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I've been a member for about half a year I think and a lurker since 2007 or so but I realised that I never introduced myself so here's a quick presentation:

My name's Tim Hansson, from Skåne, Sweden. 20 years so far and I like classic Sonic and Zelda the most.

I first found SDA after watching a video of some glitches in OoT so I searched for speed runs oot or something like that and found Damiani's (I think was his name) runs. I watched through the whole 6 hours in one go and immediately favourite'd the site. Since then I've been checking it out now and then for more games that I like and I've never been disappointed.

Later, about 1½ years ago I got involved in the ZSR-community but when Skyrim came out I registered here because I planned on being a part of breaking the game. I found some glitches, I commented and made some videos but later lost interest, especially since I played on the computer and my specs were not enough to record at the same time without serious lag issues (~20 fps when 60 normally) which in turn affected the game itself somehow, like my jumps not being as high as usual for some reason. Then I got back into zelda and later got into more games after joining SRL.

Now I've gotten more in touch with the community and might even submit a run sometime in the near future in the classic SDA "there is this game I like but there's no'one interested in running it so I guess I have to do it myself"-spirit ;).
Press the buttons!
hello, Cheesy
Love to watch SDA runs and they've even inspired me to try speed running myself. I'm not that good yet, but I'm working on it. I'm more or less a jack of all trades master at nothing kind of gamer. The games I play the most these days are, Betmania (IIDX), Pokemon Blue, minecraft, and other multilayer games.
I've been frequenting SDA for many years but have never attempted a speed run myself.  I've decided that needs to change.

I've already started working on a speed run of Gemfire for the SNES. There is no offical speed run for it listed in the archives, but there is one hosted on YouTube (around 1:35:00). I've already crushed that run by almost 40 minutes, and I hope to to make that time even better.

So greetings all! You'll hear more from me as I make more progress!
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Efreeti: 2012-05-25 04:33:36 pm
Salutations, I am Efreeti, real name Vegard Haugland from Bergen, Norway.

I can't remember the first time I discovered, but I was first introduced to the community through UltraJMan's stream chat, then the first charity marathons. Since then I have wanted to break into speedrunning myself, but I haven't been able to find a game that fits for me to run yet (I'm usually the 'take your time & see everything' kind of gamer). I haven't done any Let's Plays or streaming myself yet either, but I am planning to run some co-op games that we might record or stream with some friends I have made through JMan's stream chat though.

I've really been tardy in registering to the forums, but I know there is need of verifiers for speedruns, and I think I can help in that department.
Hello, I'm Richard from The Netherlands. My username is rather irrelevant as I have a different one for nearly every spot on the interwebs that I visit. I just liked this name 'cause Quantum stuff is usually fast and Quarrion is the species name of a bird I've had since I was 4 or 5 (I'm 19 now).

I've watched a bunch of speed runs and followed the pretty much every '[fill in blank] done quick' marathon since the first one but only recently I've decided to try doing speed runs myself so hopefully I'll be putting some up soon-ish.
I hope to have a good time on these forums and watching other people's runs and streams etcetera!
Twinkle-Twinkle Lil' Star, har har!
Hello again! Just thought I'd drop by to give a collective welcome to all the New Users who have posted since I introduced myself. Also, I need to update my run plans, so why not do it here since it's casual anyway: Back to the Future The Game is out. Gave up on wanting to buy it a LONG time ago. Mario 64 is still on my list of games to run for fun ("what the hell kind of fun is that?"), but because Siglemic is pretty awesome and I consider him a friend, I won't be competing for a record on SDA. Ocarina of Time has also been reduced to where I have more fun watching it than running it myself.

