PoCari (or whatever he calls himself now) has been talking about doing a They Hunger run, but the project is dead I think.
I'd have ran it long ago if I had Steam and uncapped bunnyhopping speed with the Steam client, but alas... I suppose I could desperately try to record demos in v. into a full run. The run surely won't be too pretty... I'll have to stop the demo a little while before a loadzone, trigger the loadzone, save, start again. This presents difficulties for me, because I bunny jump through loadzones a lot, which is why I've been whining about Steam for so long. I could just record all the way through, but unfortunately = (
I worked pretty hard on all the shortcuts, so it'd be a shame to see the run die, so I'll start working on it. LG, you wouldn't happen to be up for some demo capturing, would you? = )
The end of the run is gonna take awhile... I had a shortcut in mind to grenade boost, and keep that speed the entire way down the tracks. I mean like, the ENTIRE way. I'd grenade hop over the car, and keep my speed all the way past the helicopter, jump over the blockade with the speed, jump all the way to the barn, jump off a barrel and into the skybox. I have no idea if that's even possible, but I'll test it out. All in good planning ^_^