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nibble nibble nibble.
I was just wondering how many here were full time college students. and how do you weave in games along with studying? It's like three and i'm still up doing research for a blasted paper.
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Do you know the Muffin Man?
I don't, I procrastinate like hell and piledrive my papers (bullshit rate is 10 words a minute=1 page every 30 mins)

I have two finals tomorrow, haven't studied but I spent the last hour and half playing CS Cheesy

Being good at procrastination involves not caring but still doing well. I keep my 3.2 GPA ^_^
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Mandel: 2005-04-14 09:17:33 am
Ah yes. The beloved GPA. I had to have one of those surgically removed two years ago from the loin. Boy do I miss it. Mine was -1.8 so 3.2 sounds a bit heavy... Maybe you should see a doctor about that.

WTF is GPA? I was just wondering how many on this forum aren't Americans...

BTW I'm a full time university student and that combines excellently with the Quake "interest" Smiley What can be more relaxing than to kill a few ogres when you come home tired in the evening?
I'm a full time student in a polytechnic, and working part time in a supermarket.. I spend my spare time drinking booze, playing QuakeWorld, or running qdq Smiley Like some people might have noticed I tend to run a bit, disappear for a few months, then come back, disappear again come back again etc.. etc.. Cheesy
${$uid.$user}{' usertext'}
Same here, but I seldomly find the time to play more than an hour apiece atm.

GPA? Grade point ampifier or a unit for quality of ones eyes?
nibble nibble nibble.
teh Fluff? GPA? Grad Point Average? Glowing Pike in the Arse? Either way it's painful just the same; I wish I could keep a 3.2. But I have to keep at least a 3.25 to keep all the dinero for being "smart." big 3.57! like it matters! stupid American standardized intelligence measuring system.
I usually only have time to game on the weekends. I'm in a fraternity (professional!) and the accounting club and also have a part-time job, so my time is very limited. 3.6 GPA atm, but my curren classes are hard as hell =/ Oh yeah, then there's that social life I need to find time for.
I played quite a bit during high school. But high school was a piece of cake. In 2001, I went to uni and still played.. I've never been a study person, nor does my dictionary have a definition for the word stress, so gaming was abundant.
It's been 4 years since, and I'm now waiting for my graduation ceremony (it's in a week) to get my degree.
I'm now doing postgrad (slap on another 3 years), and I still plan to play games.

There's always time for games!

Interestingly enough, we have access to q3 in the computer labs. That's several hundred computers and several thousand students with access to q3. There's always people playing, as a way of procrastinating. So yeah, gaming and uni mix quite well.
The Unreal Authority.
I'm a Junoir in Electrical Engineering and I still find a lot of time to play.
nibble nibble nibble.
exinex, yesh, social life, if it wasn't for that I could just study and play games. But there's things friends. and g/f. and family. who all want to "interact" with you or "Say hi." I think we've all had that happen, you're playing a game, real into it; then someone calls you, usually a grandparent, and they talk for eeevvver while your game sits there paused and begs your love. Speaking of which....
im in an art school, so its a little different. granted, i came here to do one thing in life and that thing no longer interests me.

weaving it in? all about time management. they really should stress that more in JR high - high school (USA at least) instead of dumping it all on us at once. its a pain to adjust to at first.
Thunderbolt Forever :)
I'm a post-graduate chemist Smiley