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Use \ before commas in usernames
If you beg real nice I might even consider making a help document for it.  I just haven't because I figure nobody reads those anyways.
Edit history:
dballin: 2011-12-13 04:58:00 pm
Balls jerky
I have absolutely no clue what I'm looking at right now. Bunch of jars in a classroom or something haha. I'm sure there's a basic explanation of what to do somewhere in the past 12 pages, but mannnn.

Is there a local database file/thing in this folder somewhere?
Not a walrus
Just do 'in-memory db' unless you want to save what you're messing around with.
Edit history:
dballin: 2011-12-13 05:00:45 pm
Balls jerky
im assuming that's Hsqldb Memory in the drop down box? If yes, now I need an initialization file.

ok maybe I dont?
no, the init file is optional (and currently doesn't work, I've just been too lazy to remove it).

If you want to save data between sessions, use the file DB option, and just point it to an empty directory somewhere on your machine.
Edit history:
dballin: 2011-12-13 05:28:07 pm
dballin: 2011-12-13 05:13:45 pm
Balls jerky
All searches are case sensitive. grrr!

Kinda figuring this out a little. I guess you need to save new donor info before adding a donation. Just cleared everything I added. heh

Entering nothing in a field and then saving makes it go into crazy number string mode haha. Don't know if this is intentional or not, but it's kinda funny.
Edit history:
SMK: 2011-12-13 05:36:22 pm
SMK: 2011-12-13 05:33:34 pm
SMK: 2011-12-13 05:32:15 pm
SMK: 2011-12-13 05:26:38 pm
SMK: 2011-12-13 05:22:02 pm
ah, yes, there's a reason that's happening, I'll fix that ASAP.

Edit: oops, that means its refreshing the donor data when I add a donation, which shouldn't happen, I'll fix that too. Oh, wait, I see, its because you switch tabs as a result... Hmm, I could change it so it keeps your old data in the text boxes if you switch tabs.  Right now, its re-grabbing the info from the cache when redrawing the tab.  Acutally, I'm not sure which is the right thing to do.

I'll throw this one out right away too: if you enter the wrong login information for a remote database, it won't notice that it failed until you run the first query.  I'm still looking at the best way to detect that situation right away (if I can't find anything elegant, obviously I'll just send a single do-nothing query).

@ entering nothing in a field: yeah, that's intentional, its a work-around for UA's site: his site expects strings to never be null, and the db expects all names for most entities to be unique.  Previously I got around this problem by setting the name to null, but then that breaks UA's website.  The key is that you DO NOT want to save something with an empty string.
Balls jerky
ok adding a bid confuses me, but probably only because I don't know what each line is supposed to mean. Obviously speedrun is simple enough. Bid name would be??? like 100% or is that the option? What does BidState do?

I can type in the little box next to where it says option name, but I can't type anything in the big box where it says options.

bahhhh. I started clicking buttons on the bottom since I couldn't hit ok. Clicking New Challenge gives me a tiny pop out box asking for amount. I put 100 and it then kicked me out of the add bid page and told me the challenge amount was higher than the bid amount. I'm now back at the add donation page I'm assuming with nothing saved.
Edit history:
SMK: 2011-12-13 05:44:02 pm
SMK: 2011-12-13 05:44:00 pm
SMK: 2011-12-13 05:42:53 pm
SMK: 2011-12-13 05:42:52 pm
Okay, for things like naming a certain character, you have two things

the bid, which is 'naming cloud', and then the set of options, which are like 'sephiroth', 'poxnor', 'emo', etc...

So, in the bid field you type the filter of bid names you want to search on, then click search (click search btw, that's how you get the list of availiable entities), and it will populate the list on the right, and then when you click on a bid in the right pane, it will populate the options box.  You can then click on one of those to return it.

The 'add new' buttons are for creating new options/challenges on the fly, without having to go through the normal process.  What it does is it takes the settings you entered in those fields, and tries to create a new entity with those properties.  After it created the new challenge for you, it asks you how much of that person's donation you wanted to put towards that challenge, but then you probably made the amount higher than the donation, so it error'd out.  The challenge was still probably created though.  That's kind of still a WIP, I'm trying to find the fastest way data-entry wise for associating donations with bids, evidently its not very intuitive.
Edit history:
dballin: 2011-12-13 06:12:19 pm
dballin: 2011-12-13 06:11:06 pm
dballin: 2011-12-13 06:06:04 pm
dballin: 2011-12-13 06:04:11 pm
dballin: 2011-12-13 05:56:47 pm
dballin: 2011-12-13 05:51:22 pm
dballin: 2011-12-13 05:49:58 pm
Balls jerky
Yeah I thought it meant the goal for the challenge not how much of that donation would go to the challenge. Once I figure out how to actually create challenges I'll try it out.

Ahh! It's under "search run" after you select a game and sure enough 100% is there so it did save it. New Choice/Challenge boxes under "Search Bid" are grayed out so I got really confused for a second there. The create new challenge via donation actually works well once you know how to use it.

