Hello everyone,
Myself and several others are organizing the JRTA Marathon, the goal of which is to bring Japanese runners to AGDQ without the burden of expensive travel costs. The Japanese community has never had a presence at the GDQs, and we hope the JRTA Marathon can assist in making AGDQ 2015 the first time this isn't the case. We've spent the last several days talking with 0xwas, Ohon, and Hanage, who have all successfully made it through the 1st round of submissions for AGDQ. Our goal is to bring all 3 of them to AGDQ 2015.
The JRTA Marathon itself will take place September 26-28. We'll need your help spreading the word and filling our schedule. It is my belief that this marathon is a cause the community can and will rally behind. The twitch page for the event is http://twitch.tv/jrtamarathon. The info panels on that twitch page contain the schedule, and will eventually contain the donation link, etc.
Please help us spread the word of this marathon!
Update: Schedule has been announced! We will contact runners shortly with details. http://bombch.us/nqV
Myself and several others are organizing the JRTA Marathon, the goal of which is to bring Japanese runners to AGDQ without the burden of expensive travel costs. The Japanese community has never had a presence at the GDQs, and we hope the JRTA Marathon can assist in making AGDQ 2015 the first time this isn't the case. We've spent the last several days talking with 0xwas, Ohon, and Hanage, who have all successfully made it through the 1st round of submissions for AGDQ. Our goal is to bring all 3 of them to AGDQ 2015.
The JRTA Marathon itself will take place September 26-28. We'll need your help spreading the word and filling our schedule. It is my belief that this marathon is a cause the community can and will rally behind. The twitch page for the event is http://twitch.tv/jrtamarathon. The info panels on that twitch page contain the schedule, and will eventually contain the donation link, etc.
Please help us spread the word of this marathon!
Update: Schedule has been announced! We will contact runners shortly with details. http://bombch.us/nqV
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