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I don't know if these are known to the hl speedrunning community or not, but I thought I should mention the edgebug and jumpbug, I'm not sure if the jump bug works in HL or just CS but it could probably save a few seconds in places you would otherwise have to grab onto a ladder for.  it works (at least in cs) by jumping and letting go of duck on the same frame when you are within 4 units of the ground.
Quote from fuzzerd:
I don't know if these are known to the hl speedrunning community or not, but I thought I should mention the edgebug and jumpbug, I'm not sure if the jump bug works in HL or just CS but it could probably save a few seconds in places you would otherwise have to grab onto a ladder for.  it works (at least in cs) by jumping and letting go of duck on the same frame when you are within 4 units of the ground.

I already tried the jumpbug but didn't worked in hl, but others should try it also.
I'm amazed at the progress so far. I don't have anything to add other than "keep it up".
I'm amazed at the progress so far. I don't have anything to add other than "keep it up".

Is there already any progress becoming visible? I thought the whole project was still in process of planning :-\...
Well, they've got the mechanics down for creating a TAS, something I thought would be impossible using in-game scripts.
Then I am looking forward to reading about the first results or even seeing initial videomaterial  8)! Great project!
Quote from gia: is the current list for mod programmers (but since we are in HL2 era, its 99% Source engine)
I think that the archive is also a good start, and btw most of the HL guys (judging by reading other's stories about getting (they submitted it) very detailed answers from them) are helpful.
(user is banned)
Edit history:
Spider-Waffle: 2009-08-10 02:44:59 am
Don't think!  feeeeeal
Sorry, I haven't been more active with this project, I've just been really busy IRL.  Were still in a phase were we are dependent on developers to come up with solutions and the programming we need.  All I can really do is start the ball rolling in this phase and give input as to the vision of what we want is.

Anyone can really help with doing this.  Just get in touch with the HL programming community and try and recruit.  Direct everyone to this thread.  Progress reports and what still needs done should be posted here.

If you need to ask me any questions that would help advance this project or particularly if you can offer programming services, you can contact me on aim 24/7, I will get back to you when I'm not afk or away from cell.
Okay, so here's the news...

I asked the guys on the maillist and they said that the full HL SDK is private and the "only" thing we can do is playing the game on a virtual machine (I'm talking about the possibilities, not the way we should) or pausing the threads of HL.

atm I don't know how we should make a program that warns the virtual machine that a frame is processed so pause the game until we set a special key. On the second one, pausin the threads of HL: it maybe work, but if you hold it too long (or you want to send some input while it's thread is paused) than HL.exe will crash. I'm thinking about pausing only vital threads so it won't freeze because of unhandled input processing.

I'm still don't have enough time to play with this everyday, but I will sure investigate it further. I will upload the source code of my thread-pause (invoked the suspendthread and resumethread from kernel32.dll)

If you want to read the messages I got from the maillist, register here:
and read the responses here:
Don't think!  feeeeeal
Good work!  In the meantime I was thinking of making a sample demo using the crude frame advance we have now to show the kind of acceleration and speed that's possible.
Quote from Spider-Waffle:
Good work!  In the meantime I was thinking of making a sample demo using the crude frame advance we have now to show the kind of acceleration and speed that's possible.

Yes please, I'm very interested to see the potential behind this project Smiley
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Quote from Bhaal not home:
Quote from Spider-Waffle:
Good work!  In the meantime I was thinking of making a sample demo using the crude frame advance we have now to show the kind of acceleration and speed that's possible.

Yes please, I'm very interested to see the potential behind this project Smiley

me too! I was following it before and now I'm more interested in it!  Wink
If we were you, we would quit now.
I'm also interested! :-D. I think this should be a thread on :-P. I had one there before for Portal TAS info.
I'm still thinking about possibilities about making an emulator thing...i'm also about to contact tasvideos guys and hoping about finding something good that would open that big door (or collapse that big wall) which is ahead in front of us to bring the insanity of frame glitch abuses. So, stay tuned.
torch slug since 2006
Is there any little video that just shows a little bit of this?
If we were you, we would quit now.
Quote from DJS (lambdaN):
Is there any little video that just shows a little bit of this?

