just a little side project to help me procrastinate on yua ...

kumari records and streams your screen to twitch or ustream. if your system is fast enough, you can use it to record speedruns while streaming, all from a single program.
kumari is released under the terms of the gpl version 2 or later.
i can probably post a linux binary on request.
system requirements
kumari records lossless yuv444 h.264 pcm avi. use yua (or anri after installing the cccp) to transcode the video to sda-submittable files.
stream key
kumari will ask you for your stream key when you go to stream for the first time.
for twitch, go to http://www.justin.tv/settings/channel/info/ . scroll down to "stream key." for kumari you need to enter:
... where STREAMKEYGOESHERE is the text on the justin.tv page next to "stream key." it will look something like this:
also, you may need to replace "justin" with "twitch" to get it working (thanks djs).
for ustream, go to http://www.ustream.tv/dashboard and then click on "channel" at the left, then "remote." you should see two input fields: "rtmp url" and "stream key." for kumari you need to paste these in order separated by a slash (/). e.g.:
it will look something like this: rtmp://1.4624221.fme.ustream.tv/ustreamVideo/4624221/Wv4w2HXnU5XKaygb1rNqqhNrFqLFb7W7

kumari records and streams your screen to twitch or ustream. if your system is fast enough, you can use it to record speedruns while streaming, all from a single program.
kumari is released under the terms of the gpl version 2 or later.
i can probably post a linux binary on request.
system requirements
- pentium 4/athlon 64 or better processor
- windows xp service pack 3 or better (32- or 64-bit doesn't matter)
- core 2 duo or better processor (sorry, no powerpc or core 1 duo support from me)
- mac os x 10.6.8 or better (it may be compatible with 10.5 but i'm unable to test right now)
kumari records lossless yuv444 h.264 pcm avi. use yua (or anri after installing the cccp) to transcode the video to sda-submittable files.
- performance under windows is currently abysmal. don't expect 60 fps until i port the screen capture code from obs.
- you need a pretty good computer to record and stream at the same time. both gpu and cpu are important. the fps indicator will let you know the framerate you are currently getting. if your computer can't keep up and/or kumari crashes, try moving the sliders toward "speed."
- right now there is only one audio input. this means you can't stream your voice unless you aren't going to submit the run to sda. if there is enough interest in two audio inputs then i will implement it. i don't know a lot about how people set up their streams.
stream key
kumari will ask you for your stream key when you go to stream for the first time.
for twitch, go to http://www.justin.tv/settings/channel/info/ . scroll down to "stream key." for kumari you need to enter:
... where STREAMKEYGOESHERE is the text on the justin.tv page next to "stream key." it will look something like this:
also, you may need to replace "justin" with "twitch" to get it working (thanks djs).
for ustream, go to http://www.ustream.tv/dashboard and then click on "channel" at the left, then "remote." you should see two input fields: "rtmp url" and "stream key." for kumari you need to paste these in order separated by a slash (/). e.g.:
it will look something like this: rtmp://1.4624221.fme.ustream.tv/ustreamVideo/4624221/Wv4w2HXnU5XKaygb1rNqqhNrFqLFb7W7
you will need to download and install soundflower. this is a system extension that lets you record the audio output of your computer. if you're running lion or mountain lion you will probably need to download Soundflower-1.6.6b.dmg (under "downloads" at the left on that page). otherwise you're probably safe with Soundflower-1.5.2.dmg.
once it's installed, go into your system preferences and click on sound. then click on "output" and click on soundflower (2ch) as shown below.

you will be able to hear your system's audio while kumari is open if you check the "playthrough" box. when you close kumari, be sure to change your audio output back to what it was before.
once it's installed, go into your system preferences and click on sound. then click on "output" and click on soundflower (2ch) as shown below.

you will be able to hear your system's audio while kumari is open if you check the "playthrough" box. when you close kumari, be sure to change your audio output back to what it was before.
todo. basically you need to enable your "stereo mix" audio recording device and switch to it in kumari. you probably don't need to check the "playthrough" box.
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