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Metroid Fusion (Any %) (Single Segment)
Verifier Responses
Decision: Accept
kirby go practice grand abyss
Congratulations to Alex 'kirbymastah'!
Metroid Fusion (Any %) (Single Segment)
Verifier Responses
Quote from CyberBotX:
A/V good, no cheating detected. The run was very, very well done, even with the few mistakes here and there (which the runner themselves also mentioned in their comments). And their comments explain everything so nicely as well. With that and the time, I've gotta give this an accept.
Quote from UraniumAnchor:
A/V is good for an LQ copy, so I'm running under the assumption that this WAS in fact captured correctly but I can't tell for sure until I see the higher quality copy. There's a couple pixels of the GBP border visible but nothing horrible.
Runner's notes pretty much cover everything important. It's an improvement, though as he said there's still room for more improvement.
The only question is whether or not kirby was wearing sunglasses while playing.
Runner's notes pretty much cover everything important. It's an improvement, though as he said there's still room for more improvement.
The only question is whether or not kirby was wearing sunglasses while playing.
Quote from Dragondarch:
Kirby is the worst speedrunner.
PS: Accept, etc.
PS: Accept, etc.
Quote from Sunblade:
A/V: Good
Cheating: Nope
Final time: 00:46:00 (hh:mm:ss)
Comments: Kirbymastah did a very good job here. Of course there are a few mistakes here but these are not worth to mention. The gameplay and result are great I am happy that I had the opportunity to verify this one. Accept.
Cheating: Nope
Final time: 00:46:00 (hh:mm:ss)
Comments: Kirbymastah did a very good job here. Of course there are a few mistakes here but these are not worth to mention. The gameplay and result are great I am happy that I had the opportunity to verify this one. Accept.
Quote from Tiberius:
A/V is fine, no cheating.
Sorry this took me a while, it's been a busy week!
Main Deck:
Solid text-skipping throughout, not that that makes any difference on time. Sesshoumaru wall jumps are clean. Miniscule hesitation before Neo (the Hornoad) but doesn't really lose any time. Minor hiccup in getting the second missile tank. 1-beam is extremely good here. Accidental ledge grab loses a second or so.
Very clean fight, pity about being way off the sweet spot
Minor time loss with a mistimed morph on the way to sector one, no biggie.
Sector 1:
Took a hit in the hornoad room, in fairness that room sucks. Pretty bad luck in the first pirate shaft but handled it very smoothly. One of the most important things pre charge beam is staying on full health to maximise missile drops in this sector which the runner does admirably. Another great 1-beam door.
Charge Beam Core:
Smooooooth double double, very nice, only way this can be improved is luring the core to the right hand side of the platform for the second double so it doesn't have as far to go to spawn the actual collectable part.
Sector 1 Round 2:
Nothing to say, route and execution were optimal.
Sector 2:
Zoros are irritating little buggers. Several patterns of Zoros in sector 2 can be extremely difficult to deal with. The runner got slightly bad luck and took a hit but dealt well with the patterns seen. The runner also took a hit against the hopper by not firing a second missile, a risky strat that did not pay off. Average luck on the eye door and Zazabi. Escape from sector 2 was clean.
Sector 4:
Took a nasty hit from a crab while climbing up towards Serris, that room is awkward depending on enemy patterns and it didn't lose much time. No eye-door beams, which I swear is impossible on my cart. Serris gave a slow pattern but the runner executed the fight nearly perfectly, along with the double-double on the core. Escape was good apart from one accidental ledge grab at the end. That low-height shinespark is not easy to do and looks so damn cool.
Sector 3:
Tasty frame-perfect shine charge. Now man up and do it without pausing
Fails to pull a Kirby after Bob. Also unfortunately an abject failure of the data room spark. This doesn't lose too much time but looks kinda ugly. No rumble trigger but *does* actually trigger the box fight, looking at you Kahdoom. BOX fight is excellent, escape has no issues whatsoever.
Sector 6:
Misses the elevator on the way down, slightly embarrassing. One block off a pretty pattern for the SA-X encounter, a good try. Another no-beam door and a perfect Mega-X and core fight. Puffers on escape could easily have been worse, screw puffers. Runner handles them well.
Sector 5:
In general very very clean ARC, no reverse Ice-Missiles though, which saves an in-game second and is only one little frame-perfect trick followed by tough setup that loses about 30 seconds if you miss it, shame on you runner.
Emergency in FrankerZ:
Well executed Meltdown section, only one double on the core but they are *hard* and 4:31 is a solid time here. Bad mess up at the start of the climb but the rest was smooth, considering it's one of the hardest single rooms in the game this is forgivable.
No comments really, everything was well executed. Animals gave around average luck, maybe slightly lower.
ARC again:
Misses a tough shinespark setup which loses a couple of seconds at the start of the sector. Other than that everything was fine.
Goddamn Spider:
Didn't place an early power-bomb before the ship which lost a second or two and had some trouble with the vine things. Skips the e-tank like it's nothing, that's the hardest tank to skip in 1%. Pirates are jerks. No beams again. Yakuza was not quite perfect but excellent nonetheless.
To Nettori:
Route to Nettori was fine, no beams yet again, this luck is pretty insane. Fight itself was good, core was not however. The runner got stuck in the water at the start and then failed to even attempt any of the (admittedly tough) double-missiles. This was quite disappointing to me. Getting out of sector 2 was fine.
The Nightmare spark is sexy. Water pirates were about as nice as they can be. No beams AGAIN. Nightmare's pattern wasn't the best but the runner handled it perfectly, a good fight.
Sector 4 revisited:
Best music in the game right here. A slight hiccough on the shinespark through the vine but the runner saved it with aplomb.
