Edit history:
amhite: 2014-05-02 02:29:21 pm
amhite: 2014-05-02 02:27:45 pm
amhite: 2014-05-02 02:25:55 pm
amhite: 2014-05-02 02:25:47 pm
amhite: 2014-05-02 02:25:43 pm
amhite: 2014-05-02 02:25:43 pm
amhite: 2014-04-20 04:08:02 am
amhite: 2014-04-20 04:07:43 am
amhite: 2014-04-19 11:59:06 pm
amhite: 2014-02-01 05:44:12 pm
I just finished the game and am now going through to find that optimal path. I'll keep all my notes for my first route in this post.
World 1 (Sun Stones required: 5)
*On stage 1, I get the sword ability at the first chance and use the right->right->B combo (the dash) to progress through the stage. I then get the fire ability at the first chance I get, because the dash is faster, more consistent, has more range, and allows Kirby to go airborne for a time. It is also continuous if you just keep pressing B as long as you're in the air. I keep the fire ability for every stage thereafter except for the boss stage. I'll talk about this stage later.
Sun Stones:
Stage 1: The very first sun stone in the game is required. Skip the second SS (caged).
SS so far: 1
Stage 2: Grab the first SS (chest). Grab the second SS (cannons). Skip the third.
SS so far: 3
Stage 3: Skip the first 3 SS. Grab the last SS (right before the end stage door).
So far: 4
Stage 4: Skip the first one. I get the third one here. If you're fast enough with your fire ability, you can go through all of the fires in the room with the roped carts. I pick up the key and ride the last two carts through the fires to get the last SS.
So far: 5
Stage 1: This one is pretty simple. You can get the third mole the first time he pops up if your timing is good. Stay at the bottom the entire fight.
Stage 2: Go to the very right side of the arena and just hold down B with the fire ability. You can make the length of the flame increase by holding left (if you're facing left, of course). So you can just sit there and end it quickly and continue to the right as soon as he's defeated.
Stage 4: Use the same strat on this mini-boss.
Stage 5 (Boss Stage):
I timed what I found to be the best strategies using all 3 of the available abilities here. You can "3-cycle" this boss using the fire ability or the beetle ability. I use the fire, so I can continue using it on the next stage. Run up to the tree and stand on the left side. Face right and use the fire ability. Hold right on the dpad, and you'll turn into a stationary bonfire. It does a lot of damage. All you have to do is hold B here. When he sends his roots over to the foreground from the background, if you're still standing there, you'll damage two roots at a time for the longest time possible doing the most damage per second. He'll return to the foreground again, and you can finish him off here doing the same thing (bonfire thing).
Continue to the next world (2-1).
I'll edit this post and continue later as I route more.
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