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I don't know who will be up for my speedruns at 5 in the morning, any chance you could move at least Ghosts 'N Goblins to a more accessible time?
I want off the ride....
Quote from kareshi:
I don't know who will be up for my speedruns at 5 in the morning, any chance you could move at least Ghosts 'N Goblins to a more accessible time?

Its slated for like 10am; thats not too bad or do you want a little later? Cause it could probably moved back a little bit...

As for me and my practice...

C:SOTN -> Its coming along, I figured out a way to get close to Satoryu's shield dashing, its mostly now endurance training, and reaction training to idoit AI (see any Flea derivative) and learning how to properly use the Iron Rod Combo to maximum effectiveness...

C2:Simon's Quest -> I hate my farming luck; I am sure I can get under the quote time for sure... but I am not liking my practice runs when i get like 2 hearts short of a chain whip! its just annoying... I've adopted Kareshi's 2nd day outing technique. But i'm going for DEATHLESS, So My farm is a little screwy in the beginning as I waste about 20 seconds of farm getting the Holy water so I can do it safely without deaths... If I shouldn't just let me know (using JPatricks starting farm.... deathless, if i do it with deaths I can get out on the first day and farm in his spot {which was very good to him})
SEGA Junkie
You're looking at the wrong sheet, Sheet 3 has G+G at 11am on the second morning.

While I'm at it, may as well post my efforts:

DKC3: Put way too much time into this, but I do need it - I had never played this game until two weeks ago. I recently completed the run in segments in 1:05 - given the current speedrun comes in at :51, there's some way to go yet. That said, there are a couple of levels I hate with a vengeance, Koindozer Klamber chief among them, just because the hitbox on them is so -weird-.

Sonic 1: By far my least favourite of the classic Sonics, I'll need a lot of practice to so much as compete with stanski. I'm actually likely to go in with pretty much no practice and fail hard, but we'll see how it goes.

Sonic 3: I managed to run this game with Knuckles a few weeks ago and pulled a run within five minutes of my speedrun, deathless. Now I don't consider my speedrun all that impressive but on no practice, it seemed like a good effort. I'll still put in a bit of time later, though.

On that note, I'm planning to commentate Sonic 2 and, during that, take donations for which character I should run for Sonic 3. Each character has substantially different paths through various levels: Tails is probably five or so minutes faster than Sonic, and Knuckles saves a solid 15 minutes. On the other hand, they're all similar enough (and I know them all well enough) that it shouldn't be a major hassle practicing for all three.

Haven't touched either of the Vectorman games yet, I would much rather practice them on console, which I'll be able to do when I move back home in two weeks. Of those, 2 should be easy to pick up again, but 1 might be a bit hard. I'd also then shift my Sonic practice to console, which could potentially be kinda sucky with the Gamecube's tiny D-pad. But we'll see.
Are the Magfest people going to advertise the event on the Magfest web site?
Waiting hurts my soul...
Quote from tjp7154:
Are the Magfest people going to advertise the event on the Magfest web site?

I hope they do, but mike might be waiting to finalize the schedule to be posted with the announcement.
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spook: 2009-10-30 12:12:38 pm
Yes, a ninja riding a tiger.
Hmm I wish I knew of this sooner because it looks like the schedule is finalized.  I would have definitely contributed.
Regardless I'll try to attend as much of this as I can.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
spook: we can still add a game or two, depending on what you're thinking about playing.

Also, for anyone confused by what our marathon will be like, The Speed Gamers are currently running their Resident Evil Halloween marathon. Our marathon will be streamed in a similar fashion, so check out the marathon at the address below.
Yes, a ninja riding a tiger.
Well Ninja Crusaders is around 6 minutes so I guess that could fit.  I know more people would be interested in Ninja Gaiden 1 but my best with that is probably 14 minutes and I'm much much better with Crusaders.
But I was curious how exactly things were going to work out here and I'm sorry I didn't read the whole thread because there's a lot of pages.  You guys are running the games and going through them on one try?  Huh? Sounds dangerous!
Jumping Turtle
Yeah, spook, the idea is to get consistent enough to go to MAGfest and beat a game first try in a pretty good time. That's pretty much the reason there's nobody offering to play Ninja Gaiden. :^P

I believe the idea behind this is to have SDA make an even more noticeable impact in society in general, to pump even more life into gaming and rival other performing arts in popularity. Enough people enjoy skateboarding performances to create the X-Games category of sports, I don't see a good enough reason Metroid performances can't be the Y-Games, if the key requirement is to be entertaining. There are already competitive leagues for certain games. Our generation is getting pretty meta.