X-BOX and Authorisation Beam:
Puffer luck could have been better and worse. BOX-X fight was excellent, pity about the sweet spot. Excellent utilisation of lag-strats in the secret lab.
To Ridley:
Gold Pirate room was a bit slow. No beams yet again, I would kill for this luck. Ridley fight was average, no triple double on the core. Everything in the escape from sector 1 was fine.
Altering the stations course:
Not much to say about the main deck, space boost is nice. 4-shot then 2-shot on the SA-X fight is perfect. Core was average.
The Final Showdown:
No Pogo = Reject. But in all seriousness, the runner made a lot of pauses to check his time which look really really ugly and I'm disappointed that they are there. The fight was nearly choked but the runner pulled it back for a 0:46.
All in all, despite some ugly mistakes and pauses this is a very solid run that beats the old one by a considerable margin and will serve as an excellent placeholder until Biosp4rk finally gets that 45. Easy Accept
Sorry this took me a while, it's been a busy week!
Main Deck:
Solid text-skipping throughout, not that that makes any difference on time. Sesshoumaru wall jumps are clean. Miniscule hesitation before Neo (the Hornoad) but doesn't really lose any time. Minor hiccup in getting the second missile tank. 1-beam is extremely good here. Accidental ledge grab loses a second or so.
Very clean fight, pity about being way off the sweet spot
Minor time loss with a mistimed morph on the way to sector one, no biggie.
Sector 1:
Took a hit in the hornoad room, in fairness that room sucks. Pretty bad luck in the first pirate shaft but handled it very smoothly. One of the most important things pre charge beam is staying on full health to maximise missile drops in this sector which the runner does admirably. Another great 1-beam door.
Charge Beam Core:
Smooooooth double double, very nice, only way this can be improved is luring the core to the right hand side of the platform for the second double so it doesn't have as far to go to spawn the actual collectable part.
Sector 1 Round 2:
Nothing to say, route and execution were optimal.
Sector 2:
Zoros are irritating little buggers. Several patterns of Zoros in sector 2 can be extremely difficult to deal with. The runner got slightly bad luck and took a hit but dealt well with the patterns seen. The runner also took a hit against the hopper by not firing a second missile, a risky strat that did not pay off. Average luck on the eye door and Zazabi. Escape from sector 2 was clean.
Sector 4:
Took a nasty hit from a crab while climbing up towards Serris, that room is awkward depending on enemy patterns and it didn't lose much time. No eye-door beams, which I swear is impossible on my cart. Serris gave a slow pattern but the runner executed the fight nearly perfectly, along with the double-double on the core. Escape was good apart from one accidental ledge grab at the end. That low-height shinespark is not easy to do and looks so damn cool.
Sector 3:
Tasty frame-perfect shine charge. Now man up and do it without pausing
Sector 6:
Misses the elevator on the way down, slightly embarrassing. One block off a pretty pattern for the SA-X encounter, a good try. Another no-beam door and a perfect Mega-X and core fight. Puffers on escape could easily have been worse, screw puffers. Runner handles them well.
Sector 5:
In general very very clean ARC, no reverse Ice-Missiles though, which saves an in-game second and is only one little frame-perfect trick followed by tough setup that loses about 30 seconds if you miss it, shame on you runner.
Emergency in FrankerZ:
Well executed Meltdown section, only one double on the core but they are *hard* and 4:31 is a solid time here. Bad mess up at the start of the climb but the rest was smooth, considering it's one of the hardest single rooms in the game this is forgivable.
No comments really, everything was well executed. Animals gave around average luck, maybe slightly lower.
ARC again:
Misses a tough shinespark setup which loses a couple of seconds at the start of the sector. Other than that everything was fine.
Goddamn Spider:
Didn't place an early power-bomb before the ship which lost a second or two and had some trouble with the vine things. Skips the e-tank like it's nothing, that's the hardest tank to skip in 1%. Pirates are jerks. No beams again. Yakuza was not quite perfect but excellent nonetheless.
To Nettori:
Route to Nettori was fine, no beams yet again, this luck is pretty insane. Fight itself was good, core was not however. The runner got stuck in the water at the start and then failed to even attempt any of the (admittedly tough) double-missiles. This was quite disappointing to me. Getting out of sector 2 was fine.
The Nightmare spark is sexy. Water pirates were about as nice as they can be. No beams AGAIN. Nightmare's pattern wasn't the best but the runner handled it perfectly, a good fight.
Sector 4 revisited:
Best music in the game right here. A slight hiccough on the shinespark through the vine but the runner saved it with aplomb.
X-BOX and Authorisation Beam:
Puffer luck could have been better and worse. BOX-X fight was excellent, pity about the sweet spot. Excellent utilisation of lag-strats in the secret lab.
To Ridley:
Gold Pirate room was a bit slow. No beams yet again, I would kill for this luck. Ridley fight was average, no triple double on the core. Everything in the escape from sector 1 was fine.
Altering the stations course:
Not much to say about the main deck, space boost is nice. 4-shot then 2-shot on the SA-X fight is perfect. Core was average.
The Final Showdown:
No Pogo = Reject. But in all seriousness, the runner made a lot of pauses to check his time which look really really ugly and I'm disappointed that they are there. The fight was nearly choked but the runner pulled it back for a 0:46.
All in all, despite some ugly mistakes and pauses this is a very solid run that beats the old one by a considerable margin and will serve as an excellent placeholder until Biosp4rk finally gets that 45. Easy Accept
Decision: Accept

kirby go practice grand abyss
Congratulations to Alex 'kirbymastah'!
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