Under Search Prize the Create New.. button either does nothing or I'm doing it wrong somehow. Searching prizes requires you to type the full name of the prize. Searching perler or plushie comes up with 0 results even though I added a few of them to test this. Is it possible to return partial matches?

I'll play with this some more later. Is there anything in particular I should be looking out for or just keep stumbling around the program and hope I break some more stuff?
Edit history:
SMK: 2011-12-13 06:43:44 pm
SMK: 2011-12-13 06:38:02 pm
Quote from dballin:
Yeah I thought it meant the goal for the challenge not how much of that donation would go to the challenge. Once I figure out how to actually create challenges I'll try it out.

Ahh! It's under "search run" after you select a game and sure enough 100% is there so it did save it. New Choice/Challenge boxes under "Search Bid" are grayed out so I got really confused for a second there. The create new challenge via donation actually works well once you know how to use it.

Under Search Prize the Create New.. button either does nothing or I'm doing it wrong somehow. Searching prizes requires you to type the full name of the prize. Searching perler or plushie comes up with 0 results even though I added a few of them to test this. Is it possible to return partial matches?

I'll play with this some more later. Is there anything in particular I should be looking out for or just keep stumbling around the program and hope I break some more stuff?

Stumble away.  I've been really bad about doing any sort of testing, usually when I'm devoting time to this at all, its 100% new features, which is awful dev practice I know, but you're doing a good job of pointing out problems as it is; I can almost pinpoint the line where a given problem is the moment you tell me.

Wow, sorry, I accendentlly put this in the quote:
Edit: If anything, try to do things that would be unexpected, like put in things with duplicate names, try using negative amounts, that type of thing, and then see if anything falls apart.
Edit history:
Rakuen: 2011-12-13 07:25:08 pm
Rakuen: 2011-12-13 07:05:18 pm
Rakuen: 2011-12-13 07:02:14 pm
Weegee Time
Quote from SMK:
If you beg real nice I might even consider making a help document for it.  I just haven't because I figure nobody reads those anyways.

1) Type things.
2) Click buttons.
3) ????

I do all the hard work so you don't have to! Tongue

Quote from SMK:
Oh, wait, I see, its because you switch tabs as a result... Hmm, I could change it so it keeps your old data in the text boxes if you switch tabs.  Right now, its re-grabbing the info from the cache when redrawing the tab.  Acutally, I'm not sure which is the right thing to do.

If you only need it on that tab, keep it in the textboxes.  If you potentially need it anywhere else in the program, then store it elsewhere.  Or at least, that's how I'd do it.  Keep the data as close to the source as is feasibly possible.

Other things:
1) There's no confirmation when attempting to delete a prize.
2) It might be good to bind the enter key on search forms to the Search Button, instead of to nothing or the ListBox.
3) Bid amounts can be negative.
4) Despite the error message, negative donation amounts are saved.
5) Despite the error message, lowering the donation amount below the sum of all bids is saved.
6) Better error messages might not be necessary, but might be useful for those who don't know what integrity constraint they violated.
7) Attempting to delete a Donation that has CHOICE bids, it throws an error because the Choice type cannot be coerced to Challenge type.
8) Attempting to delete a Choice bid throws an unknown error, but still deletes the bid.

Future changes:
1) Might be good to support a reverse lookup for bids.

EDIT: A fatal error can occur when you do the following:

1) Create a prize.
2) Assign a donor to the prize.
3) Do NOT save the prize.
4) Delete the donor.
5) Attempt to do ANYTHING to the prize.

It throws the error "nested transactions are not supported" on all subsequent actions that would access the database, forcing you to disconnect.  I've only managed to do this with the In-Memory DB.  It always seems to save everything properly when using an On-Disk DB, and saving makes the foreign key to prevent this.  Still, it might be good for a few other people to try to cause this between now and the marathon, to ensure it can't happen during the marathon.
Quote from Rakuen:
If you only need it on that tab, keep it in the textboxes.  If you potentially need it anywhere else in the program, then store it elsewhere.  Or at least, that's how I'd do it.  Keep the data as close to the source as is feasibly possible.

Yeah, there's just some weird issues going on with that in general, I'll address it eventually.

Quote from Rakuen:
1) There's no confirmation when attempting to delete a prize.
2) If you assign a prize to a user, then delete the user, the prize is deleted.  It should probably cause an integrity constraint violation when user deletion is attempted.

Coincidentally just fixed these two today, I'll be pushing an update soon

Quote from Rakuen:
3) It might be good to bind the enter key on search forms to the Search Button, instead of to nothing or the ListBox.
4) Bid amounts can be negative.
5) Despite the error message, negative donation amounts are saved.
6) Despite the error message, lowering the donation amount below the sum of all bids is saved.
7) Better error messages might not be necessary, but might be useful for those who don't know what integrity constraint they violated.

I'll get to those soon.

Quote from Rakuen:
Future changes:
1) Might be good to support a reverse lookup for bids.

Please explain.

