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Hi all,

Just wondering whether anyone knew a site on which the fastest completion times on Kameo: Elements of Power are. If you have live the score boards keep track of certain levels so I was just check if there was a site on which the videos were hosted.

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mephisto: 2006-06-25 07:50:15 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I would also like to see a SS/MS run on Kameo. I mean, is quite old now, and I guess at least one person would want to make a speedrun on it.
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
I haven't played this game, but I think Serious Cacodemon has this in his queue.

PS - I'd rather see Ristar. Wink
Kameo is considered "old" now? It's been out, what, 6 months?

'course, I'd like to see a run of it, though.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Hitaro: Well, not old. But I guess that it has been available long enough for someone to plan/record a speedrun.
I don't have a 360, but it's a game a want to play so much. I've seen a couple of gameplay video, and I was crying of joy. This game seems so powerful for the mind.
Obey the Daleks or be Exterminated! Riiiiiiight...
Surprise, surprise, this is actually in my list of future speedruns to do.

It's going to be hard for me to do, considering that it's really easy to die, even against the standard Trolls.  Add to the fact that the game is over if one of the Walruses in the Ice Temple dies, then it's a game over.

I'm fairly sure all of the bosses can be beaten efficiently, with maybe the exception of the Water Temple's boss (It's hard for me to control Deep Blue, even with the control sticks inverted).  Oh boy, when I get around to this and manage to get to Thorn, I'm so looking forward to beating him like nothing.

However, I don't plan on doing it right now, or for quite a while, since my attention is now towards Lost Kingdoms 1 and 2, and later on Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee.

Enhasa:  Surprisingly, I actually speedran Ristar, both without any treasures, and also with all treasures.  If I could just get around to arrange to get the tapes mailed over to nate, but somehow I'm feeling lazy :\
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
It's not surprising when I remember your queue. Otherwise, it would be a pretty random comment to put in there. :-/
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Well, It would be awesome if you made a run. I finsihed the game like 2 days ago.

It doesn´t seem like a game with many glithces and shortcuts thou.

Whats your fastest time at the first level Thorns Castle?
Mine is something like 9:30 min.
I currently have the world record with screen shots to prove it my time is 3:31:15 game time 3:20
Totally Radical Awesome Game
are you going to post them or should we expect them in the mail
If anyone's still interested in running this game, there's a few tricks that abuse the checkpoint system via quit-outs:
-Some cutscenes become skippable (out of the ~30-35min worth of them), namely the first cutscene in Thorn's Castle when dropping off of the ice wall with Chilla (done during his falling animation), and all of the cutscenes that play when picking up the Elemental Sprites (done immediately after pressing 'A' to absorb them). This trims down probably ~5min worth of cutscenes.
-It's possible to quit out after destroying the last catapult while defending the Red Shrine, warping Kameo back into Snow Top Village, skipping Farron's "victory cutscene," so you can progress immediately and not need to trek back. I estimated ~1m15s saved doing this.

The estimated time it takes to quit out and load back in is a little under 13secs on the Xbox 360 with a disc and installed to the hard drive. I don't know about the time taken on the Rare Replay version for the Xbox One, but I imagine it's faster.

Quote from Serious_Cacodemon:
It's going to be hard for me to do, considering that it's really easy to die, even against the standard Trolls.  Add to the fact that the game is over if one of the Walruses in the Ice Temple dies, then it's a game over.

I wouldn't be too worried about deaths for most of the game, the checkpoint system is very liberal, and even without the Elixirs of Life, Kameo has a sizeable health pool. Only in times where one of the unskippable cutscenes plays after the checkpoint (like dying to a boss, happened to me with Corallis) would deaths be concerning.

There's also a minor abuse with upgrading the Elemental Warrior's spirit bars: it refills when done so. This lets Deep Blue have an easier/faster time with the Fire Trolls and Imps, as well as letting Thermite and Pummel Weed get further reach with their abilities as a one-time use.
I currently have a time of 3:29:52 pending on  It was far from a perfect run, specifically the Ice Temple was pretty terrible.  I didn't use any cutscene skips since I didn't know how that works in a single segment run. 

The estimated time it takes to quit out and load back in is a little under 13secs on the Xbox 360 with a disc and installed to the hard drive. I don't know about the time taken on the Rare Replay version for the Xbox One, but I imagine it's faster.

It is slower by a large margin (~50sec per quit).  Most of this time is the Xbox One loading up the 360 software.

By what I can tell most of the timesaves in this game are going to come from optimizing combat.

If anyone still interested, I also set a time at