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sda loyalist
Hey Taylor, it's great to see you here. I hope you can come round sometime and do a coop Blaze & Blade run with me. Cheesy
Remember your mantra.
Lag.Com, two things:

A - I seriously enjoyed your company & commentary at this years AGDQ, &
B - I moreso enjoy your gif.

Anyway, since I'm in this thread already, my name is Max, I've been watching speedruns from this site for about two years now, and created an account and began work on my own runs several months ago. I'm still what I would consider to be new, but I feel like I'm begining to feel the vibes that SDA is all about.
Pic related.

Edit history:
Foffy: 2012-01-13 05:56:12 pm
Foffy: 2012-01-13 05:55:25 pm
As someone who was a lurker in the irc room, I was watching the stream this year and last year. Figured why not join?

One of the inspirations for actually joining here was because I was booted from the irc room due to some questionable modding. Maybe it was because the room was hectic or something, but someone said something about a culture, and while I agreed with his assertion I disagreed with it being the way it is. Apparently even then, that makes me a racist. I don't like holding grudges or getting mad at people trying to do their jobs, but it's quite infuriating to deal with a modding staff in there that shoots before analyzing, sometimes. Tongue

I could look at it as an interesting cannon to start posting here, I guess!
Dark Gamer
Welcome guys, im still pretty new myself but still, have a good time here!
Quote from DakJ:
Hello everyone!  Seeing as how I've been watching streams every day for a while now I figure why not make an account on the forums.  As for games I play just about anything but I've yet to find "the" game I can get into and do a run of.  Firestriker for the SNES came close but it's really hard to be consistent at.  Someday I'll have a run of something though but until then I'll resume living on the glorious w00ty page.

I remember you streaming Firestriker!  I am so hype for that run!

Welcome to the forums, Dakj and everybody else!
Hey everyone, long time lurker so decided to sign up and actually start to post stuff. Currently loving all the Resident Evil runs, amazed at how fast that stuff can be done oO!!
Anything you can do I can do halfass
Ohhhh, the mocking... anyway, me.  I'm back.  The high watermark of my speedrunning talent thus far was some years back when I attempted to obsolete the GameBoy MegaMan II run then held by marshmallow, but by the time I'd gotten in any kind of shape, 2 or 3 other runners had joined the thread and wiped the floor with my partial attempts and poor excuses for so-called "strats."  Hence this has felt like a bit of a daunting community to hang out in or do anything with, particularly when a job and real life and stuff leave me without copious time to devote to building myself into more than my current quota of online communities.  BUT.  Then the next *GDQ comes along and I'm suddenly all "wow, this community is awesome, how can I help?"  And I usually end up throwing some big bills at the marathon chipIn and getting grand dreams of pitching in more.

So my skillset:  I'm a generalist gamer meaning I'll sit down and attempt arbitrary selections in most genres as I have time, but any games that were sufficiently a part of my childhood for me to stand a chance at polishing up for a speedrun have already been optimized to craziness, or else are not inherently runnable and/or exciting to watch.  But I'm also a generalist computer engineer with a gaming R&D job that pays quite comfortably, and I have a station wagon and a dated-but-passable knowledge of Montgomery County, MD, and live near the best vintage gaming shop I've seen outside Japan, so suffice to say if time permits this year I'd quite enjoy getting a little more involved in the marathons.  I've built most of a NES on a protoboard, done a few homebrews and tech demos and a smattering of ROMhacking, and can reverse-engineer game engines in my head, particularly on vintage tech, so I could probably explain what makes most glitches work with passable accuracy.  I also play trumpet, intermittently, and have been known to improvise SNES-era Final Fantasy riffs when I get too bored on it.

I have most recently, in response to certain comments made during certain runs, acquired my local vintage shop's copy of Blaster Master 2 which has been sitting on their shelf for a good 2-3 months (*shock!*), with the intent to hand it off to UraniumAnchor out of comedic sadism.  I then made the mistake of putting it in my CDX and starting it up.  Oh, dear lord.  UA, TAKE THIS FROM ME!  TAKE MY PAIN AWAY!  TAKE MY SLOPPY CONTROLS, GRIND BOSSES, TROLLING SPAWNPOINTS... MAKE THEM DIE AND NEVER RETURN! *sob* ... *sob*
A watcher since last AGDQ, and just figured I'd join your forums and see if I can't help out some how.  Support what you guys do very much, just tryin to give back to you all.
Trying to be as fast as possible
Hi everyone! I'm Mathias aka known as Symphonic, from Germany. I joined yesterday due to your awsome AGDQ marathon but I'm a fan since forever. Right now I dedicated myself to speedrunning games I think nobody ever thought about.
I started with Mario is missing Cheesy
Hi everyone, I've been watching cosmo / sig for a few months, and recently started trying to speed games myself!! For the most part i play counter-strike 1.6 competitively but the speed running community is a very nice break from that.. Became a fan watching AGDQ marathon this year and thought id sign-up and say hello!!

