welcome to the goob show
Website contains a timezone-adjusted schedule
Update: A link to our schedule - thanks everyone for signing up!
Here are some banners that anyone can use if you'd like to advertise Happy Tails on your stream or Twitch profile!
Hi again everyone!
Well, I've decided to organize another marathon
I chose the ASPCA (http://www.aspca.org) as the charity for this marathon because it's a cause that's special to me and probably one that a lot of people can relate to.
For this marathon I'm looking to have all different types of games, but I'd love to have a lot of "animal themed" runs with characters like Sonic, Banjo, Monkey Ball, Spyro, Yoshi, etc. I'll be scheduling blocks of games that are strictly animal-themed (e.g. 8 hours of animal-themed speedruns, followed by any other kinds, followed by another block of animal-themed runs, and so on).
Here's our poster that I'll be trying to spread around to as many people as possible, and I'd appreciate it if you guys could help out in doing the same if you'd like to support this marathon.

(Thanks to Melangetic for the design/artwork)
Here's the direct link to the image: http://i.imgur.com/lWIpnFP.png
And feel free to come hang out in our IRC marathon channel, #happytails, on irc.speedrunslive.com
Website contains a timezone-adjusted schedule
Update: A link to our schedule - thanks everyone for signing up!
Here are some banners that anyone can use if you'd like to advertise Happy Tails on your stream or Twitch profile!
Hi again everyone!
Well, I've decided to organize another marathon
For this marathon I'm looking to have all different types of games, but I'd love to have a lot of "animal themed" runs with characters like Sonic, Banjo, Monkey Ball, Spyro, Yoshi, etc. I'll be scheduling blocks of games that are strictly animal-themed (e.g. 8 hours of animal-themed speedruns, followed by any other kinds, followed by another block of animal-themed runs, and so on).
Here's our poster that I'll be trying to spread around to as many people as possible, and I'd appreciate it if you guys could help out in doing the same if you'd like to support this marathon.

(Thanks to Melangetic for the design/artwork)
Here's the direct link to the image: http://i.imgur.com/lWIpnFP.png
And feel free to come hang out in our IRC marathon channel, #happytails, on irc.speedrunslive.com
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