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Quote from Sarutara:
Quote from builder:
Quote from Sarutara:

I found a way to skip destroying the mines in kejim_base and get a really nice boost from the explosion which I haven't seen before.

That sounds super cool, but I'm not sure which mines you're talking about?

This is what I was talking about:

If you do it a little bit better than I did there, you'll fly right to the door but I was too lazy to try until I get it right again.

Holy cow, that is really cool. Once again, well done! It will be interesting to see what other neat shortcuts will be found later in the game. Are you in the process of recording the actual speed run you want to submit to SDA, or are you just "practicing"?
Quote from builder:
Are you in the process of recording the actual speed run you want to submit to SDA, or are you just "practicing"?

Both. I'm currently recording kejim_base, but I don't have much time right now, so there won't be much process the next few weeks. I won't search the whole game for shortcuts and set a route for every level before I start recording but rather go through a few levels in advance until the next health refill. After yavin_trials there are no refills anymore as far as I remember, so that approach won't work after it.
I'm not a speedruner myself, but I have played jk2 multiplayer for many years. There is this old, not-so-well known trick/bug that may be usefull. I don't know if it works in sp and I can't check right now. This is how to do it:
You want to position yourself somewhere high on an open map. Good map for learning is ffa_ns_streets in multi. Turn on force speed (speed+rage makes it easier) and gain some speed strafe jumping. On last jump press space and don't release it. Try to hit a vertical wall when falling down. If you do this correctly you will bounce off the wall and fly up to the height where you last touched the floor. That's all.
Keep in mind that if you had full force meter then force speed will use only half of it and you will jump very high before falling down. It won't make you bounce higher though. Only to the height where you last touched the floor.
You can combine multiple such jumps. Also afaik you can disable force speed mid air, regen force and enable it again before bouncing off the next wall.

I hope it is clear enough. I can record a demo if you want.
The Dork Knight himself.
I remember that trick, in Quake 3 it was known as an overbounce. It was only able to be done at specific points, but fau has it right. Fall from any height, and if you land on a spot that allows an overbounce, you'll wind up at the same height you started at. If it does work in single player, it could be pretty useful. I'm not sure exactly how it works, but you'll get bounced at the same velocity that you hit the overbounce spot at. Meaning if you're coming straight down and not moving at all, you'll go straight up to the same height you started at, but if you're moving in any direction you'll get a horizontal velocity matching the speed you landed at. A good example of what it can be used for is in the video Tribulation. While it is long, there are plenty of good examples scattered throughout.
I found a way to skip the last part of the conversation with the rebel in artus_detention and it should work with other converstations too. If you save while he talks everthing after "only the base comander has clearance to..." is left out. But I'm not sure if it's a legitimate way to skip it, even when starting a new segment afterwards.
I can upload a video of it, if needed.
There's no rule against segmenting in specific places to skip things. (The only exception is if what happens after you load depends on what you did between when you made the save and when you loaded it, but that's pretty rare.)

Some people like to limit themselves to saving at the beginning of levels, but I prefer saving wherever it saves the most time or makes it easiest to do hard tricks. Of course, bear in mind that there's a half-second penalty for manual saves but not for autosaves.
Ok thanks. That's what I thought, but better be save than sorry.
I just wanted to say I've been following your segments on YouTube and they're really impressive. My jaw literally dropped during some of them. Keep up the great work.
Edit history:
gammadragon: 2012-11-06 03:34:21 am
gammadragon: 2012-11-06 03:29:10 am
Might be magic...
Have to say that whenever I play this game the levels before Kyle gets his force powers are completely boring. Now I know I've just been doing it wrong! Lots of fun to watch your progress on Youtube and really looking forward to some of the skips you find in the next few levels.

Bunny hopping + force jump combined should be good entertainment, not to mention force pull! my favourite move is this one - it often works to one-hit-kill enemy jedi as well, but not the main bosses.

Also force grip is a little broken at tier 3. If you grip, flick your mouse then let go within a short instant of time you can send some enemies flying off cliffs. The trick to make it work with enemy jedi is to do it quickly enough that they don't have time to react with a force push (or if they do react it's too late and they die anyway). Couldn't find a decent example on Youtube so I might record one.

