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Hilko: 2012-03-28 09:00:42 pm
Hilko: 2012-03-28 09:00:26 pm
Hilko if you are interested in picking up Aladdin you should also check out SpeedRunsLive
There are some people who race that game from time to time.

Thanks for the input I will have to check it out. I am in the process of acquiring a way to record so I will be hanging out around here in the mean time.
Hey guys, I just joined today, so heres a brief bio-ish type thing.
Im Devontae, I joined here mainly because I enjoy watching these speed runs, and would like to attempt one some day. I enjoy to speed run every game I have, before I even play it, my first goal is to beat whatever game, in less than 3 hours...which I normally do. You guys will probably get to know me, since I post very often on other forums.
Hi all, My Name is ben mullen.  I'm a pretty good NES Tetris player, which is sorta ill suited to speed running, unless maybe i think of a way.  So i dont think I'll really be a speed runner, but I am a pretty big fan of it.  I actually dont suck at doing some things fast like mario one or mario 3 or mario kart 64, but nowhere near the best so I'm really here more as a fan... hello.
Welcome, everybody!  I definitely recognize your name, Ben.  I'm glad to see you here.  ^_^
Yo! I'm Jay, and I should've introduced myself a longggg time ago.  I don't remember exactly when I came to SDA, but it might've been around the time that the first(?) viral TAS video blew up.  "God," or a gdlk player demolished SMB3 and a certain shmup, and everyone thought it was an actual player doing the impossible.  I then went on to find TASVideos when it still had Bisqwit's name in the URL, and then eventually found SDA =)

Since then, I've been fascinated by TA & normal speedrunning, and only recently did I decide to finally try it all out for myself.  I'm currently working on a Borderlands Any% run as Lilith for the PC.  Check out the progress in the PC Games forum!  Once I destroy the current run (hehe), I want to move to running consoles.  I really want to participate or at least make it out to a marathon and hang out with the community.

Oh, and I also race Minesweeper at SRL, so hit me up!  Intermediate/40 boards only, though, sorry!  Cheers!
Well, I recently registered here and so I think this should be my first stop.

My real name's Bev, and in regards to gaming I'm a big PS1 era platforming nut, though I can't go wrong with any platforming game released in the 90s and early noughties. Tongue I first came across the site in 2005, stumbling upon a Mario 1 speedrun (we all have to start somewhere) and being blown away by all the patience these gamers have.

Naturally, I consider myself to be painfully clumsy, not to mention I'm stuck with a Dazzle and a low budget, so I can't see myself making any serious submissions on the site. But I am keen to look within games of my era and give others a hand, and maybe even do the occasional speedrun for fun. Over this weekend I managed to do a segmented sub-1-hour run on Gex 1 and hosted it on Youtube, and seeing how there's not much love for it even in comparison to its sequels, I thought refining methods for speedrunning could be a good thing to look into and see whom else could be interested.

Otherwise, I consider myself an all-round gaming passionist. I also enjoy traditional art, having fun with game guides whenever possible, and even remixing BGM (four of my tracks are up at OverClocked Remix, so you know!). All this and I'm a 25-year-old female admin worker.

I bet I scared some people off with this post, but still, hopefully this will all work out Smiley
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Spikestuff: 2012-04-02 05:28:52 pm
"Must Kill Moe, Wee!"
Hey guys & girls, my name is Adam Stamatakos I actually started as a tasser and decided to come over here and to actually do some legitimate runs and not have to constantly look at the computer screen for 4 hours a day XD
Heyo everyone.

I have been watching speed runs off of SpeedRunsLive for the last month or so and have decided to jump into the game. I intend to be starting with alttp next week once my computer is fixed. I am also a streamer and looking to become a producer of some sorts.

See ya in the races!
Learning SotN Any%
Hi guys! I'm Lewkas...I bum around a lot on watching Romscout and his buddies run Symphony of the Night a lot recently and have decided to try my hand at it. I've got zero running experience and little idea of where or how to start building a run...but I think it'll be fun working all that jazz out.
Haters gonna hate
Awesome! Glad to see more SotN fans joining!

You should check out the SotN races every Thursday, and if you'd like to join and are still learning, we can do some sword card races which is basically half of all the races. That way, you'll be more familiar with the game.