Come say Hi at  ... Smiley
hello sda! my name is kurt, and i discovered sda around the time of agdq 2011. i caught wind of an awesome sonic 2 run going on during agdq and stuck around for the rest. i continued tuning in to a few runs as well as japan relief done quick when that came around, lurking around the site for a while and decided to donate some of my talents to sgdq of last year with an illustration of link fighting ganon, or as he's refered to now as "lunk". (i hope the flood of lunk donations this year wasn't the fault of that pic!)

for the longest time i've tended to avoid any kind of social interaction. i tend to keep to myself and get by. shortly after last year's sgdq i had a terrible injury at work. i cut my hand almost in half after getting bumped into a table saw.  fortunately i was able to heal in time to get the super sonic and samus illustrations ready for agdq this year. going through all of that alone was a very difficult thing for me to handle. especially being unable to use my right hand during the launch of sonic generations and skyward sword, lol.

this year during the closing ceremonies, i saw the bonds that the people on this website had with each other. i was very touched at how much you all cared for each other, how this website has brought such wonderful people together. it made me wish i were a part of something so great, and here i am.

currently i have plans of starting up a web comic, as soon as i figure out how to get it online of course. i also hope to get to know you all quite well, and hopefully even attend a marathon event. who knows, i might even start working on a game to speed run.
Because videogames.
Hello. I've glanced on your page from time to time since I can't remember. I did become a rather active visitor since the winter marathon of 2011. Creating forum account now. No clue why I waited so long. Congrats on your juggernaut of a winter marathon!

Videogames are my favourite videogames. :p

My interests are mostly, but not limited to, films, music, videogames, comedy, politics(don'tbanme), Magic the gathering(newbie) and some boardgames(assuming they're fun enough).
Love Gaming and Coding
Peace be with u All ... I am Haseeb from India ,, I love gaming . and calling ppl 2ward truth , peace and Truth religion ,, ISLAM ...

May GOD guide us 2 the truth .. ameen Cheesy
Hello. I'm Dongorath, from France. I've been pointed toward SDA 1-2 years ago and watched the "* Done Quick" since. This and seeing live speedruns of Metroid Prime and RE4 from a friend have piqued my interest toward glitches and other abuse of game mechanics Smiley

I surely won't post speedruns and probably remain a lurker here, but wanted to greet all you speedrunners and this great community Smiley

Mays the glitches be with you, live long and speedrun, etc. !
Hi! I'm Tom, I've been visiting the site for years and finally decided to join the forum. You might remember some of my dubious chat comments during the recent marathon, where I constantly berated Spy Fiction for its garbology, and Deadly Premonition for its hilarious driving. I also claimed trihex was shirtless for his run because he performed a sequence break when leaving his house.

Anyway: hello!
Long time lurker. Looking to get into some more serious speed-running.
Quote from mrsandman293:
Long time lurker. Looking to get into some more serious speed-running.

Same! Been lurking this site for years, and enjoying every bit of it.

The name's Ty, but call me by my alias if that's your thing.

Anyways, I got into this stuff awhile back and once I saw the last 2 AGDQ marathons I really started checking the site daily.
Between updates I kinda got myself hooked on lots of SpeedRunsLive.
So I went and got myself some streaming stuff and am learning all the broken tricks and sequence-skip routes in LoZ:OoT.

I don't have the free time needed to challenge the world record, but it'd be nice to be able to race the game, complete it and not be in last place Cheesy

Anyways that's me. Btw I stream (shameless plug) my horrible practice attempts at LoZ so check it out sometime!
I like to play bad games.
The name's Suroosh, and I've been coming to SDA for a few years now, but I just recently decided to create and account due to the recent marathon being so awesome.

There's not too much to know about me. I have a stupid job that pays the bills and what-not, and I'm just going along for the ride at the moment. I am an aspiring game designer, but I am a bit halted by my lack of coding knowledge. But I am learning, so I'm on my way there.

