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Hello to everyone!

I am Ismo Laitela. It's not my real name, but three years ago it became my gaming nickname. Some people might recognize that name, no doubt.
Anyway, nice to be here. I managed to finally encourage myself enough to create an account. I want to be hide behind my nickname as long as it's possible.

Games, I like playing them. At the moment I write this, I like the following ones very much: Portal 2, Quantum Conundrum, Q.U.B.E, The Ball, League of Legends, Diablo 3, Alan Wake, Minecraft, Metro 2033 <3 and bunch of other awsome indie games! I'm addicted to horror-puzzle genre, so no doubt I'm waiting next Amnesia like a... mad! This year is going to be awsome gameyear: Dishonored, Hitman: Absolution and Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 will see the daylight.

I have planned making a speed run. So far, just planned. It might be that I never have enough time doing so, but well... you can always keep on dreaming, right?

I've watched dozens of speed run videos and I must admit that one of my all-time favourite is (sry Quake...) Thief: Deadly shadows. I mean... whoa... that's just... Awsumsauce with mustardos! After Thief, ALL the Quake runs... ALL OF THEM! From 1 to 3, from 100% axe runs to hellish nightmare inferno diablo (wut...?) speed runs! Holy cow, you guys are  awesome too! And third... Half-life 1 and 2 (and episode 1... well, quite heavily scripted but still I enjoyed watching it).

Last but not least, I am 100% PC gamer, even thou I have watched many console runs.

Nice to join you, over and out!
After lurking this forum for several years, I think its time to make an actual account. Some of the regulars might already know me from their respective stream chats. Nice to meet you guys! And now back to my usual lurking...
*I made my username when I was 13.
If you've been at TASvideos, you've sooner or later MAYBE heard of me. I run for fun, unless it's seroius. That's all.
Hi, my name is Jarred. I love resident evil 2 and plan to speed run it pretty soon once i learn the best route i can do. My PB not speed running is 1:45:20 on Leon A. I picked up over 90% of the items so i feel like it was pretty good not trying to complete it fast.
Greetings! I have known about SDA ever since I searched for Megaman 9 runs and have checked the frontpage every now and then for updates. But AGDQ2012 made me want to try my hand at speedrunning, too bad it took me some months just to muster up the courage to register... So we shall see how actual speedrunning works out.

I want to pick up Alundra, but first I want to get the necessary equipment to record.
Drink Malk.
What's up, signed up quite a bit ago and now I'm finally saying something.
My name is Jacob and I have already been speed running a bit of Spyro: Enter the dragonfly and Wario World, both on GC. I know a few members and they got me interested on speed running. Currently got Spyro EtD any% wr in 2:44 (2 min 44 sec), very short game. Still working on wario though. There are other things i could say, but just don't want to brag. And yes, the stache is real. Hope to see you guys at AGDQ2013 since ani wants me to go.
Borderlands 2 Glitch Hunter/ router.
Welcome to all and @ Ismo Laitela I'm surprised anyone actually wants Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 to come out lol as a Runner of the first game I know how bad it was, but we can hope things get better and will be nice to have some competition for running the Second game if thats what your gunna be doing (^_^)
Quote from Omegagalax:
What's up, signed up quite a bit ago and now I'm finally saying something.
And yes, the stache is real. Hope to see you guys at AGDQ2013 since ani wants me to go.

I want you to go too. Make it happen mate!
Haters gonna hate
Yes! We need another viking brother. Hope to see you there! Smiley
Drink Malk.
You have my axe!
Edit history:
F5inator: 2012-07-05 01:28:32 am
Hello to all. My name is Justin. I am 20 years old. I am a student majoring in computer science, waiting until I am able to move into a bigger college. Currently, I am attending a community college and basically playing video games all day. I am probably one of the most random-est gamers you'll find out there. Or here. Or at least Massachusetts.

I can't remember how I found about SDA; might've been from that ~5 minute Super Mario 64 TAS on YouTube to to here somehow, maybe a Zelda: OoT or a Metroid Prime run, or simply from AGDQ2012. Or that SwordlessLink guy. Ah well.

