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My name's Richard (Always have gone by Richie, though) and generally use the name Laitheless online. I found out about SDA  early this year, looking for stuff about Ocarina of Time as I was about to play it for nostalgia's sake. Of course, I stumbled across Cosmo at that point, which lead me to one of the marathon streams with his speed run and then his twitch account. Ever since I've been almost obsessed with watching, learning, and attempting speed running. I have a lot of work to do, mostly with getting better equipment for recording/streaming, but I enjoy working on bettering my strats for running games. The games I'm closest to having full out runs for are Kirby's Nightmare in Dreamland (Metaknightmare 100%) and Borderlands (All Quests). I do plan on expanding my genre's and probably doing other types of runs with borderlands (any%, and maybe see how fast I can run with snipers only.), and maybe if I feel like pressing reset I'll try to get a good speed on Boss Endurance in Nightmare in Dreamland.

Aside from gaming, I'm headed to college shortly for music, eventually I plan on teaching music at the High School or College level. If that doesn't work out I'm also extremely interested in Broadcast Journalism (Specifically the technical side of news broadcasting) and would probably try and find a career more along those lines if plan A fails.

Anyway, I hope to contribute to the speed running community in some way, and I can't wait to start recording my runs.
I am starfoxleader from Twin Galaxies!
Nice to be here!
Main Work!!!
Just stepping by to say Hello to the new ones!!!

Welcome to your new life Tongue !!!

I'm Kristoffer, and for the last two or so years my interest in speedrunning has been growing ever so slowly. The marathon last January kept me sane as I was sick for an entire week, and these days I'll often stop by twitch and check out the speedrunners.

I prefer speedruns of Mario games in general. It's kinda odd, as I've never actually been a big Mario fan. I'm only 20 years, and though I did get a Game Boy, a big grey brick, back when it was released, the first time I got a NES was about a year ago.

I've never done a speedrun myself. Lately I've been playing around casually trying to finish levels in Super Mario Land for the GBA, but never anything very serious. I'll easily get completely absorbed and sit around playing for an hour just trying to improve my time with a second or two. When I finally get it, man, that feeling is amazing.

Anyway, I don't see myself posting a whole lot here, I just figured that it was time for me to register after lurking about for a year or so.
Gotta go fast
Sup, name's Matt but I go by Void online. Been into watching people speedrun games for several years now, having done casual speedrun myself due to trying to beat games fast to resell quick to pay for the next one lol, now I'm starting to try real speedrunning myself and getting really into it. My first project is Sonic 3D Blast, and I plan to get the game finished in possibly sub 32 minutes (right now I have a 33:24 run going on my youtube page) Hopefully I'll have a great run finished to submit to this site soon.
Hello! my name is Craig but im better known as Tidsu and im 21 years old from the UK i first got an intrest in speedrunning from watching SGDQ in 2010 and shown more of an intrest when i started following broadcasters on twitch. I have not yet speedrun a game but i intend to in the near future. I love to cook when im not playing games and i love to play guitar hero over my friend's place at least once a week. As for my gaming preference i will play anything at least once and i really enjoy guitar hero alot and RPG games too Cheesy (although some of them are really hard for me to get Sad ) but anyways not sure what else to put on here.. so i think ill end it at that and i hope to see you all around!
Hello, I'm kairos. I'm a Quake 3 defragger, but I've been speedrunning Jedi Outcast for a few years. I recently became interested in actually recording it, so here I am! My main games are anything with the quake engine, simply because strafejumping is a part of me.
Whats up yall. Im jape lol and i look forward to being a cool fella in this community!! My favorite game is Suikoden for the playstation 1, (108 stars or BUST!) and if you get to know me it'll be a good friendship 'till the end. Cya and keep gaming
Fastest speedrunner since the turtle
Hello SDA, I'm Stephen Hsu, more commonly known around the wretched hive of the Internet as variously CMK, Spicule, or TacTican.

