Preddy: Even if Ridd3r did speak with a lot of slang, I would rather have him speak naturally with slang than restraining himself without slang. I think the solution is to practice up on your English.
I'd also like to chime in here: I guess PreddY meant to say "dialect" and not "slang". And: Just because someone speaks in a *dialect*, doesn't mean they don't speak "proper" English. It should be perfectly understandable, and listening to it here and there I didn't hear any heavy "slang". And this wasn't even bad, says the not-natively-English-speaker-who-moved-to-Northern-England. Here, if a shopkeeper says "YARGHL!" it apparently means "You alright?", which translates to "hello". Also "ginger twat" is also some kind of greeting, 'cause people keep shouting it at me. Nice folks. Would be a tremendous shame if Middlesbrough, Officially The Worst FRIENDLIEST Town In The United Kingdom would burn to the ground or anything, with nice folks like that. Why, I've only *barely* been stabbed since I got here! </rant>
So no, had no problems listening to it. Haven't gotten around to watching the run or listening to the whole thing yet, but it ought to be fun. ...Except for the fan noise.
As Mike said, I can't give an effective audio commentary if I'm speaking in a completely unnatural way. Here in England I would normally be regarded as someone without much of an accent at all to be honest so I'm sure the commentary will be fine for everyone who can speak English. Anyway, glad some of you enjoyed it, I aim to give as much information as possible on the run so it should be interesting to those of you who have experience with the game. Its good to hear feedback about the run anyway, I'v heard quite a bit of positive feedback from other websites so far. A lot of people have noted the nostalgia they have felt watching the run, what a great game
Although this is not exactly the right place to put it (not at all the right place to put it), I am moving into final exams for uni and so the world of goo speedrun is on a break for now. I will get it done in the summer though but right now I haven't really got time for it. I will resurrect that topic when I start attempting, though all the planning for all the levels is done.
...Except for the fan noise.
It should move into the background pretty easily after a minute or so of watching.
Haven't gotten around to the commentary (which I will once I have some spare time after uni), but I did watch the run and I must say it was extremely well done. I've pretty much enjoyed it and it's in my favourites list
my russian brain understood the audio commentary pretty clearly... once the fan noise started filtering out =p though the voice quality also was somewhat weird, so combined with your fan this could make it hard for some folks... nice commentary, gives some insight in little subtle things along the way. if i were a local dictator, i would require everyone to release speedruns with audio comms or else... =) awesome run of the awesome game, thanks ridd3r.
loved the bit where he says 'look down at your keyboard,' so you'd miss the death. funny thing is, that was one of the few tim i was away from the computer, and for exactly the eight seconds he was talking about. Damn you cruel fate!
Preddy: Even if Ridd3r did speak with a lot of slang, I would rather have him speak naturally with slang than restraining himself without slang. I think the solution is to practice up on your English.
meh, I was unaware of that fan thing and the bad quality mixed in made it hard...afterwards, it was ok. and my english is pro, I had it during my diploma and so on...
I just finished watching the whole thing, with commentary: Awesome. Just awesome. Also, the only slang I really noticed: Called someone a "dozy twat". Which is funny. Poor Ridd3r. Everybody talking about his slang instead of his run...
I just finished watching the whole thing, with commentary: Awesome. Just awesome. Also, the only slang I really noticed: Called someone a "dozy twat". Which is funny. Poor Ridd3r. Everybody talking about his slang instead of his run...
No its cool, been plenty of very positive feedback so thanks to everyone for that, only one person said they couldn't understand it and I guess thats bound to happen.
Quote from Ferneu:
This is one of the hardest games I have ever played and all I can say is: FANTASTIC!
Dude, if you did not cheat at all, this run is simply amazing! This is, by far, one of the best, if not best run on this site
Thanks! Should be pretty clear I was not cheating though, given the death .
This is one of the hardest games I have ever played and all I can say is: FANTASTIC!
Dude, if you did not cheat at all, this run is simply amazing! This is, by far, one of the best, if not best run on this site
Thanks! Should be pretty clear I was not cheating though, given the death .
Dude, I reached a point in my life where I only believe in what I can see. And in this case that can be translated to: only when you do all that in front of me, here in my house, using my computer, etc.
I enter the realm of SDA holding that poster on Fox Moulder office: "I want to believe". Please don't take that as an offence. This attitude I am presenting here is not only towards you, but towards every single demo here. I simplt don't trust the internets
When I watch a demo, I try to put my self on a state of mind where I can say: "OMFG, he/she really made it!!!" But you are way wrong if you think I'd bet my life on the authenticity of something that "came from the internets" eheh
By the way, one death throughout the whole game means nothing. You have finished the whole game dying (I never know how to type die + ing properly hehe) only once while I have spent hours only trying to pass that damn "laser elevator" stage without resorting to quicksaves. Half of those attempts ended right at the start of the level on those three granade laucher guys. And I'm not even playing (I hope typed this one right too) on the same difficult level as you. I'm on the middle one, which name I've forgotten right now.