Quote from Rakuen:
EDIT: I somehow got into a state where every action cause the error "nested transactions are not supported".  I had to disconnect.  My database was stored in RAM, so I don't know what affect it would have on a "real" DB...

Also just fixed this today, it was a pretty funny bug that only came up in certain circumstances, so I wasn't sure even how to replicate it at first.  It shouldn't happen at all anymore now.
Edit history:
Rakuen: 2011-12-13 07:28:03 pm
Weegee Time
lol, and I was just editing the post to explain how I managed to make that nested transaction error occur.

Anyway, for the reverse lookup, I mean a way to select a challenge/choice, then get a list of all the people who contributed to it.

Also, since you posted whilst I was editing, two more:

7) Attempting to delete a Donation that has CHOICE bids, it throws an error because the ChoiceBid cannot be coerced to ChallengeBid.
8) Attempting to delete a Choice bid throws an unknown error, but still deletes the bid.
Professional Second Banana
Minor UI tweak suggestion: for the Description field in the new run and new prize sections, have the tab key go to the next field instead of inserting a tab character into the Description field.
Quote from puwexil:
Minor UI tweak suggestion: for the Description field in the new run and new prize sections, have the tab key go to the next field instead of inserting a tab character into the Description field.

You wish!  You'll have to ctrl-tab out of it like a man!

Actually, I might know of a (hacky) way to do this now that you mention it, but I can't make any promises since its very much against its default behavior.  I'm about to push an update with some fixes, but I have to go to bed since I have an exam tomorrow, so I won't be able to get to this and some of the other issues until tomorrow.  15 points for the first person to notice the biggest change I made, and 20 to the first person to find a bug with it.
Professional Second Banana
No worries - if it's not an easy feature to implement, then you should spend your time fixing crash bugs and other more important stuff.
Professional Second Banana
Runs are all entered into the database - I'll start loading prizes in the next few days when I have time.
Edit history:
SMK: 2011-12-14 06:48:27 pm
New version is up.

Quote from Rakuen:
1) There's no confirmation when attempting to delete a prize.
2) It might be good to bind the enter key on search forms to the Search Button, instead of to nothing or the ListBox.
3) Bid amounts can be negative.
4) Despite the error message, negative donation amounts are saved.
5) Despite the error message, lowering the donation amount below the sum of all bids is saved.
6) Better error messages might not be necessary, but might be useful for those who don't know what integrity constraint they violated.
7) Attempting to delete a Donation that has CHOICE bids, it throws an error because the Choice type cannot be coerced to Challenge type.
8) Attempting to delete a Choice bid throws an unknown error, but still deletes the bid.


Quote from Rakuen:
7) Attempting to delete a Donation that has CHOICE bids, it throws an error because the ChoiceBid cannot be coerced to ChallengeBid.
8) Attempting to delete a Choice bid throws an unknown error, but still deletes the bid.

These too.

Quote from puwexil:
Minor UI tweak suggestion: for the Description field in the new run and new prize sections, have the tab key go to the next field instead of inserting a tab character into the Description field.


Quote from puwexil:
Runs are all entered into the database - I'll start loading prizes in the next few days when I have time.
Edit history:
dballin: 2011-12-14 07:37:57 pm
dballin: 2011-12-14 07:34:34 pm
dballin: 2011-12-14 07:29:47 pm
dballin: 2011-12-14 07:27:33 pm
dballin: 2011-12-14 07:26:30 pm
Balls jerky
Ready to start breaking shit!

First thing: I can give myself multiple aliases. I can also give multiple people the same alias. They are independent of each other in searches though.

Can't give negative donations. get error message "Bid amount must be greater than zero" or Negative donation amount invalid depending on where I try it from so that's good.

Under Search Prize the Create New.. button either does nothing or I'm doing it wrong somehow.

This now works.

Searching is no longer case sensitive, but still doesn't return partial matches.
Not a walrus
Same alias shouldn't work in the mysql db, so that's not as big of a deal, but I'm not sure what you mean by multiple aliases.
Edit history:
dballin: 2011-12-14 07:43:36 pm
Balls jerky
David Balls is known as dballin, otherguy, and someoneelse. David Balls and Other Guy are known as dballin.

I can also have multiple people with the same email address. I don't know if any of this is actually important or not, but I'm not sure about anything anyway so might as well post.
Edit history:
UraniumAnchor: 2011-12-14 07:45:18 pm
UraniumAnchor: 2011-12-14 07:45:00 pm
Not a walrus
Do you have a screenshot? I'm still not clear what you mean by multiple aliases.

Edit: In the MySQL db we'll be using, alias and email will be a unique constraint so I'm not too concerned about that, because it will give an error if you try.
Edit history:
dballin: 2011-12-14 07:47:07 pm
Balls jerky
This is what I'm talking about. I'm still using the local db so if this won't be a problem connected to an actual database then no worries I guess.

Edit history:
UraniumAnchor: 2011-12-14 07:50:23 pm
Not a walrus
Oh, Name is not a unique constraint, so that's fine. You never know, somebody might have the same first and last name. People are identified by their email first and foremost.