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I'm new to this forum (as if you can't tell by my massive post count), but I've been into the idea of speed-running for years and just recently came across the SDA site.

first, let me say that I intend to best the Mario 1 time of 5:06 on the site by about one full minute (I've done it before, but I've never recorded it and I'm currently out of practice)... that being said, down to business:

has anyone other than me ever even played Legacy of the Wizard? I love the game, and I'd love to do a speed run of it... simple fact is, I haven't even been able to beat the game to date, so I'm turning to all of you

anyone out there with the skill to even FINISH this game on video, let alone do so in a timely fashion, I'd love to see it happen
Thread title:  
There has been talk of a Legacy of the Wizard speedrun on these forums before, but I do not know who was attempting it.

Also, beat the SMB record by ONE MINUTE? I have to say I doubt this very much. The elite runners of it are shooting to improve it by one SECOND. Details of how you do it. Now.
Just call me the cynicism machine
first, let me say that I intend to best the Mario 1 time of 5:06 on the site by about one full minute (I've done it before, but I've never recorded it and I'm currently out of practice)... that being said, down to business:

If by Mario 1 you mean Super Mario Brothers, and by 'beat it by one full minute' you mean 'beat it in less than 4:30', then you are a terrible liar and it is a shame that claims like this aren't bannable.
Ah, I remember someone was working on a LotW run, but he never finished I guess... I'm looking forward to your work.

I am also skeptcal of your sub-5 minute SMB run...
Killer Chobocos don't get any chocolate.
I'm the one who was working on it...

I suspended it when my Nintendo broke... to work on Out of This World... and after that I went on to Zelda2... which I stopped because someone else, who CLEARLY has a better time than me, wanted to do it...

However, I don't think I'll pick this one up for a while... but I can give you any tips you think you need...

The HARDEST part of this game is maintaining scroll power... The bosses are pretty easy, I actually had a pattern for beating easy of them... without needing to stop for a Dragon Shield
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
first, let me say that I intend to best the Mario 1 time of 5:06 on the site by about one full minute (I've done it before, but I've never recorded it and I'm currently out of practice)... that being said, down to business:

Um, are you sure you're talking about the right game?  Have you seen the speedrun for this game that's on this site?  If so then you're a liar because even with glitches the perfect time is about 4:57 (by SDA's timing rules), and the fastest time humanly possible with glitches is probably around 5:03.
To beat that Mario time, you'd basically have to have some newfound way to strangely violate the game.  Unless you're tricking one of the warp pipes in world 1 to send you to World 8, it's not happening(too bad, they can be tricked into worlds 5 and 32; I wonder what happens if you do pipe confusion and make it think you are one screen ahead instead of behind).

So yeah, I'll join the bandwagon in calling shenanagans on your Mario plan unless you know something incredible everyone else doesn't.
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shadyn: 2006-06-03 10:39:39 pm
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okay, before a bunch of people who don't even know me start raising a pitchfork-wielding torch-bearing mob to hunt me down, I apparently need to explain:

when I made my run of Mario 1 (yes, Super Mario Bros 1 for NES) it was about 3 years ago, and I didn't even know there was a speed-running community

I knew about Twin Galaxies, and I saw the so-called "world record" on there of something like 5:19, and I said to my friends "I can do better than that"

so for a few weeks Mario 1 was all I played, and a good friend timed me on his watch, according to the rules posted on the TG website

he clocked my best run at almost exactly 4 minutes

you think I'm a liar, that's fine because (a) I've never been one to care much what people think, (b) I admittedly have no clue what YOUR rules for speed-running Mario 1 are, and (c) I admittedly have no proof other than my own word and the words of my friends who were sitting there when I did it

so whatever... you guys don't believe me, that's fine... I never manage to pull it off again, that's fine too... but to practically crucify me because I said I want to try to out-do someone else's time? be reasonable

but that doesn't matter much... I came here to ask about Legacy of the Wizard, not to argue with people I've never met...

remember, winning arguments on the internet is like winning the special olympics... even if you win, you're still a retard

EDIT: I should also have mentioned that I don't know if current TG rules for Mario 1 have changed since 3 years ago... don't know if they ever change any of their rules, but I did my run in late 2002 or early 2003 shortly after moving to my current residence
You have to understand that when someone claims to beat a record, widely accepted as almost perfect, by a very large margin, people will demand proof. Especially when it comes from someone with a new account - there have been cases where people have made claims of insane times but failed to deliver proof, no matter how many times asked. This is the internet, anyone can say anything and it's hard to know if it's the truth or just another attention whore. If you really can do it - get it on tape and send it in. Simply a sub-5 minutes run would suffice since that is not believed to be humanly possible...

Also, the timing of a Super Mario Bros. 1 run - at least the SDA way of timing - goes from the moment you gain control of Mario in 1-1 until you lose control in 8-4, in other words when you hit the axe behind Bowser.
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mjf314: 2006-06-03 11:43:28 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
It doesn't matter what rules you play by or whether or not rules have changed.  Use any timing rules that make any sense whatsoever and use all the glitches you want, there's no way you got under 5 minutes.  Maybe we'd consider believing you if you claimed a crazy world record on a long game, but Super Mario Bros is a short game that's popular game to TAS so we all know very well what the limits are of this game, what's possible and what's not, and pretty much everything there is to know about speedrunning this game.  There's a difference between claiming a suspicious world record and claiming a world record we're absolutely sure is impossible.

