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Siyko: 2006-12-30 06:36:32 am
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.

I haven't posted much on either of the Half-life 1 threads, but I have been reading all I can, and enjoyed all of the runs so far.

I am working on a single segment run, and although I'm making decent progress, I am starting to run into the brick wall of just not being able to bunny hop well.

Here is a small demo of a run attempt,     

I am looking mostly for advice on how to bunny more effectively and what I'm doing wrong, but any other time saving help would be appreciated. Thanks!
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Existence as you know it is over
That is the weirdest style of bhopping I've ever seen. Your jumps seem unusually floaty, and I don't understand the need for all the crouching.

You need to time your jumps so that you jump as soon as you land in order to maintain the speed, and you need to airstrafe more.

Instead of going down the first ladder, you could've airstrafed around the elevator and catch it near the bottom.

The slave boost was good, this trick is essential for an improved run. However, you could've pushed the cart into the beam much faster by holding the use button.

I'm also impressed that you got the box boost across the broken bridge in the first try. AFAIK that only works in HLSP bunny, I've never gotten it to work in regular HL.

Instead of pushing the box over to the ladder, you could have jumped on it, then jump and crouch to avoid the ceiling, then uncrouch to catch the ladder.

I noticed you had difficulty fighting the slaves before meeting Barney, so here's a tip - pop out and kill one of the slaves with a double shotgun blast, then quickly hide behind the wall while the other one fires. When his attack's done, pop out and finish him with another double shotgun blast.

A single segment of this game is very hard, but only if you choose to do the most important shortcuts. I tried doing SS once, but died at Blast Pit. If you want I can upload it to show bhopping tactics and other strategies up until where I die.
I used to be athiest until I realized I was God.
Thanks for the tips laughing gas, I'll try to do those.

I've tried airstrafing around the elevator to catch the ladder, but I have serious problems staying in control while trying to go in a circle... I guess my bunnyhopping is weak for the same reasons, I will try to practice it more.

A friend once said to me that after the first jump, if you can keep momentum every jump, you should never need to hit the forward button - is this true? What "should" be inputted during a jump to increase speed as much as possible?

I'll admit I made an alias for the box boost across the broken bridge -
alias launch "+use;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;wait;-use;+jump;wait;-jump;"
strafe towards where you want to go and hit the button when you are in front of the pushable you want to boost off of. I assume this is legal considering the various tau scripts used in previous runs.
Existence as you know it is over
The key to airstrafing/bhopping is never holding down the forward key except for the initial jump. Strafe left or right in the air to accelerate.

Here is a good bhopping tutorial

Here is my single segment attempt