So, since you have finished the game having to "restart" a level only once, congratulations. If you did not cheat, :), it is simply awesome. I for one have just been able to finish the above mentioned elevator level and it has probably taken about 50 attempts before being able to reach the end without saving.
By the way, I've read your coments and used your strategy to make the chopper go away quicker. It works great. Thanks for that. And I don't know if you already knew that but, you don't need to fire at the heli using bullet time. At least on the version of Max Payne I'm playing (1.05, if I'm not mistaken), all I had to do was to fire 20 Colt Command bullets at it, in real time. So far it has worked flawlessly.
Thanks again for you strategies (they have helped me more than once) and remember that nothing said above is personal. I really enjoyed watching you run, and I'm downloading the commentary track right now. I think it should make the run even better (yes, I am one of those who listen to the director's commentary after watching a movie - sometimes it is better than the movie itself coff... Super Bad... coff, coff)
Well... now I've done it. You guys would not believe what I just did.
There I was, on the last part of the game. Shot one cable, turned around, shot a granade back to the half dozen of heavy armed fellas that appear from nowhere and hope for the best. They all die. Good. Shot the other cable and... and... and I've managed to complete forget about shotting the damn tower. I've just sat there, alone, awaiting for the ending that never came while the helicopter pilot made his countdown.
Well, now that I've finally been able to unlock the hardest game mode, is it just me or you actually receive more bullet time per kill here than on the previous difficult setting?
Well, now that I've finally been able to unlock the hardest game mode, is it just me or you actually receive more bullet time per kill here than on the previous difficult setting?
No idea, I never have a problem with running out of bullet time, just make sure you shoot all the enemies twice in the head and then once more to make sure. (My boss strats should be very useful for the hardest setting).
And I don't know if you already knew that but, you don't need to fire at the heli using bullet time. At least on the version of Max Payne I'm playing (1.05, if I'm not mistaken), all I had to do was to fire 20 Colt Command bullets at it, in real time. So far it has worked flawlessly.
Remember you are playing on an easier setting, it takes about 30 bullets on DoA meaning and to make sure they all hit properly I used a bit of bullet time.
I have spent hours only trying to pass that damn "laser elevator" stage without resorting to quicksaves. Half of those attempts ended right at the start of the level on those three granade laucher guys. And I'm not even playing (I hope typed this one right too) on the same difficult level as you. I'm on the middle one, which name I've forgotten right now.
Yeah I remember the first time I played it on NYM I died loads, I played it on the PS2 version meaning you couldn't quick save and the save points were a bit annoyingly spread out. It took a while, before I even started speedrunning this, before I could do each level without dieing but I don't think I had that much trouble.
Of course you can't be 100% sure I wasn't cheating but the death does help to show I was not cheating. Also I carefully kept all the raw fraps files which would prove the time of creations all matched it being a single segment, however, I guess you could cheat that as well.
In the end, you have to look at all the available evidence and make your own judgement. When I view a speedrun I only ever question its authenticity if there is something there that looks dodgy, otherwise I see no reason to assume it is not authentic. Also, even if the guy did cheat, they are only fooling themselves really and we all just have to hope that the speedrunning community is mature enough to not cheat. Take the single segment of supermetroid, my first thought was it was a TAS, he even did the whole L and R bashing to make it look like one! I have just come to the conclusion that he is ungodly good at that game. I take no offence at your standpoint that there is no complete proof any speedrun is without some sort of cheat. Hopefully you can just see it for what it really is.
Dude. Lets not concetrate on that issue anymore. If there wasn't a little part of me that believe in the skill demonstrated by some people here (and that includes you), I would not be here.
And you are right about hitting the chopper. On the hardest setting it does take 30 bullets. And as you have already stated, it doesn't have to be on bullet time. I've only mentioned that because I saw it the video comments and though, at the time, it was some sort of requirement. Since when I've reached that level I had so little bullet time, I had to try doing some real time shooting and then I saw that it worked that way too.
And I have little doubt now that you do receive more bullete time per kill on DOA. I've just finished the game and there was a clear difference. Perhaps the developers thought of that as a helping hand, since you have a limited number of saves this time around. In the matter of fact, this saving limit (and the bullet time) was the only difference I've noticed. The number of enemies seems the same, they follow the same pattern and they are all able to kill you with a single shot, if you are unlucky. Some levels are so hard that it is almost as if the programmers intended some quick saves here and there, and that is why I think the great difference beteween the difficult settings is simply the limited number of saves.