I've known about SDA for a very long time but only very recently got around to tumbling through the site after watching the marathons of late 2011 and 2012.  I'm also KennyMan666's "friend", although I'm sure he'll insist that he doesn't know me and that I did not in fact kick his ass at AWBW.  I don't have the competitive streak when it comes to speedrunning, but I do enjoy most genres of games.  I live in Atlanta, Georgia when I'm not tending to my various duties in CloudCuckooland.  I would characterize myself as a liberal/creative arts type who somehow ended up with a degree in physics and then started to work in law.  With luck, I'm hoping to contribute somewhat to AGDQ 2013!
Edit history:
GreigaBeastDS: 2012-12-09 11:14:44 am
I'm GreigaBeastDS from youtube. Real name is Josh, I live in MA and am a high school senior. I discovered SDA a while ago but was finally pushed to join after watching SGDQ 2012 on youtube. I usually like to casually play action-rpg stuff like Kingdom Hearts and castleroid games (SOTN, Aria, etc) but I generally play any game that I happen to like. Some games I'm playing now are Final Fantasy 4 CC (gotta start that Cecil Solo speedrun) and I'm working on speedrunning Birth by Sleep. I'm generally a handheld/pc gamer and the only consoles I own are a dreacast and a wii.

Apart from gaming, I plan on majoring in computer science or game design (programming) when I get to college and I'm extremely lazy.

Uh, yeah I think that's it.
Hi SDA. Name's Kyle, I've been watching speedruns for a while now on both this website and on twitch, and I decided to join the forums. I haven't really run anything before, but I've been playing around with the idea of trying to speedrun Paper Mario Sticker Star.
Hello everyone. My name's Adam and I've been lurking around SDA and their streamers since I stumbled across AGDQ 2012 during the Awful Games block. However, now that I've started to run some games myself, I decided to come out of the woodwork. I've currently been working on Aqua's story for Birth By Sleep, but I plan to learn the rest of the game, as well as other Kingdom Hearts games, in the near future.
Skype : Trygon00
Hi there, My name is Justin.  I came here to learn to speed run some of my favorite games and speed run some of them more serious than others.  My favorite types of games are Platformers, RPGs, Action, Puzzle, Beat em Ups, and most of all Fighting Games.  I really would like to learn Streets of Rage 2 as my first serious game to speed run.
Hi, I'm Lloren / LlorenR. I've always enjoyed watching SDA/SRL streams and videos - I mostly play casual but I am soon to be serious in speed running (once I get a capture card :D) Uhm~ I'm kind of shy and stuff but I'm a pretty nice person and would love to have more friends. :3 

I enjoy a lot of games and I'm not going to list them all but I do like Metroidvania games a lot, as well as JRPGs.

It's pronounced "lore - in", if you're wondering :x
I'm chma, sometimes I go under the screen name "zarfen". I've had a thing for watching games being played fast, by the best, for a while. I'm a gamer and have always been. Mostly casual, and when I get serious it's in multiplayer.
I don't speedrun myself, but I've been lurking around this site before. It started with crazy optimized runs of my 8/16-bit childhood classics, then later I've enjoyed all kinds of runs.
While watching a stream today I decided to sign up to join in on discussions, be a part of all this, and maybe, some day, attempt a run on my own.

Time to look for an avatar!
See you around.
I'm a scrubby noob
Hello everyone !
My name's Alexandre, and at first, I'm french, so I hope my english skills aren't too bad.
I was watching live speedruns every night before sleeping for few months, and watching some speedruns for almost one year.
And recently, I wanted to try speedrunning. So today, I'm a low skill casual speedrunner of Bastion, but I hope I'll get better !
For Bastion speedrunners, I'm the one who founded with pure luck, the double core/shard glitch, and sent a video to TheLawyerDog.
I enjoy playing almost every kind of games, one exception : sports games.
I plan to speedrun others games, maybe Zelda : A link to the past.

Aaaand, that's all !
Neutral is never a weakness
Hey, I'm Kuribon. I have known about SDA for awhile and thought I would join. I have been into speed running for a long time, with Mario and Mega Man games being my favorite to run. Currently, I am doing serious speed run attempts at Pamela mode in Rosenkreuzstilette Freudenstachel, which is coming along very nicely.
My name is Zelkys(Aka Anthony, in real life), I'm 18 Years old, I'm a French player and commentator of fighting games and in particular in Blazblue.
I'm a Lost Man in Stream, i want to stream and speedrun but, i never make a choice xD
I've got a website(new):
I'm a Nintendo fan but i like others game consoles^^.

Actually, I'm a student in English/Japanese at university for 1 semester(Jean Moulin Lyon 3).
I play guitar since 4 years, 1,5 year of piano and 1 year of Electronic Drum.
I like Metal music and japanese Metal/Rock, folk, and a lot of good things

Since 1 week, i seek a game for make a speedrun, i think maybe: The Binding of Isaac, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask, RosenKreuzStillet/Megaman or whatever...