I play a large assortment of games, my favorites being dungeon-crawlers and turn-based strategy games. One game I'll always come back to is the Heroes of Might and Magic series. The only one I don't own is the sixth one. (Note to self: get HoMM VI when/if there's a physical complete collection.) The rest of the games I play/own can be found here: I can never remember what games I've completed or such.

I've (like many) thought about doing a speedrun, so I thought "Hmm, what hasn't really been done on SDA?". Looked in my game cubby and found one of my favorite games, Dark Cloud. Looked in the forums and found an old thread about it. So I'll probably be there a while. If I actually commit to producing a decent run of Dark Cloud, I was thinking of trying out one of the HoMM games. But I'll need a capture card first. Or I could start with HoMM. Or maybe another game. Or I could just wear a sundae on my head. Who knows?

I'm a loner, I'm a lurker, and I'm not much of a forums-person. But, again, who knows? Maybe I'll go somewhere.
One more thing. Anyone know how to cure insomnia? It's almost 3:30 a.m. and I'm still on the internet. -_-
Name is Matt, I come from Texas, woop, been an active gamer for a long, long time, and saw SGDQ and decided hey, it would be cool for me to attempt at some of these feats.
Hey everyone!

My name's Andrew, I discovered SDA from batman9502/Noisecrasher? advertising AGDQ2012 on his channel. I couldn't watch everything live, but I really enjoyed the runners, commentators, personalities, antics and chat that I saw throughout the marathon. The passion that everyone showed for games and gaming culture was evident, amazing and inspiring! The thing that really blew me away was the finale, it truly demonstrated the immense community tightness that makes SDA so enticing.

I'm not much of a forum-er but ever since AGDQ I've wanted to break into and join the community here. It's so amazing how supportive and open the SDA community is, and of course the support of altruistic goals (the marathons) is totally something I could get behind and support. Despite gaming consistently for a good 3/4s of my life, I'm particularly average at almost everything I do. As such, I've found it challenging to break into the gaming community. Not being able to speed run games, or know enough about the games I do play to verify has shied me away from trying to actually join the community.

But here I am, I figure I should just try and join with whatever I have to offer anyway. Hopefully I can join this wonderful community via the forums or irc. And maybe make it out to AGDQ2013! That'd be a riot XD

oh and I'm not vegetarian or anything I just like the gamer tag "Tofu", I loooooooove red meat X3
Hi guys

My name is Wullywuwolf and im from Germany. I speedrun like 3 weeks but i do my best. Mostly I speedrun Megaman 2 and Link to the past but only with dam pal ( i search other games to speedrun maybe FF Mistic quest). I started speedrunning because i love the Twitch SDA Stream. (I can´t remember how I found the stream xD). I Stream my runs at no fixed time but im form Germany so I Stream at CET.

Sorry if i do a lot of mistakes my english is not very well  (i try my best).

I hope it is not a problem to post my stream link:
I would be happy if you visit my steam
Edit history:
Clausworth: 2019-06-08 04:38:44 pm
SEGA Junkie
Oh, hey, another Kirby 64 fan! It'd probably be worth your while to check out 0xwas's stream, he plays it a bit and iirc his times are pretty similar. (even though it says 1:16 in his description, the Japanese players use different timing to us, and I don't know the specifics on that game)

On the subject of it in marathons - I love the game but you have to admit that it's really slow paced. KDL3 was played at the most recent Summer Games and that's a game that's very similar in gameplay style, and much quicker, but I'm not too sure how well it was received either.
Edit history:
Clausworth: 2019-06-08 04:38:25 pm
I'm Marc Rützou, or Inkosidevinyl from the elite. Have been lazy checking out the forums on SDA so it's about time. I play Goldeneye and Perfect Dark and is one of the world's best. Going to attempt wr'ing full speedruns on Goldeneye and Perfect Dark on Agent somewhat soon. Might wr on other games in the future, such as Turok 1,2, SM64 16 stars etc
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
Quote from Inkosi:
I'm Marc Rützou, or Inkosidevinyl

Jeez, which language is that? =D
Welcome to SDA, everyone I haven't welcomed ^___^ *opens arms for a big warm hug*
Mite b cool
Hey everyone!