As far as speed running goes, I've been casually speed Super Mario Bros. for quite a few years now. Now, I say casually because I haven't bother learning some of the advanced tricks yet. My best time is around 5:30-ish (bad, I know). But I've recently gotten very into speed running. The thing about me is that I enjoy running bad games here and there. Two of which I plan on submitting to SDA sooner or later. I have to get some equipment first, I suppose. Some good games I like to run are Mega Man 2/3/5, Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse, and Super Mario World. After watching Trihex playing some Yoshi's Island, though, I plan on getting my feet wet with that game as well.

But that about does it for me. I try to practice runs when I can, and I'd like to start streaming my awful game runs at some point. For now, though, I have many things to take care of. Gotta take care of business one at a time.
Edit history:
andrewg: 2012-01-19 08:15:07 am
andrewg: 2012-01-19 08:14:50 am
Hi! I'm andrewg!
Just coming in to give my hellos to all the new SDA members.

Welcome to SDA guys! Play games, have fun, and don't make a mess. thumbsup
Edit history:
Jackerson: 2012-01-20 09:40:11 pm
Hey Guy's I've been watching SDA for about 3 years now and love it. I have a game series that is close to my heart It's called Onimusha by Capcom for the PS2. I've been wanting to see some speed runs of these games and have not since I've been at SDA. So I've decided to try one myself. The first in the series is the one I will be running called Onimusha warlords and it will be hard because I have to use the d-pad. It did not support the analog feature.
I was wondering though if there is anyone who thinks I should do It segmented because its long and you can't skip the Cut-scenes. Maybe some one could brain storm with me.
Hello all, my name is John, Mr. Anachronism if you're nasty, and I've been lurking here since 2008 or so. I am a born and raised Missourian with many stories, two cats, a BA in English, and an MA in East Asian Studies. I'm currently employed at a Medical School as an education coordinator/student abuser and working on my third degree - computer science - as my boss and I are secretly trying to expand and redefine my current title. In broad strokes, I am old and I am boring. In parameters more narrow, and more germane to the site, I am a fan of and most comfortable with action/adventure and role-playing games; I do also have a love for 2D fighters, beat-'em-ups, and bullet-hell games, I just wish they loved me too. I hope to have a couple of published runs up before the end of the year - I would absolutely love to be a contributor to AGDQ '13 - so I expect to declare my first intended run in the next couple of days.

Unfortunately, the web-filters at my office have SDA blocked, and I'm not convinced I could come up with a suitable work-related reason to have permission granted, so I won't be as active in the forums as I would like to be; however, I will try to be the best nuisance I can be on evenings and weekends. I will also try to be witty and endearing. I will, at least, amuse myself.

Now, if you will excuse me, I have to get back to practicing some glitches and pretending to have known you all for longer than I have.
(user is banned)
Edit history:
RakuRocRex: 2012-01-22 09:00:30 am
RakuRocRex: 2012-01-22 09:00:27 am
RakuRocRex: 2012-01-22 09:00:17 am
hey guys i hat gramar so get ovr it lol i onli maek god gramar wen i want ppl to taek me sereosly abot speedrunin dat transformers game. anywy i liek transfrmers ima maek a speedrun of dat awesome game. xD

Okay, let's cut out that crap. I was lying, I'm sorry. I'm in 7th grade, and I don't really hate grammar. But I do like that game Transformers, and I am making a speedrun of it.
Power Blade
My name is Dalton, I have been lurking here for awhile enjoying the way you plow through games. I wanted to hold off on making an account here until I had something to show. I wanted to thank the runners and staff for the entertainment over the past couple of years. I am mainly running Power Blade (Expert, NTSC) for now, Once I get a recording dealy set up i'll have a run soon.
Hi everybody, I actually overlooked this thread until now.

My name is Christian, age 25, from Germany and recently started to work on my PhD in solid state chemistry.  I have watched runs from this site for some years but only recently tried my very first speedrun attempt. Besides videogames Wink I like playing/listening to music. Some might say I am a Nintendo fanboy, but hey, they just have the best games Wink

Btw. AGDQ2 was awesome (as the name already suggests :P). Were only (live)-speedrunners present at the 4H Center or "only" guests, too?

Name lee been coming to SDA for a long time now but just now started posting =P

Only ever Speed run a few games like portal think i got to like 27 mins or thing and working on a recorded deus ex HR run, if i can get past the first level that is. :|
I've always liked RPG's most never really a Final Fantasy fan only ever played X and a little of 9. Suikoden is much better anyways need to play them again and maybe make a run of them too.

Other games I like just about anything that is fun from shooters like halo to puzzle games.