But perhaps my dreams are merely imagination.
You got a deletion wish?
Quote from mikwuyma:
Autism Research Institute - Again, should be self-explanatory

If you're taking votes, mine would be for that one.

Mike, you're still ducking me on all three Sonics & Toy Story for commentary (though Mike89 and Stan are commenting Sonic 2 & 3/K).
welcome to the machine
The Autism Research Institute appears to be (or, at least, thrown in) with the anti-vaccination camp.  Please choose someone else.
that Metroidvania guy
practice update:
so i learned today that in smrpg, going for the quartz charm through culex doesnt appear to be worth how much trouble it is to actually beat him... at least, not as early as i was trying to. will take a few more looks at it, but i was getting my ass kicked today going for him right after getting the lazy shell. i already know that a route that just goes straight through and has the attack scarf can get done around 4 hours 35-45 minutes (including the credits i've heard you want to include), so it'll either have to be that or try beating culex closer to the end of the game and seeing if that goes faster. will try again thursday; was rusty as hell today (as some of the people watching may have noticed), but was still able to get close to 50 super jumps in a row a few times, so getting the attack scarf in a run (30 jumps required) is a pretty safe bet at least.

also, might be able to race rane in sotn (that would be fun, no?) if i keep at it in that game; i got a run done in 45:37 (before credits) the other day, so just a few things to work on with it, but mostly it's just getting consistent with what's already been done.

as for the charities:
im gonna read up a bit on all of them before deciding which one(s) are most worth supporting. like, obviously they're all for good causes, but i'm just not sure how you'd go about fighting international poverty (in the case of CARE).
difficult and stupidly random
Quote from romscout:
also, might be able to race rane in sotn (that would be fun, no?) if i keep at it in that game; i got a run done in 45:37 (before credits) the other day, so just a few things to work on with it, but mostly it's just getting consistent with what's already been done.

A race is always more fun to watch than just one person playing alone.  I hope you do.
Edit history:
andrewg: 2009-11-05 07:36:15 pm
Hi! I'm andrewg!
Quote from feasel:
Quote from romscout:
also, might be able to race rane in sotn (that would be fun, no?) if i keep at it in that game; i got a run done in 45:37 (before credits) the other day, so just a few things to work on with it, but mostly it's just getting consistent with what's already been done.

A race is always more fun to watch than just one person playing alone.  I hope you do.

Been thinking about this and I think we should have more races for this event. I could totally race people in a few other games or even the games I'm already running. Possibly metroid, loz, mm2, or castlevania (still don't know what's happening with Castlevania anyhow)... so maybe a race might work?

I might not have time for these things, but I probably will. I could possibly even compete on games like Jaws (where I'd probably get owned)... but I'm good enough at some games like this that I may actually have a chance of winning.  Wink

I need to take a second look at the list of games and see what I can manage.
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kareshi: 2009-11-05 10:06:59 pm
I'll do some test runs tonight and post my Jaws times, a normal run doesn't get the bonus scene perfect and so is between 5-6 minutes.

Edit: Results:
Attempt #1 - I quit because the shark wouldn't line up with my boat at the end. Time would have been in the 6:XX's
#2 - Nailed by jellyfish. Died.
#3 - 5:09
#4 - 5:32
#5 - 4:55
#6 - 6:39 with a full minute and a half of Jump/Stab scene with the shark not behaving at ALL.
#7 - Ran into Jaws. Died.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Good News! We now have a charity! Our charity is CARE. If anyone is wondering why CARE is our charity, there are two reasons.

1. They're a good cause (I don't think anyone would argue for poverty, dirty water, or disasters).

2. Unlike the other charities I've tried contacting, CARE responded quickly (they returned my call within 2 days), answered my questions, and approved our event. I also have an event coordinator's number and email just in case if we have any questions that need to be answered ASAP.

Schedule: It looks like sheet 3 is the best schedule. I'll go with that one, and hopefully we won't go too far off track when the marathon actually starts. Wink

Including ending and credits in the time: I should have done a better job explaining this, but I wanted these included in the time because we'll need some time to interview the runner . Also, people like watching endings. I'll make exceptions where appropriate. For example, I don't think anyone wants to see 12 minutes of credits in DKC3.

Speedrun races: Honestly, the more the better. Also, DJ Mike Haggar (has the current warpless record) is going to race Emptyeye in Battletoads...all while Kareshi is playing piano! I wonder what will happen if both players are in different stages. Tongue

MAGFest website: I did give the MAGFest people a blurb. I'm not sure what's going on. Angry I'll bug Brendan about it.