However, I do have some new games that I might try to set records for and, since they're sitting on my shelf, it shouldn't take much more than researching glitches and routes. Here they are, in no particular order:

- Fable II and III: I've seen topics for these floating around. Granted, they're a few years old but it'd be nice to have a run for II and III considering there's one for the first game
- Generations and Unleashed (Do I even need to put the word "Sonic" in front?): Granted, I'd be on the newbie tier of experience, but I'm willing to learn glitches and even routes since they're sitting there. Might as well have fun learning to run them thumbsup
- Sonic Adventure DX: Just saw the update to the forum topic and somebody asked if anyone had done an SS of the full game. To my knowledge, no one has, right (please correct me if I'm wrong)? I intend to do this when I can get my hands on a GC copy (I could download it for 360, I suppose, but I'm more used to the GC controls for DX). Of course, this would mean it probably counts as "Single Segment with Resets", since you have to reset to get back to the Character Select (I haven't played SA1 in a while, so I may be wrong).

Well, sorry that was so long, but that's why I didn't edit my original post. Back then, I didn't have any idea of what I wanted to do on the site and now I have an idea of where to start. There you have it, a re-introduction so both old and new users don't have to dig back to Page 3 and remember everything I said Grin
Hello everyone! Lurking for a bit, started posting recently.

NYC resident here, 25, decided to work on a few runs while watching SGDQ '12.

Hope to work on a bunch of PC runs once I get my system upgraded. See you all around!
Just a poor boy
Good evening, everyone. Been watching speedruns here for a long while, and loving every minute of it. I want to get into making runs myself after seeing Summer Games Done Quick '12, so I figured I'd take the time to register and learn my way around.
Edit history:
scintilliaSD: 2013-01-09 10:43:08 pm
Hey! I've been lurking around the community for quite some time now, and I just decided to make my account recently. I've been following SDA stuff since the first Classic Games Done Quick, although I never got around to really trying speedruns myself. I'm currently looking at Ikaruga and Okami for speedrunning purposes. I'm an avid Dota 2 player, Starcraft 2 player and PC gamer in general.
Hello.  As with many other folks, I'm fond of watching speed runs on SDA, particularly the marathon runs, and I decided to sign up so I can possibly submit a few runs of my own.  Working on Mass Effect 2 presently... maybe Ghostbusters after that.  Dunno, I suppose we'll find out.
Hello everyone!  I've been a huge fan of speed runs for years, and a couple years ago I discovered SDA, along with Awesome Games Done Quick.  I finally decided to go ahead and join the SDA forums, in hopes that I may eventually be able to run a game or two.

The most I have ever done in terms of speed running is a couple casual runs of SM64 and a tiny bit of Contra. I've also recently looked into running Half Life.  If I can ever quit playing TF2 so much, I hope to dedicate some time to putting together a run of any sort.

Until then, I hope that I can become a part of this wonderful community!
I'm Travis.  I'm relatively new to the speedrunning community, but have always been a gamer.  I've been following a number of different speedrunners on this site as well as speedrunslive since just after AGDQ 2012.  Definitely looking to start speedrunning some games and maybe attend some of the AGDQ/SGDQ events in the future once I get better (to everyone who just participated in SGDQ 2012, thanks for an amazing marathon).  I'm starting to practice Super Metroid speedrunning techniques right now, but I'm also curious about ALttP, SM64, and Yoshi's Island among others.  Started with the SNES and still consider it to be the best console, but I have modern day consoles as well.  I'm in the process of learning all about how to stream games live, so if anyone has any helpful tips they'd be more than welcome to share.

Away from video games, I'm a 22 year old college student set to graduate this December.  While video gaming is far and away my greatest hobby, I also enjoy a lot of other things such as bicycling, the NFL/college basketball, reading, drawing, etc..  I'm looking to make video games in the future.

Special thanks to AndrewG, Siglemic, and trihex for their speedrunning.  Their superb speedruns of Super Mario Bros., SM64, and YI are what took my interest in speedrunning from something casual to something beyond that.
Glad to see you have an interest in speedrunning Super Metroid! If you have any questions or want any help, we have a channel on the SDA server (#supermetroid). We've got plenty of knowledgeable folks in terms of both speedrunners and people who the intricate details. Also, feel free to head to speedrunslive as well if racing is your thing. Welcome to SDA!
I signed up a while back but been a little to lazy to come and post here. So I guess now is a good time.

