Nuzlocker and wannabe speedrunner
Okay, so a while ago, I thought about having an animal-themed (read: Furry-themed) block on AGDQ, but that was declined because of the connotations furries have with them. But I know that furries are people with at least enough money to throw at artists to draw them stuff, some more than other *coughLightcough*. But I know that, by nature, furries love animals. And at least 99% of them are complete nerds, a good portion of them gamers. So why not combine the two?
How about a charity marathon similar to GDQ called Zoo Jeux Zoom?
Basically, the docket would have games featuring animals or creatures of some sort, and while the runners are encouraged to be ones to emerge from the furry fandom (NO FURSUITS because you WILL overheat and distract viewers/runners), any runner who wants to participate would be doing runs. The charity would be an animal-focused one such as the World Wildlife Fund. We might also perhaps choose a city whose domestic animal abuse problem is heavy while their forces are light and maybe give their animal control folks a boost. The stream would be advertized on as many furry sites as possible, since they'll be our target audience (as well as animal lovers in general), and trust me, there WILL be a good amount of donations. And besides, MANY games with animals as a main theme are terrific games, as we all should know very well, and it would be an excellent opportunity to showcase that...and maybe get some developers to stop making shitty human-shoots-human games and start doing awesome ones again. Like the title says, it's up for discussion.
Donation incentives could include the classic video game-based merch stuff, but perhaps also video game-themed versions of the best products of the furry community: Art. By which I mean CLEAN art. Said art pieces would be either prints or originals if they're done traditionally. It would be just fanart of existing characters, no OCs or your-character-heres or adoptables or anything like that. But yeah, like stated above, totally up for discussion.
Here are some possible games/series:
- Okami/den
- Crash
- Sonic
- Pokémon
- Digimon
- Battletoads
-Call of Duty: Ghosts
- Banjo
- Breath of Fire (one of the furriest game series I've ever seen, dear Lord...well, I-IV, at least)
- Mario (one word: Bowser)
- Conker
- Fur Fighters
- Elder Scrolls (where runner plays Argonian/Kajiit)
- Zelda (TP would be a fantastic choice)
- Star Fox (probably Assault or Adventures)
- Yoshi
- Scaler (I wanted to try running this game, but I suck too much to even get through it)
- Ratchet & Clank
- Donkey Kong
- Pikmin
Feel free to add more to the list
Anyway, come on, tell me what you think! Remember: This is a marathon aimed at furries, not simply gamers in general. Furries do have a lot of stigma, but I hope that this alleviates some of it by proving that they really do have hearts for things that aren't porn. But while it stands, as long as this is aimed at furries, comments on how non-furry people won't feel comfortable watching or something will be taken with a grain of salt.
So yeah...have at it!
How about a charity marathon similar to GDQ called Zoo Jeux Zoom?
Basically, the docket would have games featuring animals or creatures of some sort, and while the runners are encouraged to be ones to emerge from the furry fandom (NO FURSUITS because you WILL overheat and distract viewers/runners), any runner who wants to participate would be doing runs. The charity would be an animal-focused one such as the World Wildlife Fund. We might also perhaps choose a city whose domestic animal abuse problem is heavy while their forces are light and maybe give their animal control folks a boost. The stream would be advertized on as many furry sites as possible, since they'll be our target audience (as well as animal lovers in general), and trust me, there WILL be a good amount of donations. And besides, MANY games with animals as a main theme are terrific games, as we all should know very well, and it would be an excellent opportunity to showcase that...and maybe get some developers to stop making shitty human-shoots-human games and start doing awesome ones again. Like the title says, it's up for discussion.
Donation incentives could include the classic video game-based merch stuff, but perhaps also video game-themed versions of the best products of the furry community: Art. By which I mean CLEAN art.
(Though I'm sure we could have a few artists of certain sects of the fandom do their thing to produce some plainly humorous pieces, such as some fatfur drawing an overweight Yoshi lamenting over his overeating, or people being kinda freaked out while a ridiculously overmuscled Machamp flexes for the audience...complete with steroid-induced complete lack of crotch. Hey, just because some people get off to it doesn't mean it can't be safe and funny!)
Here are some possible games/series:
- Okami/den
- Crash
- Sonic
- Pokémon
- Digimon
- Battletoads
- Banjo
- Breath of Fire (one of the furriest game series I've ever seen, dear Lord...well, I-IV, at least)
- Mario (one word: Bowser)
- Conker
- Fur Fighters
- Elder Scrolls (where runner plays Argonian/Kajiit)
- Zelda (TP would be a fantastic choice)
- Star Fox (probably Assault or Adventures)
- Yoshi
- Scaler (I wanted to try running this game, but I suck too much to even get through it)
- Ratchet & Clank
- Donkey Kong
- Pikmin
Feel free to add more to the list
So yeah...have at it!
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