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Hey all!

After enjoying AGDQ 2012 and after having only 4 hours of sleep every night just to watch AGDQ 2013, I decided to join this community and start speed running myself. I've been a competitive gamer (eSports) for almost 6 years now at a racing game called Trackmania Nations Forever. I've made some money doing this and I still love doing it.

I hope the skills i've gotten whilst playing this game at a high competitive level will help me become a good speed runner.

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PillsOfDeath: 2013-01-14 09:08:37 am
Hey all!

My name is Nicolas and i'm from Belgium.

I'm following you since many years now and watched all your marathon's (since Classic Games Done Quick). I've decided to join your community and i hope i will have a great time with you all

I've started to speedrun myself a few days ago so this is totally new for me.

See you around Smiley
Hello fellow earthwalkers!

I am Maxim and I'm also from Belgium (just like that guy above me but i really don't know him)
I'm 18 now so free to stand wherever I want so i stepped into the world of speedrunning, even though I'm new I'll give it my best shot and hope to meet y'all in some future races,runs,streams,... FUN TIMES Tongue

any tips, hints and recommendations are welcome so feel free to pm me or something Cheesy

I've pretty much been lurking on SDA since Red Scarlet's Metroid runs. I love watching the streams and figured I'd actually start posting here. Cheesy I've been playing around a bunch with the time attack mode of Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams and sometimes like to try to casually run Serious Sam games. I don't really have the internet speed to stream for most games so I'm mostly just using YouTube for it for now.

Hope to stick around! :3
Hello SDA

i have been following different speedrunners for a time now and after i watched AGDQ 2013 finally decided to start speedrunning myself, the 2 games im currently looking at giving a shot at is the good old starcraft  Broodwar and starcraft 2 and hopefully gonna pick up Heart of the swarm when it lands in the shops.

i have my own twitch channel where i will be streaming teh adventures of my speedrunning so feel free to check it out at

it feels like a nice commuty filled with friendly and kind people that i would like to become one of one day and hopefully get to go to a AGDQ some day. but enough of that time to explain who i am.

hope theres some people out there with the same goal as me, so we could get to know each other and help eachother get better sp
Hello there,

I am Logan from France and i decided to start speed running games that's why i am here :p. I have been followind some of you since a bit now and i really enjoyed watching you.

Have a nice day everybody.
Hello everyone,

I've been a fan of speedruns for awhile and after seeing AGDQ 2013 decided to take less of a passive roll in this wonderful community. I hope to have a lot of fun with you folks. 
Welcome, to anyone joining off the end of AGDQ 2013! I'm sure you'll enjoy it here, and here's hoping you do some great runs of your own! May I also suggest playing some of the games submitted over on the verification board, and offering to verify them. That's one of the easiest and also most needed ways to contribute to this community.
S. D. A. It's In The Game.
Wish I had found this place years ago, seems totes legit for all the big plays and strats!
Hi!  I'm Brad, and I too was motivated to join after seeing AGDQ 2013.  The attention to detail was shocking, and I'm amazed that new tricks are still being found for games that are 20 years old.  The only speed running I've done in the past was just competing for the best time with friends on Goldeneye 007 for the N64, but I look forward to running again.  I plan to start with some more obscure NES/SNES games.  I also plan to try some of the other obscure games that I see others running, and possibly try to verify some of those runs in need.  Looking forward to meeting and working with some of you in the future!
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moepOOO: 2013-01-14 05:25:15 pm
HEY GUYS</caps>,

I'm Chris from Germany, 22 years old, after watching you guys on the '13 Marathon I just had to be part of this awesome community.
Also because of Kotti, I know him from Frets On Fire times, which is like, 5-6 Years ago? Whew.

I was always into TAS and Speedruns, watching a ton on youtube for years and now I'm motivated to run something, something to deliver here sometime, I don't know which game it's gonna be, but I will find one and I will practice it. I never ran anything before and I have absolute no experience, but everyone began like that, right?

So far I play League Of Legends activly since beta, ELO 1925 so far, and also played CS since 1.3 till 1.6 competitivly for 5 Years, but not anymore. I also played Rock Band (Xbox 360) activly, was World around top 15 and Germany Rank 1, but I only play LoL so far.

Well I hopefully will find some Steam Game I like that I can maybe run.

Shoutouts to all the really awesome people that were on the marathon.

My thumbs hurt
Hello there SDA!

My name is Jon, but you can call me whatever you'd like. I've been watching both speedruns and TASes for a few years now but never really found the time (or the courage) to come into the community. But after I watched AGDQ 2013 and saw so many people who were welcomed even though it was their first time there, I just had to.

I'm currently looking for a game to run through and have a few ideas. In my freetime besides (besides speedrunning!) I like to juggle, play TF2, pentest, program and too many other things to count.

I really look forward to working with any of the running vets out there!
Hey, been lurking for years mostly watching Zelda OOT runs, but after watching some streams and eventually watching AGDQ this past year decided to follow the crowd of people who are joining because of it.

Currently looking at running Jak II or III, or Dark Souls just depending on my mood. If anyone here can put me in contact with anyone that is working on any other those run it would be appreciated.

In the mean time see you around.
Hi everyone!

