where a notorious person named chibi got involved in organizing a marathon. A lot of people started bringing up unrelated things and demanding he stop organizing the marathon. While I think it's perfectly OK to bring up a concern about that, there's a fine line crossed where people bring up out-of-context conversations just to insult him, and derail the thread completely.
A liar, cheat, and fraud announces he's hosting a charity marathon.
Pointing that out isn't a "derail." It's entirely on topic for a thread about the marathon.
To *ban accounts* and *delete posts* in order to create a one-sided portrayal of the event is absurd, and a betrayal of what remaining trust speedrunners have in this site.
I'll indulge you with exactly one post, which is more than this behavior deserves.
What you all are doing is basically a witch hunt. You're going far out of your way to find ways to smear Chibi or the marathon he's trying to run. Trustworthiness is absolutely a worthwhile quality to discuss about a marathon organizer, but what you are doing goes above and beyond and well into the realm of abuse and harassment. SDA does not consider such behavior acceptable. This is a forum for discussion of speedruns and related events, not for abusing someone who is attempting to run an event. The fact that you think the acceptable response to being asked to stop your witch hunt is to start ANOTHER witch hunt against the person asking you to stop is simply laughable.
There was plenty of opportunity at the beginning of the thread to discuss the trustworthiness issues without delving into the realm of open harassment. You and the other folks took that inch of opportunity and extended it to three full pages of abuse. That's enough. There's lots of other places on the internet that enable you to dogpile on a given person. SDA is not one of them.
I don't see why there was much need to say more than:
"You don't prove yourself by jumping back in and trying to be the leader. Take a back seat, prove you can follow the rules."
The discussion on the first page was mostly fine. After that, almost everything was completely unnecessary. Posting irrelevant conversations that have nothing to do with the marathon are NOT on topic.
I'll indulge you with exactly one post, which is more than this behavior deserves.
What you all are doing is basically a witch hunt. You're going far out of your way to find ways to smear Chibi or the marathon he's trying to run. Trustworthiness is absolutely a worthwhile quality to discuss about a marathon organizer, but what you are doing goes above and beyond and well into the realm of abuse and harassment. SDA does not consider such behavior acceptable. This is a forum for discussion of speedruns and related events, not for abusing someone who is attempting to run an event. The fact that you think the acceptable response to being asked to stop your witch hunt is to start ANOTHER witch hunt against the person asking you to stop is simply laughable.
There was plenty of opportunity at the beginning of the thread to discuss the trustworthiness issues without delving into the realm of open harassment. You and the other folks took that inch of opportunity and extended it to three full pages of abuse. That's enough. There's lots of other places on the internet that enable you to dogpile on a given person. SDA is not one of them.
You'd be credible on this if you said you'd delete and ban for *harassment*. But that's not what you said, and we all know that's not what you meant.
But to silence *all* criticism of the event is ridiculous, and undermines this site as a credible site for discussing serious issues related to the hobby, such as a fraudster like Chibi.
It's awfully cowardly to threaten bans while insisting on keeping people's runs on your site.
But to silence *all* criticism of the event is ridiculous. Though is it in keeping with the conflict of interest-ridden moderation given to the GDQ staff.
Quote from Vulajin:
Any further posts that do not have to do with the planning or execution of this marathon will be removed, and the posters will be banned. I've had enough of this. If all you want to do is stir up shit, take it to Reddit.
I don't see why there was much need to say more than:
"You don't prove yourself by jumping back in and trying to be the leader. Take a back seat, prove you can follow the rules."
The discussion on the first page was mostly fine. After that, almost everything was completely unnecessary. Posting irrelevant conversations that have nothing to do with the marathon are NOT on topic.
When new evidence comes of misbehavior, it's fair to post it.
Given how the GDQ boys hand out bans to *their* event over ill-advised online postings, this is rather hypocritical for a GDQ staffer to block this stuff.
But to silence *all* criticism of the event is ridiculous. Though is it in keeping with the conflict of interest-ridden moderation given to the GDQ staff.
Quote from Vulajin:
Any further posts that do not have to do with the planning or execution of this marathon will be removed, and the posters will be banned. I've had enough of this. If all you want to do is stir up shit, take it to Reddit.
How do you misinterpret this?
People are highlighting that the character of "Chibi" marks him untrustworthy and unsuitable to be allowed to run a marathon like this. That's what's being banned. If an unstable cheat is doing this, you don't know how the marathon will actually go, where the money will go, or how the account will be used, after it builds viewership (which is money in the Twitch Partnership deals).
...you don't know how the marathon will actually go, where the money will go, or how the account will be used, after it builds viewership (which is money in the Twitch Partnership deals).
And neither do you. If bad things happen, it will have fallout, and the folks behind it will be held responsible. If it goes fine, it goes fine.
We get it, you have personal reservations about chibi. You've spoken as much in the thread. Leave it at that. Trying to force everybody else that comes into it to see things your way is just childish. That's not criticism of the event; that's a personal crusade against somebody.
All marathons are risky. They all have that inherent fraud factor, because while anybody can claim it's going to charity, the charity itself could be misleading. If what goes on in this particular marathon is underhanded, the proper consequences will happen. The same if it all goes well.
honestly, I'm not sure who to agree with here. People are apparently allowed to shit over AGDQ all they want, so I'm not sure why it's any different for this marathon in question. Personal attacks should obviously be banned in any situation, however.
edit: Asking for Vulajin to be demodded because he won't let you be a shitter is pretty childish, however.
Of course you're treating this as a personal attack against Chibi (and now Vulajin). Yes, there has been considerable drama surrounding Chibi in the past, and granted I don't pay much attention to him and everything that happens with/to him, but to insinuate that he'd essentially steal or be fraudulent with the money his marathon raises is absurd because I've never heard of him doing anything like that in the past.
Criticizing or questioning his marathon is fine, but turning his marathon thread into a shit storm that was basically being used to insult him at every turn was uncalled for and completely inappropriate. And now attempting to create another thread to do the same against the one moderator who tried to control your previous shit storm is just as uncalled for.
It's pretty simple. If you don't support the marathon, don't support it. By adding three pages to the thread he created you only drew more attention to it, thus giving it more exposure that you are supposedly trying to prevent. Asking for Vulajin to be demodded is hilarious. If you really feel inclined to shut down the marathon, organize one of your own the same weekend and see who draws more views. I'd be willing to bet you wouldn't like the response you got from that either.