...um...I said you can find it on Fileplanet...search for it.
You'll have to install it in the half life folder, then run the game using the "-game Hunger" command thingy...it'll show up under 3rd party programs, and so forth.
I'll work on the first part tonight and hopefully get a run thats worthy of SDA!
Hey Corhellion. Do you know where I can get this They Hunger thing? My Half-Life is sorta working now, so I think I can run this and help you with your run.
You can also get one here http://www.ausgamers.com/files/details/html/511 without having to wait in a fat que. It's where I got mine. It says its only parts 2-3, but it included 1 when I downloaded it. Or...err... is part 1 the one where the guy crashes his car into the lake? :-/ If so, that link includes all the episodes then...
But what baffles me is that how would someone run a game if they have never played it before? Wouldn't it take months or maybe years worth of practice?
Well, he asked me if I could give him some sort of assistance with his run, and I'm somehow obsessed with Half-Life, so I agreed. So I'll beat the game, and think up some tricks or something. Thanks for the link by the way
EDIT: Just played through a little bit and I'm totally lost, rofl. This'll take some work to see what I have to get, what I can skip.... ugh.
EDIT: Yet another edit. I've found my way through a few parts in the game, and discovered a few tricks. For one thing, after I get the crowbar and the pistol, that bridge that breaks, there's a zombie that stands in the water, and I jumped on his head and jumped over the bridge, skipping going on the cliff. There's a catwalk that breaks inside the next building and you can jump right to the door. The next areas are mostly speed jumping. Right now I just finished off the helicopter.
EDIT: Damnit, stupid edits. Um, I've gotten a lot farther into the game, and I've now landed myself in some strange town that I can't navigate. I know plenty of shortcuts for the areas I've already played... assuming I've even taken the right route o_o;
Jesus, those zombie things REALLY piss me off. "HUUUUNGER" "MOMMY'S HUNGRY!" god damnit, have a sandwich then. Brains and flesh should be reserved for later. I think everyone will be annoyed when a speedrun of this comes out, just by listening to them talk.
I may be able to help you. I haven't gotten too far in the game myself, but I did get stuck on a part right after you hitch a ride on a police car, I later found out you have to break through the wall wher you crash.
It's a pretty confusing game, you get stuck often, and the damn zombie cops are annoying!
Yeah, they are indeed annoying. I'll do the first They Hunger, but I refuse to do They Hunger 2. As soon as I saw dogs in there, I refused to shoot them. I am serious too, lol, no They Hunger 2 for me.
Alright, so...redownload TH...reinstall TH...and...time to get back to the fun!
PoCari: Strangely I also found that shortcut too! (the jumping the bridge gap) and the catwalk thing I found too. It's also possible to skip atleast 45 seconds when you come to the "Devils Hole" or...whatever that lava part is.
When you first get to where the boardwalk is, there's a path that turns left onto the boardwalk and a tree to the right. Go towards the right and you'll see a 45' corner. Crouch down and inch your towards the edge, if you've seen the HL1 speed run, you'll know that corners of 90' or less can help you get down from high places quickly.
There's a few others that I tried, but didn't work aswell as I planned...Such as gren jumping up to the window outside the PC Gamer Foundry (It's the window where a guard shoots at you.) I got up there, and got to where I had to be...but...apparently there's an outside trigger that prevents you from breaking the glass or opening the door...
However, there's another gap that you can jump, which is also in the foundry, and can be done quite easily: Stand on the left hand side at the very edge (where the boards break) and jump to the far right side, it's worked for me, and also cuts off about 30 seconds too...I think...
Yeah, no problem man. I know that sounds kinda low of me... making someone else do the run first, but in all honesty, I don't even know the game AT ALL, so I think this would be best for me.
Besides, imagine if I took this sub 10:00 by improving your run? I mean jeeze
Double post, sorry, but I just did a little speedrun of the game and discovered a couple new tricks. In the beginning area, instead of jumping on the zombie's head, you can long jump across the bridge, although it's harder. Still, it's an alternate way to do things.
When you reach "Devil's Rift," and you're all underground and everything, there's a volcano thing that surfaces from the lava, and you have to jump on it, then jump to the next ledge to advance. You can long jump to the ledge directly.
Jump past the yellow tram car.
