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Killer Chobocos don't get any chocolate.

Zelda2 is REALLY bugging me.... and since tmont showed interest in doing it, I decided to move to another project

Hybrid Heaven

I used to play this ALL THE TIME... obsessively even...

I BET I could even do it without taking damage.... but that's unlikely (Since later on even PERFECT blocks result in a little damage)

For your viewing pleasure, you have the option of choosing either LoRes or HiRes LetterBox for this run.... HiRes standard will not be done since it lags the game a lot
Thread title:  
100% runs=great to watch
I'd venture to guess Hires Letterbox would give the best experience overall.....or would there be some issue with Letterbox since I know ofno other game on SDa with that attribute?  The low res version of...well....low res mode might look too terrible to be watchable IMO.

Even with taking residual damage or gettign flt out punchedin the face a few times it'd still be an impressive run to see...not to mention further filling out the N64 list.

I'd like to see it beaten on the hardest setting though considering the powers you can apparently unleash on the game.  A bit of levelling would be worth it to see so long as it wouldn't kill the run time.
Killer Chobocos don't get any chocolate.
There is an item in the game... I think its the Speed Downer.... if you use it, Guaranteed boss win... pretty much...

I may know the mechanics... but I need your guy's help in route planning (namely gettings Keys and items) in order to optimize time...
[Insert text here]
Wish you luck! Good to finally see someone work on this game!
Killer Chobocos don't get any chocolate.
Just for a little practice *since I haven't played in a long time* I played 5 monster battle with default data.

I won, in 3:41...

Now for the main game... 

Sure it's possible... But Single Segment NOT... there's too many ways to accidentally die... and there is a chance this game is TOO long...

And either way, My DVD record can only *at lowest* do 4 hours at a time.... So it WILL have to be segmented...

I'm thinking, maybe 1 segment per Chapter...but That will put a LOT of pressure on the Bross fight.

Also, the more segments... the more shots at getting SS ranks (more XP) and learning hard to get moves (Headbutt for example)
100% runs=great to watch
Segment it as much as needed to optimize the performance.
Killer Chobocos don't get any chocolate.
Well... I got to 4-1 in only 1:55... and this is just dawdling...

I killed Procion *first boss* in 2 hits.... ouch...
100% runs=great to watch
I remember him knocking me down and soccer kicking the crap outta my head till I died the first time....

Avenge me!!!

Ya, keep up the good work.  Also, might want to possible change the thread title if SS is outta the question afterall.
Killer Chobocos don't get any chocolate.
SS might still be possible... I have to beat the game a few times first...

It's looking good... as long as I get under 4 hours I won't need to segment.
Edit history:
Lokarin: 2006-05-22 05:19:25 am
Killer Chobocos don't get any chocolate.
4-1 in 1:40 (ish)

Wow... This games run potential just went through the roof...

Since Battles take 45ish seconds each... and Picking up items takes like 7 seconds...missing a jump takes almost 3 seconds... Enemies drop almost RANDOM items, I favor Power/Stamina Boosters since they work at the same power level at any time... Defense/Offense/Speed Enchancer/Drainer actually are more potent with greater power... so Time permitting I either spam 2 or wait to use 1... AGAIN depending on what drops.

This game has potential to be one of the most Overdone runs ever...
(Potential not meaning anything if no one owns this game)

I have to play on Lo Res mode or my timing gets messy... I still COULD play on HiRes Letterbox... but the Fonts look crappy and the brightness is too high.

BTW: The current FAQ at GameFAQS is VERY sub-par... they don't have any item locations, secret passages (they do exist) or the Damage Ratios of any of the moves.... not to mention the Base Stats for the enemies....


Item locations are important... I need Battles and Drainers.... RAISERS are godly in a speedrun, so finding them is TOP priority...

Also... I need Headbutt ASAP... learning moves is based on your HP level (supposedly) so I have to test out to find WHEN it can first be learned...
100% runs=great to watch
IIRC, learning moves is based on getting clocked with the first from an least striking variety.
Killer Chobocos don't get any chocolate.
Just to ask

Does ANYONE have this game and a 64 ready?

'Cuz looking for secret items is BORING...
Edit history:
Zurreco: 2006-05-23 05:22:03 am
Just call me the cynicism machine
I have the game, but I don't care to look for random hidden crap.

For your run, do you just focus on kick combos until you can get piledriver?

e: and headbutt/headlock, of course.  Destroying legs and heads is a surefire way to ruin enemies.

might help
Killer Chobocos don't get any chocolate.
DRAT!!! I died in 5-1 and had to go back to 4-2

But I'm only just over 2 hours...

SO FAR.... this looks do-able...
I'm working on a TAS of this game so first of all good luck. I'm just running through it now instead of making it perfect for a couple reasons:

1. Many things about the game i still have no clue how they work, like learning moves, enemy hp, or how damage is calculated with each move and how positioning effects it in battle. Also, what battle items would be needed to win effectively and maybe even without having to stop to level up.

2. I'm not using a controller to play but hopefully i can find one to use instead of an unresponsive wireless keyboard.

3. I'm still new to doing speedruns/TAS's.

Plus it would take a lot of time to do perfect.. I'm up to beginning of 2-2, about 26 minutes in. 19 minutes after the cutscene after Procyon dies.

I'd love to see a video of what you are doing but if it isn't possible and you want to see my run then i can make one.
I present you a speedrun for this game, 12 years later