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ridd3r.: 2011-07-06 03:33:05 pm
we have lift off
No I was only joking. Having to do the levels in 1 segment definitely made it hard, but as it turns out the DMW glitch was only active for 5 levels. I've actually made faster progress since it's been deactivated as well, though the segments are somewhat similar to the NYM run. If I do an RTA run after this segmented run I'd expect I'll be using DMW for all of part 1, but I'd need to test it to find out the fastest route. It would obviously make an RTA run much easier, but as you say it's not really had that effect on this run.
Ok then :-)

Btw, out of interest, at which times do you normally stream? Love to watch it but it seems I always miss it :-)
we have lift off
Part I, Chapter 9:

Part 1 done! A fair amount of save glitching, saving loads of time; sub 50 is basically a guarantee now.

Quote from jera:
Ok then :-)

Btw, out of interest, at which times do you normally stream? Love to watch it but it seems I always miss it :-)

Umm, weekends most likely, though it's just whenever I feel like it. If there's an interesting segment or whatever. I'm in the UK, so we're on GMT +1 atm. I post in the streaming section when I'm about to stream.
we have lift off
Part II, Prologue:

Also, I was messing around with save glitching at the end of levels and found this:

Obviously not useful for Speedrunning and I've tested the various results on other levels, but it's pretty cool! I might have a blast through the game on fugitive or hard boiled just to get a save at the end and then I can explore. I'll probably stream it sometime tomorrow.
Great job as always. I'll be there to watch you play on stream!
we have lift off
Before you watch it, place your bets. Did I manage to do the boss fight without slow-mo?

Part II, Chapter 1:

The first roll in the run that actually costs me some frames, but there's no way I could find to beat the boss without it. The strat I used here seemed totally impossible when I first started experimenting.

A typical set of attempts for the boss fight went something like this:
Instantly killed from shotgunner in the back - reset x5
Instantly killed by ingrammer inside
Instantly killed from shotgunner in the back - reset x2
Failed to kill 1 of the guys on the left
.....Some time later - Kill both on left, killed by boss. You get the idea. Oh and killed by shotgunner behind after killing all 4, yeah that happened a few times as well.

Having said that, there's definitely a knack to it and before I got this I could at least see it was going to happen soon. Like most of this run, the problem is working out the route and getting a feel for the segment.

Now, to get the sniper or not to get the sniper. That is the question.
Amazing work!! Without slomo is without slomo, the roll is just something you need :-).

I would say get the sniper, there will be some tough fights ahead so I think you really need it. On the other hand, it is pretty much untested territory and I was in the beginning not even sure you could do DoA without slomo; so maybe you won't even need the sniper =) (although it is very efficient to use). Keep up the good work!
we have lift off
Part II, Chapter 2:

The 2nd segment I got quickly, despite having 3 super jumps and having to manipulate the enemy fire at the start. Most of the time was spent planning. Sniper's definitely not worth getting, but it took loads of testing to work out the best strats. I had a choice to get 100+ ingram ammo here but at the cost of 0.5s. As it turns out I can get ingram ammo in the p2c3 boss fight costing me nothing. p2c3 will be 3 segments, including a save glitched boss fight.
we have lift off
Part II, Chapter 3:

The first segment was tricky, but I got it pretty quickly and it was very quick compared with my testing and other attempts. Doing up to the boss fight would be too much to do in one segment. Save glitching obviously saves a significant amount of time for the boss. One thing to take note of, I need to kill the three guys in a specific order in order for Dime to go to the back where the explosives are. If you look carefully, you can see I get the luckiest shot ever through the bars with ingrams to kill the guy standing next to dime while firing at the guy in front of me. Then again what are segments for!
evil does it
I'm truly amazed of your skill in this game.
It's fun to see how you have perfected the superjump compared to when you first discovered it.
To put it simple, you have picked this game apart...and that ain't a bad thing Smiley
we have lift off
Quote from mytot:
It's fun to see how you have perfected the superjump compared to when you first discovered it.

Yeah it's come a long way, that's for sure Smiley

Part II, Chapter 4:

Yeah, that soon... What can I say I'm on a roll, not literally though that would be slower than running (oh dear).

This level was done in 2 segments. The first goes up to the sewer entrance, then to the end. I have to do 3 super jumps and the fire skip (which is pretty hard and random to get). I was a couple of frames slow skipping the kill cutscene just before the sewers, but comparing with other attempts I was still fast there. However I forgot to reload before saving! This gave me just enough rope to hang myself for the 2nd segment. I had to kill 4 enemies with 48 ingram ammo, which is tough when the first guys in line act like shields to the others.
we have lift off
Part II, Chapter 5:

More no slow-mo craziness basically.

