Alright, so I have been able to recreate, or get closer to what I think is an existing glitch in the game, allowing for an extra 100k points in Time Attack Stage 5 and 9. Thanks for YannYam (from Canada) for accidentally achieving that high score, which motivated me to dig in and find a way to achieve it.
For all that are curious, it seems like if you kill an enemy with super move and pause it in the exact frame that the enemy is hit, then restart the game, the game will internally count as if you killed that enemy with a super. Note that there is no way to know that you did this correctly until you end the level. If done right, you would see an extra 100k points added to the score. Only been able to reproduce it in stages 5 and 9, but I believe it can be done in every stage. It takes too long to get it to work, and there is a lot of luck involved in order to get it, so I won't be trying it in any other stage unless someone breaks one of my scores.
Sorry for derailing the thread to the Challenges discussion when this should be a speedrun thread. I'll let everyone get back to it, and please let me know if someone has actually finished a run, I would like to watch it.
Kasht, I don't think it's applicable to Time Attack but I found something interesting with the Coliseum. If you're attacking the correct spot when the screen fades between rounds, you can actually kill an enemy as it appears but before you're warped back to the starting position. I'm not sure if you could squeeze an extra tornado kill out of it.
On the one Time Attack stage that has the two crystal-throwing guardians on top of a ramp (before the circle with 4 large melee guys), you can jump to them directly and avoid the ramp by double jumping and evading towards them. The evade will push you on top of the ledge where normal double jumping is usually too short. This trick works in a few places in the main game as well, but I haven't been able to find any places it saves time.
At certain sizes, Knack's running speed is slower than evade->jump->evade->punch. That method is even quicker going up stairs as you don't have to wait for Knack to touch ground after the punch. Holding R in a direction and alternating X and [] with appropriate timing seems best, may be possible to optimize by releasing R and pressing it again at appropriate points in the animation.
Hi Wulf, thanks for the info. I do know about the screen fading glitch in Coliseum. I find it more useful to get the boxes of relics instead of killing an enemy. And no, you cannot get an extra tornado kill as the screen fades after the tornado is gone, so as far as I know, it only works with a melee attack.
Kasht - Time Attack 5. Are you saving 6 seconds by not backtracking for the crystals on the ramp? I haven't tried the extra points glitch, but even putting that aside I'm not seeing where I can trim 6 seconds and still have enough sunstone
Kasht - Time Attack 5. Are you saving 6 seconds by not backtracking for the crystals on the ramp? I haven't tried the extra points glitch, but even putting that aside I'm not seeing where I can trim 6 seconds and still have enough sunstone
You only need to take the 2 crystals on the bottom, jump twice and dash to bypass the stairs and MOST IMPORTANTLY get the relics. If you don't get the relics, you will go slower, so its a small sacrifice that will win you big when going up the stairs and into the last enemies.
Then walk all the way to the crystals after the first flight of stairs and once you get them, go up the next set of stairs. I click the circle button once so that the enemy on top wont hit me, and as soon as I go past him, shoot the missiles to hit all 3.
Then walk to the next room and dash far enough that the dash will land you in the beginning of the circle in the middle. As soon as that happens, click the circle button twice. If done right, you will hit all 4 enemies as soon as they land. Start walking towards the end and you may or may not get stuck where the gate goes down. Then dash to end it and it should save you a lot of time.
There's a one sunstone just behind the starting position of stage 5 although I'm not even sure it's worth getting that and skipping the sunstone over to the left after the first set of stairs for this.
That I have not tried. I didn't think that the sunstone behind would give you enough for the final super move if you skip the sunstones over to the left after the stairs. Must test...
I found it by accident but I'm not even sure if it'll give you enough sunstone power to cast the special attack on the first 3 enemies or how well the positioning would be if you did have enough power. Going for the sunstones over to the left of the stairs sets you up nicely to kill all 3 enemies with one special.
I've been backtracking for that first crystal, running to break the next crystals, jump, jump evading up the ledge, tornadoing the two there and jump evading to catch the last one as the tornado ends. I was then wasting time by backtracking to get the other crystals to afford the final O, O attack. As a note, if you don't get the relics the O/O attack isn't large enough to get all 4 enemies at the end.
I didn't think the O/triangle attack would target the lower ones successfully.
Thanks for the tip, it was enough to get me third on the TA5 leaderboard.
I still have 2 seconds to shave off before you have to worry, then I have to try figure out that glitch. I think I'll be happy with third though.
Edit: I see you lost first place on TA12 to DrewPeacock359. Third for TA12 is good enough for me, but I'd really be interested in knowing where the extra 30K score comes from. You must backtrack for the suncrystal there, right? Edit2: Also, I realize this isn't quite on-topic to a main game speedrun, but I'm assuming Time Attack is related enough until some real discussion starts. I'm holding off on my VH VampKnack speedrun until my HDCP stripper arrives next week. Let me know if I should stop discussing Time Attack for now. Edit3: TA11. Is that one of the ones with a rollover-glitch score? I pulled 5th on the leaderboard, but I just don't see how to get enough sunstone to kill 3 more enemies, or a spot to group that many with the existing uses. Edit4: TA10, do you manage to take out two entire waves with a single tornado? I got 6th there.
It's too bad Diamond Knack was just better in every way. It would've been interesting if Sunstone Knack (or any other costume) could've brought something to the table.
That's awesome Wulf, glad you got that 3rd place! So I lost TA12? Crap, I need to get it back. Will work on it right now, maybe stream it...
I don't remember what TA12 is, but I'll answer your questions as I replay them. Btw, the only stages with the glitch score are TA5 and TA9, because I was pretty much forced to do it to get the 1st place. I wouldn't have done it if it hadn't glitched for YannYam.
Ok, I got back that TA12. Shaved off about 1.8 seconds, so I would say right now it is pretty difficult to get.
Let me try answering your questions:
1. The extra 30k? Well, let me tell you how I begin the run. I DO NOT get the crystal back there. I just start forward, jump over the first enemy, hit the 2nd enemy once, go past the 3rd enemy, hit the 4th enemy once, hit the big guy once and get the 2 sunstone crystals. I then go back and when I get in the floating area again I trigger the tornado. I go all the way back and kill all the enemies. Then I go forward (you should have gotten the relic cylinder on your way back), go upstairs and get the crystal in the far right. jump carefully and get the 2nd crystal, jump in the platform and get the 3rd crystal with the tornado. The rest is pretty much the same, just tornado your way all the way till the finish. 2. I do agree that this thread should be more speedrun related. Once I add the Knack page to my wiki and install a forum we can go there and discuss high scores, coliseum, etc. 3. For TA11, I am not ready to reveal the strategy yet to the public. I want the japanese guys to give it a shot once they get the game in a few weeks. Send me a PM and I can discuss, but there is NO rollover glitch. It is a pretty slick strat, when you see it you will be like WTF. 4. TA10, I do manage to kill the first bunch of enemies in the arena and get 3 of the next wave with a single tornado. The trick is to group the first 5 enemies so that you kill them with the tornado quickly. I haven't managed to get that 4th guy from the 2nd wave, but I think its possible so I'll get him eventually and max out the score. That is the only stage where I still have to work for that guy, everything else I think its pretty maxed out. Oh wait, except #2...