Thank you again Smiley
Edit history:
Efreeti: 2012-12-27 08:56:54 pm
Quote from SimonViklund:
Hi everyone! My name is Simon Viklund, I'm a guy from Sweden who has worked in the game biz as a music/sound effect guy for about 12 years now.

Pardon my French, but HOLY SHIT, you're on SDA! May I just say, I love what you did with BC:R, especially Power Plant and Heat Wave.
Hi guys, I'm Anna. I go by Ginzuishou (gin-zoo-e-show) almost everywhere online, and have been a fan of speed runs for a long time. The first speed run I ever saw was the run Satoryu did for SOTN, which is one of my favourite games off all time. I like video games in general, and am looking forward to speed running some games to help ad to the list. I am currently working on a few titles for speed running purposes, most of them on the Wii U. I'm up for running anything really, on a variety of consoles, so I will try to help add some more obscure titles to fill out the list.

Nice to be a part of the community finally, now that I got up the courage to do so. Hope to see you all around and submit some runs soon =)
hi my name is mario i'm 25 years old, coming from germany idar-oberstein.
i play on PS3 and PC.
and yeah ^^ lets play :-P
Hey everybody,

My eyes were first opened to this side of gaming back in 2003 when that one  mario 3 TAS was making a splash on the pre-youtube video aggregator sites.  I wanted to see more, and my periodic searches for any sort of speed runs eventually brought me here.  I couldn't tell you exactly when I first found SDA but I do remember that when I first arrived, the current Ocarina of Time record holder had speculated in his run comments that it might not be possible to get a sub-5 hour time in that game, so it's been quite a while.  Whenever it was, the runs blew my mind, and I've been following the community ever since.

I've been a spectator/lurker up to this point but my life situation has stabilized recently and I'm interested in getting into running (and possibly racing) casually as a hobby.  I'm primarily interested in games on the classic consoles, though I always keep my eyes open for that certain sort of magical bad game that is actually really great in the way that the bad movies on MST3K are actually great.  This community is awesome and I'm looking forward to actually being a part of it for a change.
Youtube Partner
'Sup? The name's Sprite, I'm a pretty hardcore gamer and a Youtube Partner. I mostly play RTS based games (Starcraft, Warcraft III, etc) with a mix of some other Steam games.
I ran across here from AGDQ on Youtube, and I have watched some speedruns of some games I used to play and still do play (Zelda games, Metroid series..).
I try to speedrun some games, but sadly it's either I'm no good at it, or the version of the game I'm running just has a lot of the tricks patched up.
I.. Really don't know what else to put here, so I guess that's about it.
Hello everyone. My name is Steve and I've been interesting in speed running games for a very long time, but I don't have much experience. When I was a child, I always played Diddy Kong Racing and Mario Kart just for Time Attack. I would always try to beat my best time for hours and hours just to beat my old time. I still remember facing TT's ghost in time attack. I used to get so mad because I couldn't beat him, but eventually, I did. After unlocking TT, I improved my times a little bit more before quitting.

Currently, I have been practicing some glitches and tricks in quite a few games to see what would be more fun for me. Currently I'm trying Zelda(OoT, MM, WW), Paper Mario(s), Megaman(1-6 and X 1-3(I used to be really fast in beating Megaman games)), and maybe some Metroid games. I've also shown a lot of interest in Pokemon speed running after watching many people stream speed runs of it, but I really don't have much experience in regards to just running one Pokemon through the entire game. I am also interested in running some of the Tales of games, but they will probably just be casual or a TAS because I don't think I can do that all in one sitting. Sadly,I currently don't have the required hardware to provide any recordings right now, but I'm currently considering running some PC games in the interim until I can buy the equipment I need.

I hope I can eventually be of value to this community.
Oh. Ok.
Hello All, I'm Daniel and have been using SDA for a while. First introduced to it by a friend, I began watching speedruns more and more, finding the different complexities of fast-playing games intriguing. I have enjoyed playing games since early childhood when I got my hands on an N64 and a copy of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time. Since then I've played hundreds of games trying to 100% my favorites and in the past couple of years learning games like Spyro: YOTD and GTA: San Andreas with the intention of someday speedrunning them.

Hoping one day I will have something for all to see.