Then that area where you use the train to smash that car, you can grenade jump over the car. Although you have like 5 health after, and there's three zombie guys with pistols.... =\
Speed jumping is faster than the train I think. When I got to the dam part with the helicopter, I sniped out all of the guards and such, and did a grenade hop over that barrier on the train tracks. I'm not even sure if this is the proper thing to do, but whatever. Then I speed jump my way to the barn-like area. From there, I'm completely lost. I think my 10:00, out-of-my-ass time was a little off, because I hit the barn at around 10 minutes time I'm still trying to learn how to beat that god forsaken area on foot. I think if I know where to go and such, I could probably do a super sky glitch to skip to the end. But we'll see, I need to beat the game first... ugh.
Also, a final note. When you get back into that maze-like place where all the zombies break out of the brick walls, sometimes when I get to the end and I have to bash that lock with my... um, umbrella handle.... sometimes the zombies there don't appear. That would be about a 15 second time saver if those damn zombies didn't appear, since you don't have to kill them.
The run is progressing awesomely and will most likely be sub 10 minutes (which I can't believe...I'll have to watch it myself a few times when it's done )
I'm working on finding some tricks, and PoCari is doing to better version (he bested my almost best run to a certain part of the game by a full minute! 4:22 compared to 3:33)
I've found a few excellent fast forward points that save quite a bit of time.
Unfortunately...they're all towards the end of the run...but none the less, they're awesome fastforward points.
I'll give the little clip I made of my end run to PoCari and see what he makes of it. It saves quite a bit of time...Up to a minute or so...I think...And if PoCari has a place to upload the clip (cause I can't find an uploader for movies) and give you guys a sample of the run, not the final product...but it'll be something anyways!
Wait a minute... when you get to the barn like area, you have to step into that police car and drive it.....?
If that's what you have to do, I'm seriously going to blow blood vessels...
But about the sub 10 minutes, that would really take some work. I got to "Devil's Rift" in 6:07. Finishing the game from there in under 10 minutes would certainly be a challenge, although I don't think it's possible. I think this'll be like 12 minutes or something.
My side of the run update. I did a run of They Hunger in 12:04, single segment. It was pretty bad. I stopped a lot at the zombies, especially near the barn, and on the train tracks. If I clean up those areas, I see sub 11 minutes happening quite easily.
Corhellion, those sky box glitches you showed me, I used them in the run, and they do save time. I screwed up with the hole once, then when I got it, I lost my way. I remember just going ontop of the buildings and popping out to where the chair is. Instead of using that, I just grenaded myself up onto the fence. I could probably get onto the roof which would be faster, but this worked too. After that I just took out all the guards as best I could and I stopped timing after you hear the "thud."
If I segment this run when I get XP, I can see it maybe reaching sub 10 minutes, but we'll see.
This is not the final version of the ending, it's just a teaser I suppose...
0:05 - I wedge (crouch jump) myself in between the smoke stack and the fence, then allow myself to stand up and hop up onto the fence (crouch while in the air, not a regular crouch jump)
0:07-0:17 - I hold jump while I "Swim" in the sky box, I go to behind the barn and enter a small hole which is used in the next level as a way of getting out of the barn. I use it to get back in
0:28-0:30 - Like the bridge jump, I long jump over the hole with the zombies wanting to kill me.
0:35 - I get hung up on the die guards corpse and lose a few seconds. I should've jumped over the banister and proceeded.
0:40-0:53 - Did another skybox trick, however I mucked it up royaly, I lost about 20 seconds in something that I should've been able to do in 5 or 10.
1:06-1:11 - shot the guards from a ways away, could've shot them when I got there. lost a 2 seconds.
1:20 - Shot the zombie guard, didn't have to, wasted 2 seconds.
1:27 - Movie jumps, due to my poor editting... :-[
1:31 - Stopped the explosion pushing me backwards by having myself crouched by the flashing light.
1:33 - could've started the car from the outside rather than going inside the car. lost 5 seconds.
1:49 - Could've stayed on the car and ridden through the first explosion. then gotten off before the car hit the gas station.
1:58 - Movie jumps again...sorry...Fraps demo...blaim the 30 second dealy...
2:16 - shotgunned the pannel, but missed when I thought I hit it...lost a few seconds there.
2:27 - Notice the ammo counter, it's different by 2 bullets...Once again fraps cut out just as I fired those two bullets...luckily I missed the zombie and hit the metal instead...still...it's an oddity...
2:38 - official stop point! But I keep recording for a bit more. (The Sherrif says: "You've just commited Suicide boy!" )