I know this is serious time sign ups and all, but this is the best I can do right now.
Breakdown - ? - ? - Quads - ?
All those ?s merit further explanation certainly, so here we go. Short version of the story is my workplace is currently in an upheaval at the moment and it's far from certain whether or not I still have a job there come the end of the month, let alone come January (on the plus side, I survived the first round of lay offs, but things are still far from certain for me). I likely won't know for sure if my position is safe until close to or after the set October 5th deadline (though if things go poorly, I could know any day). With this in mind, trying to lock in time off right now is probably not in my best interest. Plus, if I do have to get a new job I'm not sure what kind of time off policies whatever my employer happens to be might have. Now, regardless of what comes of all this, I can guarantee I'll be there for an absolute bare minimum of 3 days (and that is the total worst case scenario, I'd say if it falls to less than the whole marathon 4 is more likely). Ideally, I'm there for the full 8 plus MAGfest. Can't be more concrete than that right now, sorry.
As for the ? for cash I can throw now, money's tight for me right now, and with possible unemployment looming I don't want to commit to an amount I can't do. I'd say it's likely I can come up with the 20-25% by the deadline, but I'm kinda playing things by ear right now.
First post updated. Clarified the bit about couples pricing and added pricing in case if one person wants to pay for the couple in the first post.
Breakdown: I know we discussed this on IRC, but I should be able to cover you if you don't have enough money by that time.
Tri-Hex: Glad to know you have so much cash. I guess you'll be paying for the entire place.
Maybe I should clarify more or use the word nights instead of days, because neskamikaze would actually be staying for 4 days (5-8th), then leaving on the 9th.
Just FYI:
6 days: 5-10th, leaving on the 11th 7 days: 5-11th, leaving on the 12th 8 days: 5-12th, either leaving or going to MAGFest on the 13th
UltraJMan: You've been added to the list. And yeah, do another marathon instead of scrounging up ChaCha all day. The first one was only insanely successful.
No problem.
Price estimate for a quad that isn't shared (per person).
Is the money refundable before December 5th? Currently not sure of the situation right now(Been discussing it, we're working on pricing and whatnot in the household), so I kinda need to know before we decide on it.
Oh and instead of Paypal, can we send you the check Mike? We're not fond of putting that type of info on the internet. =/ Blame the old lady.
UltraJMan: I would suggest looking for a plane ticket earlier rather than later. You're more likely to get a good deal if you sign up earlier.
Axel Ryman: I don't know if the money is refundable, but I'm going to say no it isn't. This is serious time sign ups, and you need to make up your mind. And yes, you can pay by check.