My name is Jonathan, and my user name is based on my cat's name (Smokey or Mr. Smokey) and I added the gamer-esque type name.  I've been gaming since as long as I could remember, but never really was into doing speedruns until I came to this site.  I mainly play RPG's but every now and the will go off onto another tangent.  Recently I went out and bought myself a new Wii since I donated my old one to my church.  I am a web and graphics designer, and should be getting myself an associates degree by Feb of next year.  I also dabble in Flash (ActionScript 3.0).  As you may have already heard my name as one of those who donated during SGDQ.  I am currently working on trying to get a Portal 2 run so I could submit it. 

Other then that, I would like to point out the reason behind my first comment when I made my first donation.  The term "KITTEN FIGHT" refers to asdfmovie, when someone yelled "KITTEN FIGHT!" and the other guy responded "NO! I'm allergic to adorableness!" A kitten hits him in the face, he looks as it and says "AWWWWW!" next scene is of a tombstome.
My name is Stephan and im 18. I go by MrFreak4games or just freak4games. I got it from the pokemon games. before the title screen it pops up game freak and i was like that is so me.
I am brand new to SDA and haven't done a speed run yet. I need recording equipment to do it. I plan on possibly running Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 on PS3 and possibly SkyGunner on the PS2.
My hobbies are music and video games. They are my life. I like all kinds of games. i play them all pretty much. I wouldn't say i'm amazing at games, probably just fair or good at them. But i try hard and enjoy them a ton.
Hopefully you'll see more from me in the close future with some awesome runs.
Call me Alt.
Hey, I'm AlteisenX, but since most people in the English language (or others) can't pronounce it [myself included sometimes...] call me Alt. I play all types of games, staying away from mainstream stuff (CoD/Halo/Starcraft II/etc) and prefer the niche titles. I don't really speedrun games yet, currently in the process of building a computer so I can stream/play PC games instead of using my cheap laptop. My personal best speedrun is for Mega Man X4 with a final time of 0:57:04.

I'm going to college for Computer Programming, but I'll probably go into Game Programming. I have some rough ideas in things I might add to games [albeit it's over my head currently, and as everyone should know, start small. Especially in programming.] Languages I have experience in [but by no means a master of] are: Java, Visual Basic, Javascript, C#, Actionscript 3.0, PHP, and HTML. All nice... but I want C++.

Favourite game series: Touhou, Kingdom Hearts, Disgaea, Ys, Zelda, Castlevania.

Love watching the marathons, and love the speed-runs that don't really abuse the game to get really low times [Pokemon with the few minutes time, or Metroidvania's with the warping]. Wrong Warp OoT was cool, but I prefer MST style no WW.

Outside of Video Game hobbies: Baseball, Hockey, Music

Hope to find a place in the community that fits me.
I'm Red_Buddha I usually go by just Red or Buddha though. I have been watching speedruns for quite awhile now and decided that I would like to try my hand at it. I'm currently working on Speedy Gonzales: Los Gatos Bandidos for the SNES and hope to have a run of it finished sometime during the Summer. I'm also pretty interested in Final Fantasy and might try getting a run of FF 8 or 9 sometime.

Gaming is pretty much my only hobby and the only thing I do when I'm not at school or with friends.

Currently working on getting a stream set up just need some A/V splitters and should be ready to go.
Edit history:
KoeBigS8: 2012-06-09 08:55:48 am
Hey, Uhm. You could just call me Koe and I like games such as Pokemon, Final Fantasy and basically everything that has to deal with gaming. At the moment I'm still indecicive about what game I should start casually running through and maybe get serious about it.