Lurking for a while after watching AGDQ 2011, finally got some downtime in my life to enjoy a few challenges! I've played pretty much everything and seeing the gigantic list of Verification I thought, I could help with that pile of laundry, so I decided to join.  I don't have any games I'm currently working on actively but I've always been in love with the idea of speed running FFIX, at least since I was 14 and discovered the game had a special weapon for getting to the end under 12 hours.  Never had the time or community to attempt such a thing but then I discovered this wonderful place!

Thanks for being such an amazing community, and I look forward to running with you!
Just a casual
I'm hasinigrinte, but PLEASE call me Luke. I am a 14 year old who speedruns Zelda, Mario and mostly anything that portraiys my interest.
I speedrun Mario 64, ocarina of time and majora's mask, Majoras mask and ocarina of time isn't complete yet,
but my super mario 64 16 star personal best is 20:39. I got into speed running back when I saw a super mario world speed run and It got my interest! Than i learned about speed running, and I found about twitchtv. Than I found people Like Zfg, Cosmo, Siglemic, and other people.

Other than speed running I'm just a normal kid, who lives a normal life.thumbsup
Im Sonofevil call me Soe or Joe Smiley I was a halo 3 pro for 1 season of MLG and a Starcraft broodwar pro for 2 ladder seasons aswell. Ive noticed most new gen games just aren't bringing me the same joy the older games from my child hood did in the i stumbled across some speed running livestreams about 4 months back it inspired me. So i decided to start speed running myself, currently running Zelda: OoT and just started Double Dragon 2: The Revenge! Stop by my live stream if you desire so! Smiley Hope to meet new people and make even more friends. Glad to be part of this community.
Hi! I'm Zach.

Was amazed by AGDQ 2013 and wanted to join the community. I'm terrible at games, but i do want to try running Cave Story+ and Mirrors edge casually.
I've watched several of you for a while, but never knew about this place. Looking forward to participating in the community.
Hey, I'm new here and would like to start speedrunning Mirror's Edge! I was introduced to the community by Cosmo, but decided to join because of AGDQ. Im looking forward to starting speedrunning with you all!
Edit history:
Qwarq: 2013-01-14 11:45:07 pm
Mike here. I've been lurking around SDA since a long time ago... about 2005, I think. Most of my friends call me Q (I have no idea how that started), but there aren't many sites that allow 1-character usernames.

I've never really done any speedrunning myself (aside from a few half-hearted false starts), but I would definitely like to give it a real try if I can find the right game. I do a bit of hobby game programming (formerly professional (technically), coding for the Wii and PC) which makes all of the crazy speedrunning glitches and the technical side of things are even more fascinating to me. I loved the nerdy explanations of the NES hardware during AGDQ, for instance.

SDA has one of the best communities I've come across on the internet, so I'm glad I'll finally be able to contribute. Smiley
Edit history:
TenShots: 2013-01-14 11:16:25 pm
TenShots: 2013-01-14 11:14:13 pm
Hello hello. I only just started running about 2 months ago with IWBTG. I figured it would probably be a good idea to join the speedrunning community!

I hope to learn a bunch from you guys! And hopefully I'll be able to get to a point in some games where I can help in return.
Uh, greetings. I'm Chaore, from the east coast. I've never entirely been big on speed running, besides watching the occasional interesting run, but the recent AGDQ stream got me interested in atleast hanging around and watching more.

I'm not entirely skilled enough to try running, but I may fool around and try in the future- hopefully I'll blend in fairly well!
Hello just signed up Smiley

nes told me I should totally sign up.

I have been playing pc games forever of course. I always wanted to get into speedrunning and I am now going to no matter how bad I am.

I really want to speedrun half life or any of the other hl games(OpFor, BlueShift). I have played each of those games 10+ times I love them alot.
The WR videos are of course very intimidating but thats not what I am aiming for. So if anyone who knows who I should talk to about tips and stuff for those games let me know.
Hello, my name is Austin.  I've liked watching speed runs starting last year.  Who really got me in to speed running is Cosmo and Werster.  I'm thinking of speed running Pokemon.  Maybe Sapphire or Yellow, I'm not sure yet.  Here goes nothing.
Time Tells No Lies
Hey guys, the name's Chris. Been watching speed runs for around 2 years now and never really thought I had any chance of setting a speed run time. After AGDQ 2013 though I finally decided to make and account and was totally inspired to do a run. My best game with any sort of speed is Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins and I can maybe get though it in about 40 minutes if  few mistakes were made. I have a few other games up my sleeve that I could possibly run, but we'll see how it goes after a few months of practice Smiley
Ok so, I'm AceBentura, formerly known as Psyduckz. I submitted a few runs a few months back that got denied as i did them on Emulator. I run a few games i guess, formerly sponsored WoW player, former CS:Source team player.

Games i speed run are Pokémon Blue, Donkey Kong Country, disneys Aladdin(Snes) and Disney's Hercules (PS1). All on Emulator using the same USB remote for each game.

I have several PB's, and i'm currently working on a Pokémon Blue "100%" run, which consists of catching all available Pokémon in Pokémon blue, collecting all items available from world (Not vendor), and defeating all available trainers in world.
My current best time for this run is 11:04 (Hrs), hoping to improve it soon.

I stream occasionally at, but very rarely get viewers since switching from Psyduckz.

Pleasure to be here!