Part II is done!
we have lift off
It's the 10 year anniversary of max payne on 23rd July (Saturday), so I'm going to do a fugitive run and save glitch the end cutscene and just generally mess around throughout I expect (save glitches, possibly DMW glitch etc.). I'll stream from about 2:00pm BST (GMT+1). Should be some fun, watch if you're interested.
we have lift off
Part III, Prologue:

This is definitely my least favourite level. It's broken into 3 segments with 1 save glitch. Not getting the 2nd fall cancel on the blood lines is not a mistake, I need to land so I get a long roll onto the next line, with the fall cancel it's impossible. I've tested it extensively and it's definitely faster this way than getting the rolls setup so that I can get both fall cancels.

Sorry for totally bailing on the fugitive run, I'll definitely run it later today, it will be archived anyway in case you miss it live. I just wanted to get this level out of the way this weekend and there was a fair bit of testing for it.
we have lift off
Part III, Chapter 1:

Only 7 levels left to go!
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mytot: 2011-07-26 05:16:39 pm
evil does it
Now you're just showing off...superjump through door before landing....enough!! Wink
Seriously....plain awesome!
we have lift off
Part III, Chapter 2:

Tons of luck manipulation and painful resets to make sure I take no damage. I managed to not roll at all, though I very nearly didn't find a way to get through the cracked shutter without getting instantly killed... No crosshair thanks to the save glitch. I marked the screen but it's a CRT, not a flat screen, so it basically sucked.

For my final time, 48:xx is already definite, 46:xx is likely.
we have lift off
Part III, Chapter 3:

Almost on the home straight, but chapter 4 is a big level...

I forgot to exclude loading screens in my final time estimate, it should be sub 45 minutes!
destroy them with lazers
I've held off watching this until its done. But from the small section i've let myself watch its looking awesome. Keep up the good work.
we have lift off
Part III, Chapter 4:

Wow what a hectic level! Bullets flying everywhere, there's some serious luck manipulation in this. I managed to find some decent time references so I knew when to run past the death lines. As I say loads of luck manipulation as I got killed by people all the time.

The final segment stumped me for a bit, the boss just would not die, though my testing clearly showed 1 grenade and 4 body shots or better with the sniper killed him. I eventually double checked the pen dot crosshair I had put on the screen and found it was off. The problem is you have to calibrate it from a set distance, if you do it from a long distance it just doesn't work, so anyway once I figured that out the boss started finally dying with consistency. Then it was just a case of repeat repeat repeat until I didn't get killed going for the phone (and yet more repeats to get a fast time!). Another thing that cropped up was a difference of about 1s in the length of the cutscene after the loading screen. Where Max slow-mo jumps out of the window, on "slow cycles" it's 1s slower. I never really checked it properly, but I think about 50% of the time it's fast, 50% it's slow. Whether or not I would have been in my rights to edit in a fast one, since it's not actually gameplay I don't know, but I didn't feel comfortable doing that and I nailed this run with a fast cycle Smiley
we have lift off
Part III, Chapter 5:

The super jump to the balcony is very hard to get. I'm aiming for about a 1 pixel platform and I have to hit jump on the frame that I'm there! Very roughly 1/100 got the jump, but usually it would take a fair few frames to actually make the jump. Here I basically landed straight on it! Nice super jump at the end as well, that's another tight one, just barely making it over both lasers.

I take a fair amount of damage from the fall, but I shouldn't take any damage in the next level, apart from a bit more fall damage. Then it all gets replenished for p3c7.
we have lift off
Part III, Chapter 6:

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ridd3r.: 2011-08-11 05:21:25 am
ridd3r.: 2011-08-11 05:20:56 am
we have lift off
Part III, Chapter 7:

Well that was hard! I can't believe you can actually do that level without rolling. It took loads of planning to work out how though. I think 2 painkillers and full health will be OK for the last level, at least I'm hoping.

Final time will be 45:xx. I might scrape 44:59, but the save penalty will put it over to 45:xx (23-24s save penalty).
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ridd3r.: 2011-08-17 11:14:40 am
we have lift off
Part III, Chapter 8! Obsoleted.

Finito. [45:11] w/ save penalty.

Single video incoming on youtube. I was thinking of doing something fun for the secret finale, haven't thought of anything specific yet though. Youtube playlist.

I'm calling for verifiers for the run (verifier copy should be ready tomorrow).
I just wanted to say this run is amazing.

I tried this game and found it incredibly hard until I realized that slow-mo slows you down less than the enemies and you're supposed to use it for basically every fight. Then I decided I didn't really like it. But seeing you destroy the enemies "fairly" is awesome.