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Riveted: 2014-10-31 09:29:17 am
Riveted: 2014-05-24 08:01:04 pm
This thread is for updates related to running Metal Arms: Glitch in the System. The game is a third person shooter available for Gamecube, Xbox, and Playstation2. I started up the SDA wiki page for it a couple months ago and started routing levels, but it still needs a lot of information filled in. As I get more levels routed or people contact me with new skips/tricks, I'll make a post on this thread, or ask them to, so that everyone can stay on the same page.

There is an old thread for this game, but it dealt strictly with one person's attempt at routing and running the game, instead of the topic in general. You can view it here:

Wiki Page:
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Edit history:
Riveted: 2014-10-31 01:58:53 pm
Riveted: 2014-05-24 08:08:20 pm
Riveted: 2014-05-24 08:08:03 pm
First update: ed58 informed me on youtube of a new trick to skip the zip-line in the last area of Into the Trenches:

I'll incorporate this into the wiki soon*
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Riveted: 2014-10-31 01:59:54 pm
I have uploaded a new reference video for Level 12: Destroy Comm Arrays

ed58 also informed me about a couple new skips.

1. Out of Bounds skip for Infiltrate the Compound

2. Area skip for Destroy Comm Arrays
Using the Out of Bounds skip that ed58 found, I put together a Level 11 Infiltrate the Compound reference run that also includes two weapon upgrades, and added it to the wiki:
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dj0wns: 2014-08-28 02:43:38 pm
Hey, I feel like im bumping a dead thread here, but I'm actually planning to try a metal arms speed run. Its probably the game i know better than any other i've played so i feel i may be able to contribute at least a little to this community effort. I'm amazed by the amount of effort you have put into making your routes readily available -however i dont plan on looking at them until i finish a benchmark run im doing for myself.
I am running the game on a softmodded xbox off of the hdd(my disk drive is broken, game files are all unmodified though), so to my knowledge my runs wont really count for anything until i can get break from college and can try it on my 360.
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ed58: 2014-09-08 12:31:27 pm
Quote from dj0wns:
Hey, I feel like im bumping a dead thread here, but I'm actually planning to try a metal arms speed run. Its probably the game i know better than any other i've played so i feel i may be able to contribute at least a little to this community effort. I'm amazed by the amount of effort you have put into making your routes readily available -however i dont plan on looking at them until i finish a benchmark run im doing for myself.
I am running the game on a softmodded xbox off of the hdd(my disk drive is broken, game files are all unmodified though), so to my knowledge my runs wont really count for anything until i can get break from college and can try it on my 360.

This thread isn't dead. Riveted, myself, or anyone else just haven't had the time to be involved with this game atm. I will be more than happy to help you out with this game, however. Seeing as I am the only one who has done a run xP
I'm looking forward to getting some more times up on the leadrboards if you're still up for it.

Edit: the best way to keep incontact with me is either through Youtube or Twitter btw. I don't check SDA threads too often xP
Quote from dj0wns:
I am running the game on a softmodded xbox off of the hdd(my disk drive is broken, game files are all unmodified though), so to my knowledge my runs wont really count for anything until i can get break from college and can try it on my 360.

You can still run it and contribute to the wiki. I really need to get back into this and update the wiki with all the new information.

I haven't actually gotten around to completing a whole run. I've just been doing specific levels and posting what I find.
So... it has been an extremely long time since the last update in this thread, but as I find the time (which is quite rare these days) I have been going over what the current routes look like and editing the wiki. The new release of the Dolphin emulator has also become efficient enough that I am able to both play the game and record it from the same computer with minimal lag. This means that I have been able to finally start posting HD videos of these levels with the routes updated in the wiki.

So far I've finished new HD videos and routes for level 2-5, and I'll update this thread when I get another 5 or so levels online and their routes edited.

If anyone knows of a trick or route that hasn't been covered in the first few levels, please either let me know, or update it yourself Smiley
Edit history:
Riveted: 2015-08-28 03:36:52 pm
For anyone wanting to contact us more directly, we have a dedicated forum over on This is also where our leaderboard is.
I haven't gotten the chance to take time to post here, but I do speedrun this game, and I have been in the past. I'm looking to filling a lot of the Individual Times on all difficulties. Nuts of Steel is quite difficult. It still has a lot of room for optimization, but I am proud to have speedrun it, it wasn't easy.

Sorry for bumping a 8+ month thread.
Just in case anyone references this later on, we're still running the game and ed58 will be running it in Shots Fired (its first marathon) later this month. We have managed to get it down to about a 2 hour run, but there are still plenty of optimizations to be found. We also have a discord channel that we hang out in. If anyone wants information, send me a message, reply to this thread, or look for and comment on our videos on youtube.