Marcus Tomlinson here, otherwise known as TMoGenius, I've actually been lurking on SDA for a couple of years, I watch a lot of speedruns and always try to tune in for AGDQ, but I never planned on doing any speedrunning myself, so I never really ventured into the forums, that changed when I noticed nobody had submitted a Jet Set Radio Future run to SDA for me to watch, so I took it upon myself to set that right, and hopefully I'll have a lot more to contribute to an already amazing community.
Kart for SMK, and Seven for FF7.
Hi everybody !

I'm Pierre L'Hoëst, a.k.a KartSeven (maybe some of you already know me thanks to Super Mario Kart and Final Fantasy VII), and I live in France - that's why my English isn't probably very good. ^^

I registered here cos I decided to do some speedruns, and the first one I tried was Dragon's Lair (on NES). I have the stuff to capture video games (Ezcap, VirtualDub), as it works perfectly with Super NES and PSX games. Unfortunately, despite all my efforts, it doesn't work for NES games. Sad So I didn't have another choice than doing my speedrun with an emulator.

Current record on SDA is 6'56", I improved it to 6'22". The game doesn't lag on real NES, so I didn't win any time by doing it on emulator. Plus I can send the .vmv file to certify the number of rerecords is 0. No, I'm not saying I want clemency to allow my time on SDA, but I'm saying I can do this time on real NES (and I even plan for a sub 6'20"), but it's pretty frustrating to not see my time allowable on SDA cos of a problem with my Ezcap cable. Cry So I'll ask for some help to solve this problem.

I'll also plan to do speedruns on Super Mario Kart and Pushover (both Super NES games), where I'm sure I won't have any problem to capture them. By the way, I already did a time of 1h17mn57s for Pushover (available on Youtube), but I plan to do better to introduce it on SDA. Wink

See ya !
Hey, welcome to SDA everyone! Hope y'all stick around and have some fun with it!
Hi. I'm GreenShyGuy. I've been lurking on SDA for...hmm...more years than I want to remember. I finally decided to try my hand at speedrunning, so I created an account today. I know I'll never be good enough for the world record stuff, but I'll try anyway.

I play mostly RPGs, since they're the only genre I don't horribly bomb at.

I don't own a capture card, so I can only really stream emulators.
Edit history:
7thArmstrong: 2012-07-16 03:01:29 pm
7thArmstrong: 2012-07-16 01:47:17 pm
Hello, IceCreamMan here.
    I was brought here by one of my newer friends from college "andrewg". Sadly he has sparked my interest in doing speed runs so I will be wasting a good bit of life on here. Actually I'm really excited. Tongue
    I've been a gamer all my life, doing everything from 100% to speedrunning, just haven't know about this place. So instead of doing it for fun, I will be doing it for the entertainment of others. After looking through a lot of games on here, I have come down to three games I want to start with.
    Minecraft - Current time 1:32:??
    Skies of Arcadia Legends - Strategy in progress - will post about it later in the forums
    Battletoads - On hold (no way to record)
Other interests:
    Melee - Practicing with friends for tournaments, still only "OK" in my opinion
    Parkour/Free Running - Im not much of a flipper yet, but my new bud Creed is helping me out, Been doing parkour though for a good 3 years now.
    Violin - Love playing my violin, nice way to keep calm.
    Blogging - I've got a blog if you want to know more about me-

So again, Hello! I hope to meet a bunch of great people. Can't wait to start sharing what I've got Cheesy
Waiting hurts my soul...
Quote from TheIceCreamMan:
Skies of Arcadia Legends - Strategy in progress - will post about it later in the forums

Have you checked out the current run?