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.: The one and only ixfd64 :.
Hey, I got an idea that some people might like, and the QDQ team can make money off it. It would be cool if thre was a commercial QDQ CD!

It would, of course, include all the current runs (as well as the "best" SDA speed-runs; people will vote what runs should be placed on the CD), so people don't have to download.

However, to encourage people to buy the CD, there could be exclusive maps and demos not available on the Internet (well, at least not legally).

Possible ideas for exclusive speed-runs:

Quake done Completely Quick (similar to Quake done 100% Quicker, but getting all the weapons, items, as well as the unofficial secrets and hard to find areas)
Quake done Pretty Quick (similar to QdQWaV, but going through all the levels)
Quake done Healthy (beat the game taking the least damage possible)

The one and only ixfd64.
Thread title:  
Intrested Quake Player Striving to be Recognized
I like the idea, but my vote wont count to much.  Id love to help with the runs in your examples.  Sounds sweet.

Nice idea.
I had a similar idea as you're 'Quake done Healthy'. only that I was thinking to run through quake without taking ANY damage.. then after I thought of it a while I understood it's impossible.  Smiley

I ran a few maps trying not to take any damage.. and DAMN it's hard to be fast and not to take damage Smiley but it's doable in many maps. but in some maps it is just too darn hard/impossible .

And I also thought about running through quake and taking damage as little as possible, but I think the point is lost if damage is taken.. So I didnt bring the idea forth =)

I like the idea about commercial cd, but I think it would be very hard to sell.. afterall, the qdq scene is rather small. there are still alot of Quake DeathMatch players, but they dont seem to be interested about qdq Smiley

We dont get anything from this. We give everything for this. We dont play for money, but for glory and honor.. yeah right, whatever. anyways, the point is that the idea is good, but it's hard to make it work.

But maybe one of your exclusive speed run ideas is doable and maybe someone takes a grip and starts to make it seriously.. anyone? Smiley
Hell is where the heart is.
Quake Done Carefully is already done. The person that did it is supposed to be just tidying stuff up but I haven't heard anything for a while...

Once he's released his stuff we'll probably release the custom progs.dat he used and open it up to improvements. Who knows though. :-)

There is only one level on which you can't avoid taking damage, BTW.
Thunderbolt Forever :)
There is only one level on which you can't avoid taking damage, BTW.
Intrested Quake Player Striving to be Recognized
Wow good point.  The long drop at the end.  Is it possible to catch the corner of the long tunnel and fall slower?
I dreamt i did that jump undamaged this morning! =)

The trick was to curl at the end, just like the curl jump in the beginning of e4m1. And dreams can come true! I'll give it a try tonight!
Hell is where the heart is.
Unfortunately, because the shaft is square it doesn't seem possible to slow your fall down. For some reason 90 degree angles just don't work. :-(
Thunderbolt Forever :)
BTW, there's a strange trigger on the top of the exit window in E1M7...
Yeah and there's one just like that in the absolute beginning of END too. Probably more?

Strange indeed.
.: The one and only ixfd64 :.
Well, with many death match players, a hypothetical commercial CD might get more attention if it had cool deathmatch demos.
This is my personalized text.
It could sell if it was promoted in game magazines.
They call me Dr. Worm. Good morning, how are you?
I like the idea dubbed Quake Done Pretty Quick. I think it'd be cool to see it happen. Maybe I should give it a shot?

*que laugh track*