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Quote from ridd3r.:
I think it's more that I just found everything in the game and it would be a waste to not put it to use! I've not got loads of free time, so I'd rather maximise one game. There're plenty of runners to run other games, so I think specialising makes sense.

Yeah if you've found one good game that you're not getting bored of, it's not such a wonder if you keep to that one. And MP is definitely popular enough so you know you're always gonna have people interested in what you've found.
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2012-03-07 04:31:19 am
ridd3r.: 2012-03-05 05:45:37 am
ridd3r.: 2012-02-26 03:45:41 pm
ridd3r.: 2012-02-26 03:42:38 pm
ridd3r.: 2012-02-25 05:51:25 pm
ridd3r.: 2012-02-22 04:17:26 pm
ridd3r.: 2012-02-21 04:35:16 pm
ridd3r.: 2012-02-19 04:05:40 pm
ridd3r.: 2012-02-19 04:05:05 pm
ridd3r.: 2012-02-18 04:29:58 pm
ridd3r.: 2012-02-17 04:40:59 pm
ridd3r.: 2012-02-17 04:40:14 pm
we have lift off
Attempt Log - This is my last post before getting the run, if you're interested you can read about my failures here:

14/02/2012 - First day of attempts, managed to get to p2c2 but got insta shotgunned in the crane area. I'm confident with parts 2 and 3, but I got incredibly unlucky.

17/02/2012 - Fourth day of attempts, died attempting the p1c8 super jump again; however I carried on and got it 2nd time. I died two more times in the run, p2c2 (I'll fix this easily though) and p3c8 (again I'll fix this easily). As usual things that just never go wrong in practise don't work in attempts. However, I'm very encouraged that ignoring the deaths my time would have been a high 56 and there were plenty of mistakes (though part 2 and 3 on the whole went very smoothly).  As it is it's a low 1:01, probably beating the current record.

18/02/2012 - p1c8 jump fail again! So that makes it 1 in 5 so far Sad

19/02/2012 - p1c7 epic grenade just after the construction site... I've managed to clear quite a few things up though, so hoping to get pummeled less in part 1 (I'm looking at you chapter 3!!!) which will take some pressure off.

21/02/2012 - p1c8 jump....again.... However, I did practise the jump a load afterwards and was getting 70%+ success rate. Then again my super jump success rate today was amazing.

22/02/2012 - 1 in 7, FFS

25/02/2012 - After a couple of days of inexplicably dying in p1c6, I got past the p1c8 jump only to die later in the level; I had no health at all so 1 shot killed me, basically unlucky early on.

26/02/2012 - Got to p1c9 and died (FUCKING MOLOTOVS)
                  - Got to p1c8 and failed the jump, I'm so pissed off right now

05/03/2012 - Got the p1c8 jump at the 2nd attempt, but died again in p3c6. Would have a been a high 56;xx with no deaths. However, I cracked the 1 hour mark! A low 59;xx!

06/03/2012 - Got to p2c3, died in the boss fight, pretty unlucky.

07/03/2012 - Got to p1c8 two times in a row and failed the jump both times!
18/02/2012 - p1c8 jump fail again! So that makes it 1 in 5 so far

I hope you allow yourself multiple tries on that one ... oh wait, do you always die when that fails?
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ridd3r.: 2012-02-19 03:30:08 am
we have lift off
Quote from jera:
I hope you allow yourself multiple tries on that one ... oh wait, do you always die when that fails?

Thanks for questioning that, I've just come up with a method that may give me more like a 50% chance or greater of getting the jump! I've tried before to make it a guarantee or give me more attempts but had no luck. Basically if I jump straight ahead into the beam and make a split second decision as to if it's a super jump or not I can make the jump if I then go for it. This will at least rule out the ones where I tried to be too quick and the ammo isn't shown, but it's almost impossible to distinguish if it's one where I was too slow.