Having finished the game on the medium difficult setting (which name I never remember), I have aquired enough skill to quickly blaze through it on DOA. This time tough I have nothing else to proove for my self so I've saved the game a couple a times. To tell you the truth, once one aquired enough skill to win without saving, 7 quick saves become enough for the whole game
I thank you for showing me the winning strat. When a noob see the bullet time shoot dodge combo, he ends up using it a lot instead of going the way you go, enter bullet time, aim, shoot, return to real time, dodge. That is the way to go on this game. In the matter of fact, that is the only way to finish it wihtout saving after every fight.
One last thing. ridd3r., you are the most experienced player on this game I know. Could you just check the bullet time thingy for me? I'd like you to confirm if you really gain less bullet time on the medium difficult setting or if it is just me going crazy here.
OK so I wanted to go back to using this topic for my max payne speedrun as I can control the title etc. I just found how to do the super jump in Max Payne! Similar to Max Payne 2, you switch guns and just before it shows the ammo you press jump. For example I switch to deagle it shows the /12 immediately but I wait until just before it shows the number of bullets in the clip i.e. 5/12 then I jump and he does a very high jump, maybe 3-4 times as high as a normal jump. I don't know if anyone knew this already, I certainly haven't seen it anywhere when for example, there are youtube videos of max payne 2 for double and triple jumps.
It appears to be difficult to perform as you have to be very accurate when you press jump, I'm not sure if its frame accurate, I can do it a fair bit so probably you have a bit more time than that but its certainly not 100% and not as easy as in max payne 2. However, for my IL run I can use it to save a lot of time on p1c7, p1c8 and p1c9 (got to do them again now :[ ). Thankfully I can't see any other places that would be useful to save time on part 1. I am on p2c2 and on this chapter there are a few places to use it, similarly later on in the game and at the start of p2c3. In summary, it is a big break through and I will be interested in seeing my run finished with the use of the super jump. I was planning on doing a SS NYM run and redo my DoA run as I have found plenty of other time savers as well so with this discovery I should be able to make some pretty impressive records. For example I just tried p1c9 with the jump and was only 1 second slower than my previous best but I wasn't even trying to be fast! I ran instead of rolling and it was messy so that just shows how much time I can save.
No doubt you won't be as excited as me about it but you can have loads of fun with it as well, go to pretty much anywhere you want in the game, get on a train in p1c7 for example.
I will post a youtube video showing loads of stuff I have done with it so stand by
I really......really hope not. Its hard enough to do once! I think the odds of doing it twice would be pretty low. Its pretty easy to see where to use it, its just a case of actually pulling it off! Only got 3 levels to redo so could be a lot worse. Would be good if people could experiment with it and see if you can do it in mid air, i.e a double super jump essentially.
Hmmm, I can't seem to get it to work, need some more info on it:
1) What version of Max Payne are you running? I've got 1.05 (last patch that I know of) and can't get it to work. ***EDIT*** I hope you're not using an earlier version of the game. I just tried reinstalling it but my cd contains the 1.05 version.
2) How are you switching weapons? Are you using the next/previous weapon binds or going through the menus manually?
3) Do you need to go from a two-handed weapon to a pistol and vice versa or just change weapons?
4) What frame rate are you getting? 60, 75, 100? I'm assuming it's 60 due to recording restrictions, but still would be good to know (for frame accuracy).
1) 1.05, I run it through steam so I have the most up to date version. 2) Manually, remember the speed of switching is completely irrelevant, all you are trying to do is press just at the same time as the number of bullets in the clip shows up. 3) doesn't matter what weapon, its all about jumping when the game shows you the number of bullets in the clip i.e. 12/36 for a deagle, when the 12 shows up. 4) I'm actually running at 30 as thats what I am recording for my speedrun, I think its easier on 30 than 60, run fraps if you have it and give it a go. I have done in with 60 frames though so its definitely possible.
okay, got it to work at 60fps, 100fps, and 120fps. It is frame dependant, the exact frame is right as Max grabs the gun and it appears (from looking down at him from the top) which just happens to be the same frame that the ammo count is drawn. I'm gonna give it a go at 30fps and see if that makes it any easier to pull off.
Okay, for some odd reason every time I try to use fraps with max payne the game drops down to 20fps no matter what I set the capture rate to. But the good news is I've found a reliable method for doing the jump. If you have a metronome, set it to 180bpm. That is the timing you should use for hitting jump after you've clicked to change weapons.
It is definitely easier to nail with a lower frame rate, but the timing is the same regardless.
can you capture other games with about the same processing load at faster fps? if not its maybe your computer not being able to capture any faster, then the game slows down. Record to a different hard drive than your main, that's probably it (a SATA II is good if possible, take out the SATA I jumper), otherwise a faster processor.