MatrixTN: I didn't put you down for Sonic games because stanski and Mike89 already have them covered, but I can still put you down for Toy Story. Sorry about the Autism charity, but CARE responded to my phone calls.

romscout: Well, you're right, saying fighting poverty is a bit of a loose term, CARE actually does a variety of things, including (but not limited to) providing education for women, increasing access to clean water and sanitation, and providing emergency aid to disaster and war survivors.

spook: Sorry, I'm not going to include Ninja Crusaders, but Ninja Gaiden would be a great addition if you think you can do it. And yeah, we're doing these in one shot, which is why we're going to use safer, more consistent strategies than we'd normally use. Yes, the topic is quite big, and I'm considering starting a new one just so the information is all more concentrated and will look cleaner.
You got a deletion wish?
Quote from mikwuyma:
MatrixTN: I didn't put you down for Sonic games because stanski and Mike89 already have them covered, but I can still put you down for Toy Story.

Ok, thanks.
Edit history:
Enhasa: 2009-11-07 03:30:13 am
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
I am completely kidding and don't take this post seriously blah blah blah, but I clicked the CARE link and the first thing I saw is the latest news being this. Conservatives who don't believe in the existence of climate change (IIRC it's a sizable percentage) would probably have a problem with this. But certainly not the poverty fighting and disaster relief. Some people will latch at anything though.

Edit: Second link I clicked on started out: "Congress should join the Obama administration in putting women at the heart of an overhauled U.S. strategy for fighting hunger, CARE President and CEO Dr. Helene Gayle told a House subcommittee today." They seem a bit politically leaning. Completely not a problem with me. Should not be a problem with any donors either. I am just relaying this. It does mean Hannity et al would probably love to dish out some dirt on them.

Here is their mission statement. Yes, this kind of stuff does rub some people the wrong way. Ex: Sotomayor, although maybe people have more racial tension issues than gender issues -- I mean, everyone has a mother and a father, right?

ABOUT CARE: CARE fights root causes of poverty in the world's poorest communities. We place special focus on working alongside poor women because, equipped with the proper resources, women have the power to help whole families and entire communities escape poverty.

Double edit: Their ratings look pretty good though. I think that's out of a max 70, not 100. Highest rated in their category (which I guess is the thing at the top: "Defending dignity, fighting poverty").
Haters gonna hate
If there was one thing I learned working for NPOs is that no matter what your cause is someone's going to be against it.  Save the animals ---> worry about people first.  Children are starving overseas ---> children are starving here.  Find a cure for cancer ---> what about x disease that killed my family member?  And yes, certain charities' administrations make unpopular decisions that rub donors the wrong way.  The big one I remember was Amnesty International and their official stance of not being against abortion, that one cost them a good chunk of their donors.  Another good example of this would be Defenders of Wildlife who, for a non-political group, did a lot of Bush bashing in their promotions, and they were also very against Sarah Palin before the bulk of the world knew who she was which hurt them a bit when she emerged as the VP candidate.

Long story short, it's impossible to pick a cause that won't turn off anybody.  For what we're doing though I think the bulk of the donors are going to be approaching this from the view of "oh, charity!" and not "oh, this charity, I should research them a bunch before deciding to donate."  The way I see it, the games are our big draw and the charity is more for PR and validation for us playing and streaming for 3 days straight (that's sounds a little colder than I mean it, but it's also the most direct way to say it).  Plus, at this point I figured we were going to have to settle for some small charity that was unheard of to bulk of our viewers, but to get such a quick response from a group as big as CARE is a positive boon for us, much better than I thought we'd do after St. Judes didn't work out.

So yeah, we have a charity, which is awesome, but there's still things that need to be done.  We can start contacting people for promotion now, but one thing that hasn't really been mentioned yet which it is about time for is the home site for this thing (at least I don't think we were intending on doing this all from a basic ustream channel).  I think the sooner we have at least a bare bones site with a little info on the charity, players, and games involved the better as it'll give us something to point prospective supporters and viewers to, because really all we have right now is this thread and the information here is so scattered it doesn't really serve as a point of reference for anybody who hasn't been following it from the start.  I don't know who should take care of this, just know it shouldn't be me as I am web design illiterate, but I really think it's the next big step to take.

andrewg:  I'm perfectly willing to race you in LoZ as long as you're willing to play with no up+A.  That's the way I've been practicing and I don't feel like changing gears now, and an up+A run beating one without wouldn't be a very dramatic result. Smiley
Talk to the Hand
Quote from Breakdown:
We can start contacting people for promotion now, but one thing that hasn't really been mentioned yet which it is about time for is the home site for this thing (at least I don't think we were intending on doing this all from a basic ustream channel).  I think the sooner we have at least a bare bones site with a little info on the charity, players, and games involved the better as it'll give us something to point prospective supporters and viewers to, because really all we have right now is this thread and the information here is so scattered it doesn't really serve as a point of reference for anybody who hasn't been following it from the start.  I don't know who should take care of this, just know it shouldn't be me as I am web design illiterate, but I really think it's the next big step to take.