The closest thing I have is this crappy TAS I did of Chamber 13 of Portal.

Portal - Chamber 13 - TAS Test Run:

You could do alot with it, but I didn't experiment with it too much.
Svart Lyser Tronen
@ OlikA: I'm glad that you haven't given up with this project. Let's hope you soon get something up and running.

And Demonstrate's Portal TAS run is a perfect example of how fast you can achive things. But what i'm looking forward to the most is the airacceleration that might be possible.
I'm still thinking about the possibilites...

Making a TAS run of open source games can be made by either playing it with breakpoints, or overriding the game's host_frame method.
For HL [and maybe any other game that has frame dependency (depends on the frame rate)] i'm about to find the game's host_frame variable (which increases after every single frame process), then adding my own assembler code (i used cheat engine for testing purpose), however i don't know what should i do next... I should make a jump to my own code to entirely pause the game for example 500 ms, the TAS player holds down the buttons, then jump out of my code, continue it until the next host_frame change, then again...

Of course it could be better if I could entirely modify the frame process that the player could do anything (look around while pause), and press a button to step a single frame (with 500ms delay so he can hold down the buttons)...

So i'm about to ask some things about the programming side of this on various forums... i'm really trying to achieve this f***ing frame-step.

I hope the solution will come as fast as it can.

btw. the Portal TAS looks a bit crazy, i think that TASed FPS games should be "viewed" (for viewers) as third person camera mode.
Hail Discordia!
OlikA, I think you should subscribe to this thread just in case. It might prove useful somehow.
Edit history:
OlikA: 2009-12-28 03:43:37 pm
Quote from moozooh:
OlikA, I think you should subscribe to this thread just in case. It might prove useful somehow.

You are awesome! I'm reading now the whole forum and contact them as soon as possible!
edit: My name on is MESHUGGAH...
Well in multiplayer map the guass gun is kind of stronger I mean you can make so many bunny hops
Edit history:
TimEh: 2010-01-22 04:10:03 am
hmm this is an interesting topic. A while back i was trying to write a PC-tas program. Well more so a demo recording program that would work with various games. The recording portion was simple enough to do and worked well. That is untill the obvious de-sync would happen over time due to differing fps. I was planning on hooking into ogl or d3d to grab fps and somehow count the frame time and user input in relation to that. So on play back, various times between frames would be compensated. I never ended up finishing this and i assume even with that there would still be sync problems.

But i never really thought of making independant game tas-able. Gonna download the hl1 sdk and see if i can get this ancient code to compile. Ive worked with the source sdk and i think i could do this very simply. That is the frame skipping/slowing and demo compatibility. Not the more complex topics discussed here. Also if my memory is correct i believe hlspbunnymodthing had the source included, so incorperating those fixes into this would be easy.
well that wasnt so hard. not to shabby for a couple hours of work. I wish i was readin these forums back when you guys were all gung ho about this. Heres a vid showing of what it can do so far

So far it enables you to controll the speed at which the game is played. Also lets you stop the game completely and advance one frame at a time. Uses easy bindable keys. Includes the hlspbunny mod. And due to the nature of how the mod works, bunnyhopping was an unintentional side effect. But a good one. Theres still a few problems i need to sort out. Its still very hackish in nature. And since im locked out of the core engine stuff im not sure how much it could be improved. But keep in mind today was the first day looking at the hl1 source code, im sure once im more fimiliar with it more options will be availible. Its been tested for the steam version, although it probably will work for the others. The demo doesnt play back properly with the 'playdemo' command. instead you have to use 'viewdemo'. If anyones dying to get there hands on this ill send it out, but id rather fix a few of the problems first.
gj, looks pretty good
Ad infinitum
Wow, looks good so far! That slow-mo-mod could be pretty fun to play with when playing casually as well Smiley