EDIT: link to Force Grip trick:
Might be magic...
On your next speedrun level (ns_streets) there's a difficult jump you can make as a shortcut onto the moving cart. Probably a good idea to segment at that point though Smiley
Thanks for the input. I hadn't really thought about how to deal with the sith yet. Force grip seems like a really good idea for the later levels though. The pull trick should work nicely for goups of normal enemies.

On your next speedrun level (ns_streets) there's a difficult jump you can make as a shortcut onto the moving cart. Probably a good idea to segment at that point though

It's already planed out with a split before the jump ;). It's one of the worst levels in the game, for speedrunning and casual playthrough because of the snipers everywhere.
Edit history:
gammadragon: 2012-11-11 12:40:43 am
Might be magic...
I had a go at trying a big trick jump on ns_streets, but kept missing it by a tiny bit. Could save around 20s on your run though, not to mention it would be awesome to watch Smiley

EDIT: Another shortcut you can do here (but I think you probably would already have this one in your route)
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honorableJay: 2012-11-10 10:45:49 pm
The Dork Knight himself.
That could definitely work. What I think you were missing from it (besides enough speed) was saving the hitbox shift until just before getting to the garbage hauler. In Jedi Outcast/Academy, you can shift your hitbox up if you're in the air if you press duck while NOT holding down jump. A little more speed, shift the hitbox up and this trick is solid.
I actually thought of that too, but i tried it without jumping on the enemy, which seems like an awesome idea. Like this it could actually work. I'll work on that again and see if i can get over there.
The second shortcut is already in the route.
Yay, got it
Wow, that's a very nice jump!
Is anyone aware of the possibility of climbing on top of cliffs in artus topside?
It's completely useless because of the way the level is scripted. It doesn't seem to be possible to start the scene leading to the dessan-fight, even if you could get there. But you can't anyway because there's an invisible wall there. And you can't skip to the base because you need to open the door with the at-st first... really unfortunate.
I can post a video of it if you want
The Dork Knight himself.
Yeah I checked that out a while ago and it turned out to be useless. Getting up there is cool, but I could never seem to get past the invisible walls to end the level quicker than normally possible. If there was a way it would really shorten the level, but since you can't weapon jump at all right now it's just a worthless sightseeing spot.
Edit history:
gammadragon: 2012-11-11 10:40:02 pm
Might be magic...
Quote from Sarutara:
Yay, got it

Nice! I bow down to your superior strafe-jumping abilities :). Tricks like that make watching speedruns really fun. Thanks for the tips honorableJay.

Now the next challenge is to survive the entire trip on the garbage collector...
Does force speed actually help? Because it seemed like it, but i'm not entirely sure. Does it make you jump further?
I'm not really sure and haven't tested it out yet.

Quote from gammadragon:
Now the next challenge is to survive the entire trip on the garbage collector...

Yeah that will be aweful. It was bad before, but with the much harder jump it takes a lot longer to even get there... just to get destroyed by the snipers immediatly.
Edit history:
gammadragon: 2012-11-12 04:00:29 am
gammadragon: 2012-11-12 03:59:53 am
Might be magic...
Quote from Sarutara:
Does force speed actually help? Because it seemed like it, but i'm not entirely sure. Does it make you jump further?
I'm not really sure and haven't tested it out yet.

I'm fairly sure that force speed doesn't make any difference in jump length or height in single player. Quite happy for someone to prove me wrong with an example though.

Here's a video of a jump in ns_hideout which might be slightly faster than the existing speedrun.
This looks pretty sweet. I will most likely use that.
The Dork Knight himself.
Actually if you checked out the WIPs that LLCoolDave made a while back he uses that jump (along with a few other tricks). I still have the videos on my HD and can upload them if you need em.
That would be great. I got the WIPs until ns_streets and didn't know he made anymore. How far has he played?
Might be magic...
Quote from honorableJay:
Actually if you checked out the WIPs that LLCoolDave made a while back he uses that jump (along with a few other tricks). I still have the videos on my HD and can upload them if you need em.

That would be great, thanks. He found some awesome tricks in the previous segments.