The bottom line is if I think it's a super jump and it isn't then I have to reset, or die. If the trap door is opened (which it always will be from a normal jump attempt), then I then can't get through. Trying to do it from the other side fails as there's too much ceiling on that side.
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ridd3r.: 2012-03-03 02:44:31 am
we have lift off
Segmented run is up! Smiley
Remember your mantra.
^ & I really, really enjoyed it.
Informative commentary and solid game play, its a great addition to the site.
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sarou: 2012-03-02 02:15:19 pm
one-armed bandit
It's pretty amazing how you've managed to deal with all the bs this game has to offer. I mean you cant really know how unforgiving the game is unless you've tried to speedrun it. Anyway, amazing speedrun, so optimized :o. Liked the commentary aswell!
The Dork Knight himself.
rofl goto 41:19 in the vid and do frame advance, looks like someone isn't happy with the run Smiley
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ridd3r.: 2012-03-03 02:44:15 am
we have lift off
Quote from honorableJay:
rofl goto 41:19 in the vid and do frame advance, looks like someone isn't happy with the run Smiley

haha good shout!
May the way of the Hero lead to the Triforce!
This run is pretty mind-blowing. I wonder how I missed it being up for verification. Anyway, the run appears to use every trick in the book and be darn near perfectly optimized. Max Payne is one of my favorite games, and its so cool to see it played at this level of complete mastery.
Edit history:
ridd3r.: 2012-03-09 12:58:31 pm
ridd3r.: 2012-03-07 10:51:52 am
ridd3r.: 2012-03-07 10:51:11 am
we have lift off
56:41 0 deaths


My god this has been a long time coming. I've been attempting this on and off for well over a year. For comparison, this run vs my 10108 run was faster on every level bar p1c9 (I got unlucky) and p3c1 (I didn't get the SJ). Of course, the most important thing is that I finally managed to get a deathless run with the suicidal p1c8 SJ! Less than 30% of my runs made the super jump through the trap door.

I need opinions on the final video. I'm going to include loading screens as it's a SS run so I think it's best to leave everything in. However, I obviously started from pro1, so I could tag on the intro sequence that I recorded a while ago, or leave it basically the same as the run up on SDA at the moment?
The Dork Knight himself.
did something happen to the pro1 in this SS attempt?
we have lift off
Not sure what you mean, it's exactly the same as the current run. I just thought about maybe adding the intro cutscene on to the start.
Congratulations! I personally have seen the intro enough times as a result of your dedication to improving your runs, but maybe it seems more 'official' if you include it?
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ridd3r.: 2012-03-07 03:42:37 pm
we have lift off
Quote from NMS:
Congratulations! I personally have seen the intro enough times as a result of your dedication to improving your runs, but maybe it seems more 'official' if you include it?

It's a bit of a no win situation. If I include it then there's the possible misconception that I started with a new game each time. I'm leaning towards just leaving it as is.
we have lift off
Run is on youtube, enjoy!

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Liderharen: 2012-03-08 03:52:50 pm
An absolutely amazing run and congratulations on finally achieving your goal. But... Does this mean we have seen the last of Max Payne speed runs? Tongue
Iha paska
Awesome work! Smiley
Had to immediately link this to a friend of mine who works at RMD.
Heard that Sam (No other than the man himself) and Olli Liked this run. Kept shaking their heads while you performed the super jumps as devs knew about that bug so they immediately knew how you did that :p
They showed this to some other dudes as well such as the resident Max Payne guru/lvl designer 'Anssi' who has the same 100% headshot "all the time" technique, I guess you just beat him at this game Wink

So yeah, Mr. Max Payne himself approves this run!
Again, congrats on such an awesome run. Definitely one of the personal top-5 on SDA for me!
we have lift off
Wow that's cool, it is amazing how much you can do with just 1 simple trick; glad the devs enjoyed it!
Great run. And that's an insane amount of endurance you've got.

Did you curse whenever the super jump failed 3 or 4 times in a row?
It is a work of art.
we have lift off
Quote from Liderharen:
But... Does this mean we have seen the last of Max Payne speed runs?

For now at least!

Quote from Kabuto:
Did you curse whenever the super jump failed 3 or 4 times in a row?

It's very important not to get frustrated when you can't nail a super jump, otherwise it will turn into 15+ seconds of failure which is basically run over. When I failed 2-3 times I had to be really confident about getting it, that was the main thing really. As I said my average success rate was good, as a nailed loads 1st try and at important points.
Simply stunning !
And if you miss  speedrunning in some time, you can go with Max Payne 2, I guess it uses the same engine so you can break it too!
After watching through that 42min run, I'm tentatively willing to admit that you may have some skill. :p

No seriously, that's an incredible vid. And nice commentary too!
F*ckin' sanity effects...
ridd3r, I've been enjoying your runs for a long time now, and I just have to tell you how utterly impressive your recent segmented and SS runs have been.  I love your commentary too.  Thanks for the amazing entertainment!