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Don't know what to speedrun :(
Unfortunately I don't have a Dremel but I might consider it when I actually get around to the carving portion of the project. Good idea.
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Youkai: 2013-05-14 10:09:11 am
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Did a test with a couple different LED's to see how they would affect the build.
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Youkai: 2013-05-14 10:08:49 am
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Found a 4 inch block of foam which is as thick as I need it to be so that's awesome. Did a little practice carving today to see how it might go. I think it went pretty well. When I was done I hooked up one of my LED's to see how well it would illuminate the cavities I had carved. I'm pretty happy with it. Seems like the LED's will give about as much illumination as I wanted with a fairly reasonable number of LED's. Here's the video:
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Youkai: 2013-05-14 10:08:09 am
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Discovered RGB LED's today. They should help significantly.
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Does anybody know someone who really understands component electronics? I'm struggling to understand some concepts I need to understand to figure out the LED wiring. It would be really helpful if someone could get on a skype call with me and explain some stuff. Specifically some of the things I'm dealing with are a TLC 5940 PWM chip which is a constant current source, and wiring up a bunch of LED's in parallel. Please send me a PM if you can help.

Also there is a new video in my playlist you might find interesting. Check the first post for the playlist.
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Youkai: 2013-05-14 10:07:39 am
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Ok then. The holidays are over so hopefully I'll have more time to devote to the project now. I did some playing around with carving the foam today. Put a video up on youtube; here it is.
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Youkai: 2013-05-14 10:06:15 am
Don't know what to speedrun :(
More carving practice.
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Youkai: 2013-05-14 10:05:54 am
Youkai: 2013-03-12 06:33:44 pm
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Super exciting news here. Got a working proof of concept for sound effects! This is the last major technical hurdle. At this point I'm 95% sure I can do everything needed to complete the project. Time to start charging forward with the build!

Here's the video demonstrating it. Skip to 4:05 if you want to get to the sound.
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Hey guys. I could use some help getting the sound effects for the Arm Cannon. If anyone has the game on emulator or can rip the audio out of the game directly that would be great. I need the following; preferably with no other sounds playing at the same time (not even background music if possible):
Un-charged fire of a beam
Full charge fire of a beam
Charge-up sound
Continuing charge loop (at least one cycle of it)
All of the previous for every beam if different
Collecting a big item
Morph sound effect
Missile fire
Plazma sound effects (don't know if there is a charge or just the fire. if there is a sound playing when it's active even if you aren't firing I want that too)
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Youkai: 2013-05-14 10:05:31 am
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Got a lot of carving done this week if anybody cares Smiley
SEGA Junkie
So I know I haven't posted in this thread but I also know how bad it is to feel like you're talking to yourself. Just wanted to say this is an awesome project!
Artsy Fartsy
I'd have to concur with Mike on this. I'm super excited to see how this turns out!
I follow every post in this thread. Smiley
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Ok thanks guys. I know most of my posts don't require a response but when I have like 15 in a row I just start to wonder if I'm simply spamming the board Smiley I won't worry about it anymore.
Don't worry about spam, I'm keeping up with this too Smiley
As am I.
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Youkai: 2013-05-14 10:04:51 am
Don't know what to speedrun :(
ARG! I was hoping to post an awesome video of the movement working today. Sadly you get this instead. Back to the drawing board.
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Youkai: 2013-05-14 10:04:26 am
Youkai: 2013-03-24 02:18:53 pm
Don't know what to speedrun :(
AHA! From despair to new hope! Watch the previous video first to understand. Anyway I think I got something that will work.
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Heidrage: 2013-03-22 01:53:23 pm
Willing to teach you the impossible
Quote from kirbymastah:
Don't worry about spam, I'm keeping up with this too Smiley

Sorry Im late, but I am getting back into my groove from my vacation. Taking a week off the forums left me with a bunch to catch up on.
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Youkai: 2013-05-14 10:03:58 am
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Did another slightly more advanced test with the servo. This one definitely proves that what I'm trying to do will work.
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Youkai: 2013-05-14 10:03:35 am
Don't know what to speedrun :(
Ok guys. Next major hurdle complete. I got the carving pretty much done. Take a look at the video and let me know what you think. Does it look good so far? Am I way off? Obviously it still needs to be sanded and painted and whatnot but at this point you can get a decent idea of what it will look like.
Oh man... this looks so badass. Smiley
King Wabasami
It looks great. Looking forward to how it looks when finished.
Artsy Fartsy
I'm extremely impressed by the amount of work that's going into this. I must applaud you for your dedication to a project like this! Hyped to see more!
Looking at the models from Garry's Models (, I think the two top parts should be a bit more rounded, or triangular (from the front).
And if I could suggest one more thing, maybe the little top part should get in the other part, but not completely of course, like a boat on water, if you see what I mean.

Btw, this is rzkruspe666 from Youtube Wink
And again, congratulations for your awesome work !