It also doesn't matter if you claim to not be able to pull it off again.  You should at least be able to explain where other people are losing so much time.  Saving a full minute on such a short and popular game isn't something that can be done by accident.
the default text appearing here was lame...
I do understand all of that, and had more people discussed my claim (which I will attempt to prove, but seeing as it took me a few weeks of trying and re-trying to do it once, it might be a while) in such an intelligent and civil manner, I wouldn't have minded...

what bothered me was that I felt like I was being attacked... I suppose I should have expected as much, as internet forums like this are generally overrun with fanatics who take things far more seriously than they need to...

but anyway, in all seriousness, can we drop the Mario thing? I'll be trying to prove it (I've only just been getting back into Mario the past couple days for the first time in about a year, and currently I'm not even surviving it, let alone clocking good times), but until then this was really intended to be about Legacy of the Wizard... I'm sure this forum already has at least one topic devoted to the fastest possible completion of SMB1, and I don't see any reason to turn this thread into another one of those...
Edit history:
mjf314: 2006-06-04 01:20:50 am
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
but anyway, in all seriousness, can we drop the Mario thing?

Not until you tell us where the current world record loses so much time.  It's really very simple.  Just download the normal quality version of the 5:06 vid from here:

If your internet connection is rediculously slow, maybe it'll take about 30 minutes to download it.  If it's a bit faster, maybe it'll take about 3 minutes.  Then watch it, that'll take about another 5 minutes.  Then type a post explaining what you do differently and where he loses so much time.  That'll take about another 5 minutes.  It's as simple as that.  If you can't even do that, then we have no reason to give you the benefit of the doubt just for the sake of acting civil and pretend we really think there's a possibility you'll come up with a vid.
Killer Chobocos don't get any chocolate.
Well... IDK about this Mario thing... but BECAUSE it is a short game I could understand if someone "Thought" they got under 5, when they might have got under 6 (5:51 for me, ARG!)

Especially if timing on a watch, clock or other "Visual" based method

Back on Topic

I highly recommend watching the TAS of Legacy of the Wizard, there are several tricks there to watch and many of them important.

There is my top 5 things you MUST learn

5. Kill or Be Killed
If you don't kill an enemy, just keep walking... do not stop

4. Maintain Scroll Power
This is impossible on a console version, scrolls drop semi randomly (it may possible to evoke them since at some points in the game they drop more often, but I'd need to see the game drop algorithms)

3. Manage your Route
Going back to the house Just to switch characters can kill a LOT of time... likewise, knowing how far to go on your initial Item trek is also important

2. Manage your Money
If money does not drop when you need it, you WILL have to restart... times to note this is when getting either the HighJump boots or the Wings


A. The ladder to get to your house at the beginning, you can jump up it by standing on the mobs with the Girly

B. The Lions Gate Gap *(from my book of video game Gaps)... during the Girls sub-level you can climb the lion to get to the boss area... DANGEROUS, but could cut of a lot of time

Well... that my tips for now... biotch!
Knowing how liars on the internet act we will get a response as the following.

1. I can't download videos right now. Either his internet will be too slow or he will be "busy"

2. He will continue to give vague details on his accomplishment.

3. He will say we are being rude and end up not responding.

That or he really did clock in at 4 minutes and his friend is an idiot and can't run a stopwatch.
Fight, Crocogator, for everlasting peace!
Do I even need to point out that even the TAS folks haven't gotten SMB1 under 5 minutes? ~.~ If you can't get under 5 with slowdown and rerecording...
I liked Legacy of the Wizard.  I was never able to beat it, and I know I can be of no help to you.  But I hope you can manage a good run of it.
...Dang it.
I can't wait for this video! Hurry up!

Killer Chobocos don't get any chocolate.
Well.... I am deeply involved in my Hybrid Heaven run....

But because Legacy of the Wizard is so short, I could try it a few times... but because it's a side project I won't be beating any records for a few months (unless I get lucky)
If I actually had a copy of the game I'd probably give it a go.

Remind me to check EBay later...
i like to watch.
falcom runs please.
Glitching EB 1 flying man at a time
Well he hasnt spoken in awhile, so maybe he gave up lieing, who knows lol. Yea just watched the SMB1 video, there is no frickin way to cut off more than possibly a second or two on there at most, its flawless for a human.
...Dang it.
Okay screw mario, I wanna see the LotW run!
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
falcom runs please.

I agree more with this statement.

Legacy of the Wizard is some Dragon Slayer like #4. I prefer Ys series, Faxanadu (Dragon Slayer spinoff), and Popful Mail myself. But any Falcom is better than none I suppose.
i like to watch.
I agree more with this statement.

there's a speedrun of the saturn version of xanadu (the second game in the series) on this site, though it's probably hard to follow if you have no experience with the game.

legacy of the wizard progress get?
Leader of Starbirdia!
Since this is a rather old topic and a game very few people seem to want to run, I figured I'd better ask on this post.

I've always loved this game and have attempted to speedrun it with only one successful attempt (49:01 with a death at Keela and a poor mastery of pause jumping, not great but not bad considering it took months when the game first came out to finish it, lol). I've seen a really great run by Dragondarch where he finds a method of slightly manipulating scroll drops. I asked about it but all he said was that it was tough to explain in writing. So I'm wondering if there is anybody out there who can explain the scroll drop manipulation trick.

Here is his run:

Also, I've been wondering how a route of doing Lyll's and Xemn's level with Lyll then doing Pochi's and Meyna's level with Meyna would work? Meyna would be able to kill Archdragon slightly faster though it would require an extra inn trip most likely. I'd have to play around with the idea.