Also, if you hang out in the SDA and SRL channels on IRC, we also have a channel for SotN which is #castlevania . So if you have any questions, feel free to ask us on there. Smiley
Hello.  The name is David and I don't do speedruns.  But, coming to this site has made me interested in trying it.  It's not a conventional choice but I am really keen on seeing what could possibly be done with Okage: Shadow King.  Although, I'm going to step out on a fairly sturdy limb and say that I don't think anyone else has tried it.
Formerly known as Skullboy
blsh: Welcome to SDA! There is a small Okage: Shadow King thread you might want to check out
Poverty runner
Long time visitor, long time runner (had an old account here under the name Shin I think?), but since I'm known under this name in all the streams I troll/view I figured I'd remake and my old account is in shambles and I can't remember the password for it anyway.

Anyway I ran Butcher's Bay way way back when the game was nearly brand new but my capture card at the time captured in 320x240 and so that ruined the run. Nowadays I run Hook on SNES, ARES Extinction Agenda on PC and sometimes I dabble into Mystic Quest. I'll still spend more time trolling streams than I do running my own games tho, can't fail at procrastinating.
Yo, this is Judgement from TSC, Combo Blaze everywhere else.  Coming from TSC, I focus on doing Sonic speedruns.  My main focus is Sonic Advance 2, which I plan on doing a SS run for this site someday.  For now I'm working on doing a SS run on emulator just to finally have a good SS run for that game up in the internet.  After that I'll try and get everything together for a more refined SS run using a GBA SP and the necessary materials to submit to SDA.

Along with speedrunning, I also enjoy playing Super Smash Bros. (64 mostly) competitively.  gg
SEGA Junkie
I knew I recognised the name, but couldn't remember from where! Thanks for stopping by Judgment, and I look forward to seeing that run!
Hello, my name is William. I've been interested in speedruns for several years. I've mostly lurked TASVideos and SDA watching runs and streams. It's only recently that I've decided to try learning to speedrun games, right now looking at Fluidity and Art of Balance on WiiWare and Escape Trick: The Secret of Rock City Prison on DSiWare. Otherwise, I enjoy puzzle games along with Pump It Up and other dance games.
Hi there, my name is François. I'm 26, and I discovered this site about a year ago. I actually like to watch speedrun video, i'm trying myself to do some speedrunning, but i'm not actually really in it. I'm a huge fan of the Sega Master System (my first console), and try to improve my skill in games such has : daffy duck in hollywood, aladdin, zillon 2, golden axe warriors, kenseiden,  star wars, miracle warriors, master of darkness or also ghouls 'n ghosts. I think i'll make some propper speedruns of one or two of those. There is not many speedruns of sms games (in the list i've done above some of the game are not exclusive to the sms) in here, i'll try to improve this.
Balls jerky
SDA needs more SMS love!
Hehe, i'll be glad to share my small knowledge about this awesome console !
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
Your username looks like a sequel to Orwell's famous book ô.o xD
Hey. My name's Brett, 15 years old. I really enjoy watching the speedruns here, and I'm hoping to eventually get one here myself, though I'm more casual than competitive with speedruns. I like messing with really obscure glitches, like the Kennel glitch in Link's Awakening, and escaping clock town in the first cycle in Majora's Mask. I watch speedruns from time to time and thought it'd be nice to join the community here. I enjoy pretty much all games besides mmos.
I am a Brony Speedrunner
Hey all. My name is Devon, I am 19 years old and I have been a casual speedrunner for at least 5 years now. I really enjoy speedrunning, so much in fact that every time I play a game its all I can do lol. I really hope that one day I can post a few records from my all time favorite game Perfect Dark. I really enjoy this site and have been on it off and on through the years and even watched the first games done quick stream a few years ago.
Hi, this is Mark, I've been semi-hanging around speedrun streams for about a year since being introduced to these things via Japan Relief Done Quick, and I'm only just now starting to consider seriously getting into speedrunning things myself. The only game I'm any good at so far is MM1, and I'm nowhere near world record contention, but I hope to at least be a passable player some day, and actually learn how to be entertaining on stream (for one, actually using my darn mic and not  being a total mute :P)
*nervous wave*
Hi everyone. Been lurking around here since the historic 11 minute TAS run of SMB3 by Morimoto after hearing of a legitimate run that was posted here many eons ago. Since then I've been fascinated by both legit speedruns and TAS's, but had never really thought about getting into it myself until you guys started doing live marathons. After watching, my interest in actual speedrunning grew more and more with each marathon, and I had started working on a Good Future Sonic CD run a few years back. Though It's not completely optimized the route is pretty solid (I've got some vids up on YT if anyone's interested). That's been going on and off lately, but now I've started planning out Catherine (PS3 version) and have almost completed a decent run on that. Once I complete that I'll fill in that final, most important gap in Sonic runs...also, I'm probably one of the few who still has a clean legit copy of the game. (Sega fan alert)
Balls jerky
yay sega fans!