded back in 2010, but it seems there's no option to private message him.

I actually never heard of him; we could contact him. However, Amhite said that there's a chance he'll be able to come back (he said he'll let me know soon... by this weekend I think?)
As an update, I have fantastic news. Amhite said he'll be able to do Metroid Prime: Hunters 100%! I've added it back to the schedule, though it shouldn't affect people's availability.
Hey Kirby, could you drop NES Metroid Any% for me? I honestly don't feel like I'll have it in good shape by the time this thing rolls around.

On the plus side, there's a VERY good chance that the new public demo for AM2R will be released before this starts, so that estimate would be bumped up by the 30 mins lost from NES Any% Wink
Edit history:
kirbymastah: 2014-03-20 03:47:20 pm
So to clarify, your estimate for AM2R should be 1 hour now? That shouldn't affect anyone's availability issues so that's good.

I've updated the schedule appropriately.
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JaggerG: 2014-03-21 03:00:03 am
Jumping Turtle
Your dropping Any% tempts me to pick up 1-boss XD But honestly, I have no idea if I can pull it off due to randomness, especially on short notice. I like doing 2-item runs, but can't really give an estimate on it.

Oh hey kirby, I just had a thought. So this starts at 7am Eastern? Given that Mobius and Dragonfangs are both in Europe, might it be better if they started the marathon? I'm not sure if you also looked into a schedule that just did any% (or the only runs offered) first, then alternate categories later?
Yeah, AM2R should be 1 hour. Most of my runs are in the 45-50 minute range right now, but I'm including setup since it's a bit of a wonky setup I have to use to be able to capture AM2R.
What is a man?
I'll deliver some BOMB-tastic stream overlays this weekend, contain your Hype Wink
Edit history:
kirbymastah: 2014-03-21 01:22:41 pm
kirbymastah: 2014-03-21 01:21:55 pm
Quote from JaggerG:
Your dropping Any% tempts me to pick up 1-boss XD But honestly, I have no idea if I can pull it off due to randomness, especially on short notice. I like doing 2-item runs, but can't really give an estimate on it.

Oh hey kirby, I just had a thought. So this starts at 7am Eastern? Given that Mobius and Dragonfangs are both in Europe, might it be better if they started the marathon? I'm not sure if you also looked into a schedule that just did any% (or the only runs offered) first, then alternate categories later?

I've tried that but I can't find a convenient spot to put miles's prime 1+2 any% runs then, besides right before prime 100%, and he said he'd rather not do all three at once. Plus I'd like all MZM categories to be togethr (each is by a different runner), and ddarch isn't free until around noon EDT time, and he's doing metroid 1.

Quote from charleon:
I'll deliver some BOMB-tastic stream overlays this weekend, contain your Hype Wink

That's great to hear! Thanks a lot! Smiley

Also, we have a mumble server up, and svenne is the contact for the visual stream layout.

At some point soon, I'm going to be contacting reach runner to give a test stream. Make sure their stream works, make sure they're audible on mumble, and so on.
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JaggerG: 2014-03-21 09:01:24 pm
Jumping Turtle
So, given that 10 games are being done 100%, does it make sense to put them chronologically? I've been looking at the availability, seeing if there's a means of grouping all the any%'s together at the start, all the 100%s after that, then challenge%s after that. Is there a reason it's starting at 7am?

I'm essentially just trying to avoid playing the same game several times consecutively, as I feel people tuning in late might feel like they've missed something. I can see it being almost perfectly conveniently scheduled out, but there are definitely some conflicts. Zoasty isn't available until 5pm to do SM any%, Uchiha's only available Sunday 1-7am, and I've no idea about Amhite or Kott.
Jumping Turtle
So I experimented in Metroid 1 doing some both-boss runs, got sub-30 like 3 times. I'm still inconsistent, though. Accidental deaths are so costly. There's also the fact that the GBA version has no Up+A saving, so dying is the fastest. Still, I think I can do it. I have a strat that has a backup strat, I just need to make sure that's enough. I shall keep ye posted.
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Dragondarch: 2014-03-22 09:02:52 am
Are you doing bombless + death abuse? There's potential for 4 e-tanks (2 for a record attempt, 2 other possible ones for marathon safety) in any bombless run, though death abusing makes things much more difficult (If I had gotten around to it mine would have been without up+A...)
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JaggerG: 2014-03-23 01:08:51 am
Jumping Turtle
Missiles > Bombs (E) > Ice > Ridley > Die > Die > Die > E at start of Kraid > Kraid (E if needed) > Die > Brinstar ceiling E > beat game. Considered the E behind Ridley, but 1) I couldn't even get it reliably because I suck at that room, and B) I'm supposed to die there.

I figured that's the most reliable marathon route. I got 27:44 last night. I also considered doing a deathless run, but I die so often trying to leave each area that I figured using deaths to highlight the key version difference is better and an excellent excuse for not having to play much better.
Talk to the Hand
Um, I want to say that the GBA version DOES have the Up + A code in another button combination..maybe something involving Select? I could be wrong, of course.
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Dragondarch: 2014-03-23 02:33:16 pm
3 E-tanks should be fine. I'd still recommend skipping bombs since that showcases a few screen wraps (and eliminates the missile luck required to get Ice Beam in your route)
Although that means you wouldn't be able to get the E-Tank at the entrance to Kraid. Maybe a way to grab the one in Kraid's room before fighting him?
What is a man?
you think you could rock this? Smiley

I'm guessing the empty left space is for the marathon logo, and the game name?

This looks amazing Smiley
Reminder: We have the logo Kari Fry made for us.

Edit history:
charleon: 2014-03-24 04:45:33 am
What is a man?
Quote from kirbymastah:

I'm guessing the empty left space is for the marathon logo, and the game name?

This looks amazing Smiley

yup! i'll get a revised version with the logo done as soona s i come home from work

Quote from Dragondarch:
Reminder: We have the logo Kari Fry made for us.

I'll make sure to work it into the layout. i'll get to it as soon as i come home from work
As an update, I was busy last weekend getting a personal best in metroid fusion 1% with school stuff and will be unable to do stream testing until after Wednesday, 03/26. I'll send out a twitch/skype/twitter/something PM to each runner and ask when they're free to try a stream test to schedule for Friday/Saturday/Sunday.
What is a man?
Will we need a 16:9 version as well ?