I've narrowed it down to Pokemon Emerald, Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days, Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core or any other game that I might have in my possesion that you guys might recommend. Please PM me if anything. :3
I am cooopercrisp, and I recently got interested in speedrunning games.  I notice that this sight has a speedrun for Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus, but not one for its sequels, so I wanted to attempt a speedrun of those two games.
Hey, I'm Brovahkiin, and I'm not good with introductions.... Tongue
Anyway, I have been speedrunning since I was about 10. My first speedrun was of Spyro: Ripto's Rage. You may be wondering how I new what speedrunning was when I was 10, well, I didn't. Me and my friends made a bet, whoever beat Ripto's Rage the fastest got to play as first player for a year on my Playstation, I won thumbsup. I have never submitted anything, and I am new to these forums, but I would really like to post some PS Vita runs (If they're allowed) in the future, because that is my only working console at the moment.

I am really big into comics and wrestling, so they take up most of my time away from video games. My favorite games are Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy and anything involving TES. I hope to one day have a few runs on the archive, and hopefully soon. With all that being said, I'll see ya' around. Grin
I'm Incredibly Bunny
Hey, I'm Dai, and welp, I'm new here.
Currently a college student, just doing his thing, but also getting into the speedrunning scene.  Mainly,  I'm starting to work on one for Super Monkey Ball 2 of all things.  Seing someone like cosmo play the original SMB during the summer games done quick pretty much inspired me to embark on setting the record for the sequel.  So far, I've been working on the master stages (for an expert->master run, like the original SMB) and i've had This come out of that.  Really looking for something to connect my gamecube directly to my computer monitor though.

I'm also incredibly good at rhythm games, and here's Proof right here.  It might be because I love also making music, and am pretty musically gifted (perfect pitch, played piano since 5, vocalist, etc.)
Edit history:
General Vagueness: 2012-06-24 07:57:47 am
General Vagueness: 2012-06-20 05:26:50 pm
Faster than the speed of love
In case anyone's curious, I got started with SMB and StarTropics when I turned 6, and I got into tricking and speedrunning through an on-line community for Halo (HBO)-- I haven't done much of either, but I've made a few attempts-- and I've been watching you guys' speedrun marathons for about two years (last winter I finally donated, and I'm kind of kicking myself for missing SGDQ), which is how I got into SDA specifically. I think I'm going to mostly lurk for now, but I intend to get more into speedrunning... eventually... and I like finding glitches and weird behaviors in games, so who knows what'll happen.
Realizing I never got around to making a post here.

I've lurked random streams and forums over many corners of the internet, and somehow managed to come out of it in at least a countable number of pieces (assuming, of course, that I can count that high on a given day). I suppose I'm from the 'old school' generation, as the newest console I own is the ps1, so most of my gaming is from growing up on NES/SNES/genesis and a bit from the following generation (as well as PC games of many flavors, mostly chocolate). Never would have thought that when I was 28 years old I'd be an old school anything, but time has a way of doing strange and/or hilarious things to you.

As far as speedrunning goes, I'm currently only any good at Soul Blazer, and thus pretty much all of my posts are in that thread, but one of these days I hope to have the time/motivation to improve on some other games with huge nostalgia/frustration factor. Perhaps one of these days I'll even get around to gems like Milon's Secret Castle or Mickey Mousecapade.

The majority of the games I play casually are older RPGs, with the occassional action/platformer/adventure game thrown in there. There was a time that I was really solid at RTS games, but lack of practice and becoming an old man have limited that a bit.

Currently living in Oklahoma, in a town of ~4k people, which is not at all uncommon here (hell, it's the largest 'city' for about 30 miles in any direction). And, of course, I apologize in advance for being overly sarcasting/tongue-in-cheek at times in a text format, where such things are not properly conveyed.
Hi! I'm andrewg!
Just stopping by again to say hello to all you newcomers!

Trey's the name, Mario Sunshine's my game. (Let's face it, Mario 64 has been done to death)

I don't have a capture card or even a decent laptop on which to record with, but that will come around in due time.