Do you think at the rate you're going, that you can maybe complete the run before dawn of the second day?That would be so sweet if you can get a sub First Day completion.
Do you think at the rate you're going, that you can maybe complete the run before dawn of the second day?That would be so sweet if you can get a sub First Day completion.
Oh, and MrPotter, I'm aiming for a sub-day completion, although I'm not sure exactly how realistic that is. At the very least, before noon on the second day.
Oh, fantastic. My memory card just corrupted. While I have a backup of the run files, I didn't have backup for a few other things. Like my 180 emblems Sonic Adventure 2 file or my 120 shines Mario Sunshine save, and my Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance save (you can't back that one up. What an ingenius idea), and both my chao gardens (again, you can't back them up). So, in conclusion,
Oh, even better, the card won't even hold a save anymore without corrupting. That's one 1019 block card down the tubes. Cost me $30 at least, and it was supposed to last me forever, since with the next generation, I wouldn't be having many new GCN save files. But no...
Man, that SUCKS. I'm one of those completionist gamers where I need a 101% on any game I get, I'd be furious if that hapenned, even though I'll never play 85% of those games ever again. Sorry to hear that. So is your MM run not doable now? Is it erased? Or is it just a matter of getting a new memory card?
What the guy above me said. I bought one of those sexy black ones the day they came out around, what, 6 years ago? I have about 50 games on there, never had ANY problems, except with one MegaMan Collection, which seems to be a problem with that game and not the card, as it's the only game that's ever had a problem.
Actually, it WAS a nintendo one. I don't have any 3rd party ones for that exact reason. Anyway, I also have a 251 card (which is where all the backed up files were) which I've had since I bought my gamecube back in 2003, and a 59 I don't use very much. Neither of them has ever given me trouble.
Man that sucks... I've only used the 50-ish ones and a 251... never had issues... maybe it's with the huge ones issues show up.
At least the Run is backed up. Horribly sorry about the other games... espically with the Chao gardens. ;_; That... is my least favorite mini-game EVER.
That sucks. I had a 1019 block third party memory card that got corrupted a while ago. I've never had a Hip Gear product that lasted more than a month.