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Shrimp: 2013-01-26 11:09:50 am
7-3 Skip made easy

-Can't believe it was this simple, if you just crouch walk on the moving platform you can get further out, making this jump a hell of a lot easier.


I know Mike's been looking for this, a way to deal with the mindgame fish right after climbing up the vine. I've tried this a good number of times and this seems to always work:
(also a little bit of showing off at the end, with an alternate route)

6-1 bouncing bananas safe kill

-If you use the small slope to gain some speed you can get to the top of the big slope without scrolling the screen up enough to trigger the bouncing banana spawn early.  This makes getting past what was once one of the most annoying enemies in the game almost trivial.
Totally rad
Quote from Shrimp:
I know Mike's been looking for this, a way to deal with the mindgame fish right after climbing up the vine. I've tried this a good number of times and this seems to always work:
(also a little bit of showing off at the end, with an alternate route)

That's a pretty bad strategy, in all honesty. Here's what I do (and it always works out): I do the fast vine climb, as you do. At the end, I jump on top of the high section as quickly as possible, crouch, and shoot as fast as possible. The path of the mind game fish is always such that you can shoot him while he approaches you. Need to be quick to pull off this strategy, or he'll come too close for it to work. I can make a video of it for you, if you want (along with a video for 3-2 as well, since everyone seems to have issues with that fish :p)
Edit history:
Raelcun: 2013-02-01 11:18:00 pm
Raelcun: 2013-02-01 11:00:22 pm
Raelcun: 2013-02-01 10:41:34 pm
Raelcun: 2013-02-01 10:41:29 pm
We require more minerals

Any% Hype! I can get it under 7 minutes easily just requires some stupid grinding for the right powerup to drop. Split was also a little late was probably a 9:15 instead.

Sadly the 9-1 skip doesn't work on Normal because the guy dies too fast. Also this is a bitch to do attempts on, 4+ minutes between each attempt waiting for the demo to come around again. Streamed for 6 hours and didn't even get 30 attempts.


Quote from AdamAK:
That's a pretty bad strategy, in all honesty. Here's what I do (and it always works out):

Your strategy is the ideal, but whether or not it works depends on how the quick-climb up the vine aligns Toki for the final jump at the top.  It works as long as Toki's feet don't spend too much time off of the ground once he clears the top vine.  If Toki gets any appreciable amount of hang-time above the top vine, or if he triggers the animation for climbing up onto the top vine, the fish will be too close and too low to deal with safely your way.  If that happens, Shrimp's strategy is safer and more predictable than the alternative of trying to lure the fish over the wall so you can hit it from below.  Doubly so on emulator since for whatever reason Toki's max shooting speed is way way lower than it is on console.
I've really been slacking in my Toki attempts. Got some cool new skips though.

8-2 No kills
-For the top platform it's pretty easy, if you just crouch walk then they'll never reach you. Just don't move the camera down.
-You wanna activate the platform then wait a bit and jump down when both the devils are as high as you can get them.
-I got lucky in this video since the two devils despawned for the clip, sometimes they don't and you have to be careful or fast while clipping.

8-3 Double Phoenix Skip
-After killing the spike I move backwards so the phoenix and platform are reset.
-I walk forward and jump when I see the phoenix do a double take.
-I crouch walk a small bit on the platform then stop for a moment, then resume crouch walking. You kind of need to get a feel for this part.
-I go to the spot where I usually do the normal skip and scroll the camera up when I hear the phoenix below fire. Then jump shortly afterwards.
Edit history:
Raelcun: 2013-07-01 02:28:50 am
We require more minerals
Well, I did it. Got flamethrower and killed first stark. Killed second stark first try with the the triple shot. No deaths, could have done a little better but probably only about 15-20 more seconds to cut. I guess now I gotta work on the real category? Shit.
The Dork Knight himself.
Gah!!! You didn't use the quick exit at the start of world 9 Sad  Does the big monkey-head die too soon if you try it?
We require more minerals
Yeah, he dies on the lower difficulty before you can get up there.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Yeah that trick only works on hardest.
The Dork Knight himself.
You mean Toki has another difficulty level??? Curse you Adam!!!!!
Totally rad
You know darned well there is only one category in this game.
We require more minerals
I guess now I gotta work on the real category? Shit.

I was doing Any% because someone had to. It's just such a silly skip.
New best time! 36:30. Pretty proud of this one, doubt i'll be bringing it lower any time soon.

Here's a funny highlight from the run:
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Wow Membrane does not give up.