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MGS for PS1 forever.
I might as well make one.

So, post any thoughts and info. you might have.

About my other post...I found a shortcut in Episode IV in the 3rd chapter. You don't have to make the AT-AT in order to get past one of the fences. I was also able to jump back in one try.

I'd also like to say that I'm more interested in full episode runs. Yes, the games are "hard" but you have unlimited lives. So, if I were to do a run it would be a full episode.
Thread title:  
what time are you aiming for?
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CannibalK9: 2006-09-26 06:36:08 pm
give me your eyes!!!
Oh here it is. Yes I'd be very interested in times for full episode story mode runs, although so far I've only played episode IV that much.

Ick, almost forgot, shortcut:
-when you are in the Jungland Wastes (?) there's a part where you need C3PO to drain two bogs in the same area. The second is inaccessible due to a short slope. If you go to the far right of that slope you can walk up it quite easily, bypassing the need to drain the other bog, fix some platforms, and kill some enemies.
MGS for PS1 forever.
For one episode probably under 20 minutes. It would probably be good to assume that getting all studs in an episode would bring the total to 60 the amount of time a regular run through would be.

I'm off to beat the rest of episode V and go through episode VI.
Is this easier to run than the first game?
Why not try running it on Super Story mode, since it has a timer anyway and is otherwise not at all different as far as I know.
dinosaur from the past
Yeah that's definitely the place to run it on. The only changes are:

1) It's all in one sitting
2) The timer
3) Various issues relating to money which doesn't affect running at all
4) You can't use extras
Finally registered on these forums to post this:

For one episode probably under 20 minutes. It would probably be good to assume that getting all studs in an episode would bring the total to 60 the amount of time a regular run through would be.

I wouldn't agree. I've been playing this casually with a friend since launch day and decided to try Super Story alone on Ep IV. I was playing pretty cleanly alone without too many deaths, and it still ran around 51 minutes. I'm not sure if 30 minutes could be taken off from my 'run,' unless some major shortcuts [more like the one you found in the first post, that sounds great] were found. The others might be more difficult because of 'harder' monsters, but I think ep IV has the most blaster characters which are my personal bane.

If by 'getting all the studs' you mean getting the required studs to get the gold brick, that isn't as hard as you think. Most of the studs I got were from the first level since there are just so many great spots to grab lots, and zoomed through the rest without getting too many and still got the required 100k to get the brick.

Some levels you might have trouble with:

Ep IV, Ch. 5 - Death Star Escape: There are so many stormtroopers in this level it is ridiculous. It is where I got caught up the most. Also, getting your helmet knocked off repetedly in the last few rooms can really make a good time suddenly disappear. If you're having trouble with it, get one on and switch to a character that doesn't have it on since enemies usually [always?] target you you have a much lower chance to get your hat knocked off.

Ep V, Ch. 1 - Hoth Battle: This isn't as hard or annoying as Death Star Escape, but if you lose your towing/bomb tossing rhythm you could lose some time.

Ep V, Ch. 3 or 4 - Dagobah: PITS and weird platform jumping, as well as an overall confusing level scheme might get you lost under pressure

Ep VI, Ch. 1 - Jabba's Palace: Getting your helmet knocked off if you're bombing stuff and having to go back a lot sucks, as well as one or two slow block-pushing puzzles.

Ep VI, Ch. 4[?] - Battle at Endor: There is a bug that will stop a door from opening near the end, made me lose all the 100% progress I had on that level. Technically it could happen with any 2 lever switches, but pulling them at exactly the wrong moment causes one to pull as the other goes up, then having them act wonky for a while, then them both going in the down position with nothing happening.

Ep VI, Ch. 6 - Emperor Showdown: Can't jump over the electric pads to get to the Emperor, getting hit in my case usually knocked me off the platform entirely or back to the start. It's also probably easy to get killed.

Obviously, 2-player would be faster, and it would be pretty awesome to see a great duo run though this game flawlessly. Good luck with a run though if you manage to go through it, I'll keep track of this thread and am hoping for it to be pulled off.  Smiley
Would love to see a DS run............................
dinosaur from the past
Heh, I heard the DS version sucks ass.

Ep IV, Ch. 5 - Death Star Escape: There are so many stormtroopers in this level it is ridiculous. It is where I got caught up the most.

