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The Sid: 2017-04-21 10:39:38 am
The Sid: 2017-04-03 02:35:06 pm
The Sid: 2017-04-01 12:00:44 pm
The Sid: 2017-04-01 11:21:26 am
The Sid: 2017-03-31 12:54:10 pm
The Sid: 2017-03-31 12:38:12 pm
The Sid: 2017-03-29 04:54:36 pm
The Sid: 2017-03-28 03:01:11 pm
The Sid: 2017-03-28 02:50:33 pm
The Sid: 2017-03-27 01:51:49 pm
The Sid: 2017-03-27 10:18:09 am
The Sid: 2017-03-26 04:23:00 pm
The Sid: 2017-03-26 02:45:30 pm
The Sid: 2017-03-26 10:44:02 am
The Sid: 2017-03-26 10:28:54 am
The Sid: 2017-03-26 09:48:35 am
raising the stakes on being bad!
Im going to make this short and sweet my personal postion has changed and i no longer have the time to pot in work on the relay, it could be done half way, or not at all and i would rather not put on a poor show, that doesnt give the runners the effort they deserve. i may be able to bring it back but that is very unlikely. sorry for the time and thanks those that backed it. next time i promise a relay ill deliver. current runner list and all info, feasel has approved but has asked a few more quetions so i wil not say his speedgaming is 100% cuz as the past has taught me think are never 100%

X1 100%
X2 Any%
X3 100%
x4 Zero Any%
X5 all stages
X6 all stages ez

  this is just a relay (1 man) unless i get a lot of runners so i can do a race. right now waiting for the interest. 
also comments from the community at large can choose what we run, hopefully this test will end well and not blow up on me, though you will need to be read to do the run your self if you feel it need to be run.
submission thread    ( if this is an is for me plz pm me the info game category pb console twitch contact, in any of the contact methods i listed below) just i case we can get enough for a race submissions are still open.

i made a discord reasons my twitter is @The_S1d or pm here, feel free to contact me with any of these. this is back if some thing goes wrong

it will be here
  I created a goggle submission thread, ( i have opinions and other game submissions so non runners feel free too do on to give "pre" feed back in options, plz keep it positive, like if you recall an incident last relay that was tech ill try and chase the bug down and stop it ahead of time, or just as benign as team names or a layout boarder. dont forget my twitter will be a good spot to get almost instant response @The_S1d

  That's all for now,
      The "Shoryukenless" Sid out
Thread title:  
why host your own relay when crisco and everyone else has been doing monthly relays for months now?
raising the stakes on being bad!
idk when i came back it was an idea i had and didnt know of crisco at the time, then anounced that i was doing one, being told days later of criscos relays then, i was misinformed his were big meme, which i didnt check into, and found out later hes a good guy doing an honest thing.
we are working in tandem for now im doing mine because i said i would, and am trying to help crisco where i can, right now its because i said so, then i will see shat i want after that something less often with twists and high end runners assuming those in that statement even want that at all.
SMT 2 is my abusive girlfriend
what the
raising the stakes on being bad!
i want do it because i can like you whats the issue.
raising the stakes on being bad!
bump updated this and added basically all info for the relay, just missing baba's twitch cuz idkw other then that its just sit back wait and enjoy in may
hopefuully more runners try to join and i can worry about getting a lay over for a race rather then zzzzzzzzzzz 1 man boxed with timer, name, twitch link, etc etc.
raising the stakes on being bad!