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ridd3r.: 2014-03-12 05:54:29 pm
we have lift off

I knew a consistent approach would pay off! I hit every save glitch quickly, both start of level and mid level, and I think that's something that makes this run particularly solid. The super jumps were decent on the whole, with some very good sections, but as always a few ones took a few more attempts.

The only annoying thing is the sound messed up for a few seconds on a couple of levels in part 3; nothing significant, but it just screwed up a bit. It happens sometimes, but it's very rare.

Anyway, time to encode! I'll definitely submitting this.
Dragon Power Supreme
Mindblowing. Congratulations on the record! Can't wait to see it.
The Dork Knight himself.
VOD or it didn't happen Wink
Quote from honorableJay:
VOD or it didn't happen Wink

Precisely. You shouldn't assume we'll believe everything a first-timer like you... oh wait.
we have lift off

Quote from honorableJay:
VOD or it didn't happen Wink

I guess it did happen! I uploaded this last night, but it took forever to process, anyway enjoy!
congratulations, insane time - how much further do you think you can push it?
See you in verification folks! Won't watch it until then.
we have lift off
Quote from bubbleb0bbler:
congratulations, insane time - how much further do you think you can push it?

Push what? This run?
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bubbleb0bbler: 2014-03-20 06:48:32 am
yep, if you were to continue to try to push it (though I wouldn't blame you if you didn't feel the need)
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ridd3r.: 2014-03-20 02:49:53 pm
we have lift off
Obviously not much further given it's currently being verified! As you can see from the previous pages, sub 52 has been my target for over a year and I did that with time to spare. I was faster than my SS run on virtually every level, obviously including those without the save glitch. I got unlucky in a couple of places, but that's almost unavoidable in this game and crucially I lost very little time. The reason I'm so happy with this is it's just very solid; I knew before I timed it that this was the run.

I could of course devote all my spare time to just playing this and treat it basically like a job, which some people do, but that's not how I approach Speedruns. I give it a few months of attempts and come up with a hard goal and keep going until I get it. One thing this game doesn't have the benefit of is competition, since I'm the only person who runs this game. I've done all the hard work coming up with the strategies and setting the initial goals. In my opinion, the only Speedruns which are really hard to beat are those which have had loads of people competing and even then, all it takes is one new discovery and suddenly that's not so hard anymore. I really tried hard to optimise the DoA segmented run, but now it can be beaten with the start of level saveglitch.

I'm now happy with the SS and RTA runs and the only run I'd be happy to do for this game is a team segmented run, so if anyone is genuinely interested in that, let me know! The route is basically the existing run, with the start of level save glitches added, which will mean careful balancing of saves (limited to 7 on DoA).
You're still one of the people I'm most ready to include in my "top props" list out of all the speed runners I've been following, just to let you know.
we have lift off
Run's up! Complete with audio commentary, enjoy.
I'm SO gonna watch it again with that commentary! :))) Just came back from ESA so might have some time soon.