I absolutely, totally 100% agree with this. Hell, I'll even settle for a basic ustream site for the moment, but one reason I haven't been promoting this more is that I don't know what the home base for it is. I really don't want to have to say "Watch the marathon at some site that I may or may not ever find out!" Wink
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Enhasa: What Breakdown said. Also, I did check CARE's financial information before going with them. Also, I know you can comment for more games than I listed on the schedule, but I just put you down for DKC series because I wasn't sure what you were willing to do with the new schedule.

Breakdown and Emptyeye: I definitely agree with you guys. This topic is way too scattershot even for the people who are reading it (I'm considering starting a new one actually), and directing people here would only confuse them. Yes, we need to make up a site for the marathon itself soon, but I'm also no good at web design. Sad I'll definitely make a basic Ustream site for now though.

The stream itself: I'm planning on running it like a Speed Gamers marathon, have the streaming on Ustream, but also embed the stream on our site so we can get more viewers there. I have to work out the logistics with Nate, but we should be able to figure something out.


I updated it yet again. There's now only one sheet (sheet 3), and yes the schedule is final. I also updated a couple of times for games I practiced.

Games I practiced status update:

Secret of Mana: Go here

TMNT 4: I had a terrible run where I died 4 or 5 times and got through the game about 2-3 minutes slower than my current run. Honestly, getting through this game isn't hard at all, I just need to practice more so I don't have such a terrible run.

I increased the estimate to 30 minutes because the ending is actually really long (6 minutes), but we can cut off the ending after a couple of minutes. I don't think anyone will mourn over missing the cast roll.

Contra: Hard Corps: This game is becoming so easy for me I'm considering practicing every route so I can have people pick for me during the marathon.

Gunstar Heroes: Yeah I can definitely do this game, I just need to practice a lot so I don't get hit so much. Sad
Yes, a ninja riding a tiger.
Quote from mikwuyma:
spook: Sorry, I'm not going to include Ninja Crusaders, but Ninja Gaiden would be a great addition if you think you can do it. And yeah, we're doing these in one shot, which is why we're going to use safer, more consistent strategies than we'd normally use. Yes, the topic is quite big, and I'm considering starting a new one just so the information is all more concentrated and will look cleaner.

Yea I would rather it be Gaiden as well.  I think it's a bit too random to try and one shot it though.  Guess it doesnt matter anyway since the schedule is final.  Oh well!
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Oh sorry, by final, I didn't mean we couldn't change it or add any games at all, I just meant no drastic changes.
Hi! I'm andrewg!
I'd totally try NG, but I couldn't 1 life it by any means currently :/

Also, I'm getting good at mega man now... I should be able to 1 life it at the event I hope. Although, in my practice attempts I keep having some strange issues come up. I've randomly died from various glitches/idiocy that wasn't my fault quite a few times now. I just happen to be the unluckiest mega man player ever. lol
that Metroidvania guy
smrpg at 3 am? that sucks. anyway, i'll gladly commentate for the mmx series runs, any nes runs that need more commentators and wouldnt be at a time when i should rest up or anything, secret of mana, cv: sotn if we end up not racing in that, and for stuff after my run's done: gunstar heroes, super metroid, link's awakening, ff6.

i still cant believe im only doing 1 run, i should think of something else that's short to throw in, i never ended up picking a kirby game after all. could go for dream land (on extra mode of course since the regular game is too easy) if you just wanted to add 12-15 minutes onto the marathon, but if you wanted 1 hour more onto it then it's between adventure and super star. still going to work on sotn a bit and hopefully will be good for racing on that.

will be revisiting non-culex route of smrpg again tonight, and even though it's late i'll probably stream it, so anyone who's bored and an insomniac and has nothing better to do late at night is welcome to join. 4:15:xx might be a low estimate now since culex definitely isn't going to work out, but should still be able to get within a half hour of that.