Pretty much from the first post I was thinking of this level, or more specifically the Room of Great Peril, where there's literatly 20+ Stormtroopers and two doors that just spew more, and then those dorks on the top, and if you shut the doors they come back open a few seconds later, and you have to build that huge ass door and if you get shot you lose everything and WHY OH WHY DID THEY MAKE ME DIE SO MANY TIMES AND GET ME TO NOT GET TRUE JEDI DEAR GOD WHAT HAVE I DONE... er, sorry.

Anyway, I'd be so so so suprised if you could get through that room deathless without being so cautious you might as well have taken the death anyway.
MGS for PS1 forever.
Navigating through the space port as Han Solo was the first level that had me slightly frustrated with True Jedi. I think it took me three tries to get it. However, this was mostly because I didn't know how much crap I COULD shoot.

I had to play through Dagobah about six times before I got True Jedi and Jabba's Hut at least six times.

Was there any point to the tractor on Dagobah?

Navigating the death star to get True Jedi wasn't that hard. Actually, I think when I first saw twenty storm troops I thought "Where's Neo when you need him?"

I also found out that you have to switch characters to collect every stud. I already knew this but it wasn't as noticeable until Jabba's Hut where I just wanted to run around as a Jedi, but instead I had to stick with Leia for the most part and shoot stuff. *sobs softly"
Navigating through the space port as Han Solo was the first level that had me slightly frustrated with True Jedi. I think it took me three tries to get it. However, this was mostly because I didn't know how much crap I COULD shoot.

I had to play through Dagobah about six times before I got True Jedi and Jabba's Hut at least six times.

Was there any point to the tractor on Dagobah?

Navigating the death star to get True Jedi wasn't that hard. Actually, I think when I first saw twenty storm troops I thought "Where's Neo when you need him?"

I also found out that you have to switch characters to collect every stud. I already knew this but it wasn't as noticeable until Jabba's Hut where I just wanted to run around as a Jedi, but instead I had to stick with Leia for the most part and shoot stuff. *sobs softly"

True Jedi mode on some of the story mode levels is pretty rough without extras enabled but Free Play is much much more fun anyway.

Anyway, I did a very preliminary test run on Ep IV today. The hardest part is probably getting the AI to cooperate with you in parts that are character-switch heavy. The run clocked to 39:36, and was by no means perfect. It was 11 minutes faster than my old best though Smiley

Here's a breakdown in case anyone's interested:

Ch. 1 - Pretty great. I only made two minor mistakes, most of them had to do with me not knowing who to switch to at the end to hit the last switches. Pretty easy to remedy with memorization/more practice. A hint to getting through some of the rooms that are blocked by smoke until you kill the stormtroopers is to kill all the ones on the map already, get right up to the door with leia, and then slap them all as they come through the door. Took 4 minutes and 30 seconds.

Ch. 2 - Probably my worst run through the level to date. I made a lot of dumb mistakes and died in an awkward platforming moment, as well as getting caught up by Raiders and Stormtroopers toward the end. Took 8 minutes to do.

Ch. 3 - My most practiced level and probably my favorite, this went really smooth in the end. The C-3PO switch went really badly because Obi decided to climb the newly created stairs and fend off stormtroopers, putting me in the line of fire. The AT-ST room was bad too because I always forget that the feet are in the big trash cans. The han solo/chewie parts went awesome, but I died killing the spy and did some clumsy moves moving around. Took 7 or 8 minutes to do

Ch. 4 - The stormtrooper hat helps a lot but the stormtrooper doors always make me lose time because I forget where they are. No one spawned in the last room though which made me happy. Took 5 or 6 minutes.

Ch. 5 - Went really well all things considered. Messed up the big room [with the car near the beginning], everything else went great until the last few rooms where I always lose my stormtrooper hat needed to go on. The '20 stormtrooper' room went really well, I only died once, and the door build went great. The AI crowded me which gave me a small meat shield. Took around 9 minutes.

Ch. 6 - Messed up the door explosion order [went from back to front to back to front when I should just go back to front], died a few times blowing up the turrets to lower the Deaths Star's weakness barrier, then celebrated. Took 6 minutes probably.

About the tractor comment: no there is no reason for it that I could find, I just like riding around. On free play mode there is another tractor with a bigger purpose though.
dinosaur from the past
Was there any point to the tractor on Dagobah?

The tractor comes with this thing hitched to the back that you force into a ramp for R2-D2 to get up to the platforms.
MGS for PS1 forever.
The tractor comes with this thing hitched to the back that you force into a ramp for R2-D2 to get up to the platforms.

Wouldn't you think I'd already know that since you can't get past the chapter without doing that?
dinosaur from the past
Yes, because I actually didn't remember that for some time heh. Then again I was playing two player.
i've just finished ep4 in 31:23 on super story mode, my goal is sub 31:00 as long as no new tricks/strategies are going to be discoverd (i've got an .avi if someone would feel like watching it) or maybe someone already has a better time  ::)?

imo this game is ALOT harder to speed run then the prequel  Lips Sealed
Wow, nice time. I wasn't really working on a run of my own but trying to get some base times down for people to stomp quickly.

Having said that, I would have gotten around 45 minutes on Ep V story if C3PO didn't decide to not build after I got hit while his limbs were being attached during Ch. 6.

Ditto for Ep VI, got around to Ch. 4 [Battle at Endor] and none of the AI would cooperate at all at the switches so I just gave up. These are my last 2 Gold Bricks needed too.

Good luck with your run though. Smiley
I actually gave up with this project as I see no one has any interest towards it. And anyway this game seems bugless to me...almost no time-shaving shortcuts can be used, only minor tricks. As a result this run is going to be veeery very boring. If someone would help in finding some major tricks I would eventually return to it.  Smiley

PS. got a 30:46 in episode IV (yes, 30:30 is possible)
MGS for PS1 forever.
I actually gave up with this project as I see no one has any interest towards it. And anyway this game seems bugless to me...almost no time-shaving shortcuts can be used, only minor tricks. As a result this run is going to be veeery very boring.

A game doesn't have to have bugs to make for a good speedrun. And yes, there are people who are interested in this.
Edit history:
groobo: 2006-10-02 09:23:46 pm
So there are... I'll eventually get  back to it  Smiley And what i ment is that this game will be actually boring for me to speedrun, and noone watching it will be like WTFOMG!!1@ due to the above mentioned lack of tricks... But I promise that the time will be still low  Wink

edit: Daogbah (or what ever is it called) is a shortcut paradise, ch5 also has a neat trick. I've judged the game too quick (before eaven running ep5)  Wink My first try here was 42:16 with ALOT of unluck (sub 35:00 is easy for this ep, if I get to that point I'll estimate the final time). Any help with finding shortcuts would be awesome ppl!
Edit history:
Mkt2015: 2006-10-03 02:43:06 am
MGS for PS1 forever.
I just finished the last Chapter of Ep. VI today. I believe that the second game is quite a bit longer than the first. The bad thing was that I was always trying to get true jedi so I was always afraid that a Chapter was about ready to maybe in that way it just felt longer.

I don't know if I'll try any of the episodes since I have quite a few other games to play right now. Of course now I can go back through and just see how fast I can do each one without collecting extra crap.

BTW: I don't know if anyone else knew this. When you are fighting the emperor at first I didn't know that you could control both Luke and Darth/Anakin. When it comes to the guys in red its very easy to just use Darths death grip on case someone just stuck to Luke for this Chapter.
dinosaur from the past
Don't you have to swap anyway when Palpatine uses Force Lighting on you?
MGS for PS1 forever.
Yes, but at first I thought that I had to fight them I'm like...jeeesh...I can't even get close to the guy when he does the lightning. I just had to figure it out.
Not being able to execute all tricks that I found is extremely frustrating. Instead of cutting 1 minute, I usually end up 1 minute slower. Like I can redo those tricks flawlessly once per hundred tries, which disqualifies them from a ss run.

Anyone else finds it frustrating too  :P?
I got a little borred with running whole episodes, so I did a bounty hunter speed run. I hope you'll like it  Wink

R2D2 in 0:44.94;5968930;;/fileinfo.html

Obi-Wan Kenobi in 0:38.77;5968933;;/fileinfo.html

Chewbacca in 0:26.46;5968935;;/fileinfo.html

Princess Leia in 0:53.85;5968941;;/fileinfo.html

Admiral Ackbar in 0:13.88;5968943;;/fileinfo.html

Yoda in 0:16.81;5968945;;/fileinfo.html

C-3P0 in 0:39.96;5968950;;/fileinfo.html

Lando Calrissian in 0:58.28;5968952;;/fileinfo.html

Luke Skywalker in 0:17.89;5968957;;/fileinfo.html

Han Solo in 0:58.12;5968959;;/fileinfo.html

TOTAL = 6:08.96

Regarding the timer, it starts from 3:00.00 and ticks down untill it hits 0 so a finished stage with 2:30.00 on the timer was actually finished in 30 seconds.

Enjoy this untill I finish running the orginal episodes  Smiley