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Jesse Porter: 2015-01-23 03:08:00 am
Jesse Porter: 2015-01-23 03:06:48 am
Hi, I'm new here and I love what you guys are doing and I want speed runners from this website to be able to get into the guinness world records. as some of you may know, twingalaxies has been re-established with guinness. also everything on twingalaxies is now voted in by the people, so everything anyone says has an impact on the voting and the community. I am trying my hardest to persuade people in twingalaxies to legalize glitches. if anyone can help, please do so. here is my article I posted at twingalaxies. Voting threads (besides records) have not yet opened up yet due to the site still being in beta testing but once it does, I will be trying to vote for glitch legalization and I will post another thread here to let everyone know that it is up for voting. thank you
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Clear as a crisp spring morning!
I'm not sure many speedrunners have favourable opinions about Twin Galaxies. At any rate, they operate in an entirely different way than SDA. SDA does not really concern itself with world records.
Twin Galaxies is so full of fraudulent runs I don't think it really matters.
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Jesse Porter: 2015-01-23 03:25:22 pm
Jesse Porter: 2015-01-23 03:10:35 pm
Andrew Gardikis Speaks! Everyone check out what he has to say on the thread that is posted above
The other issue that the others didn't mention is that even if "we" start submitting runs to TG< they will get rejected or downvoted or whatever TG is calling their voting process.  A majority of the current TG crowd is pretty uhh...vocal about their incorrect opinions.  There's no chance any current speed run would get accepted over there.  Hell, they're so defensive about their own titles they claim cheating on NES Home Alone.  Glitches aside, there are still people there who claim they can spot a legit run by the video quality, which usually means recording artifacts.  Considering many speedrunners now use pretty dang good capture setups (in some cases, better than emulator quality), that would invalidate the runs for most of the TG crowd.  There's also no console modifications allowed there and no JP versions, so that eliminates like 95% of the runs we do.  Really, I'd be amazed if anything we did met any of their "standards".

The issue is that TG is so far removed from the rest of the world that they have no idea what would be considered acceptable recording standards or rules or anything else.  The fact that they still claim to be the world's largest international scoreboard or whatever without accepting the Japanese versions is laughable.  They would need a complete 100% overhaul of all of their rules and standards before it was even possible to submit a speed run there, and even then there is simply no incentive to do so.  They have nothing to offer us that we don't already have.

Thanks for the attempt to reach out, though!
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Jesse Porter: 2015-01-23 05:11:46 pm
Jesse Porter: 2015-01-23 05:11:33 pm
I agree with everything you are saying and that is why i am trying to change all of that. If there was a way to get speedemosarchive players into guinness, then this issue would not concern me.
Who cares about some beer brewer's promotional book?
A lot of the activity on that board seems to be about high scores. In that case, additional rules are necessary because many games have glitches or loopholes that allow endless scoring without significant effort. No-one wants to watch a Mario high score run where the guy just kicks a turtle on a staircase for hours. This isn't such an issue with speedruns, because even when you completely break a game, a better runner can break it a little faster. But they're really about high scores, so I don't think it's really worth arguing with them about it.
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Carcinogen: 2015-01-26 12:19:08 pm
Twin Galaxies is full of ideologues that are trying too hard to gain a foothold in speedrunning as a market. They have a now-obsolete business model is based off of "we have something you want, exposure, so pay into it".

You can have heard of a high profile speedrunner and never have heard of Twin Galaxies. They're irrelevant now. There is no purpose for Twin Galaxies now that records and proofcalling are publically available on social media, and WRs are accepted by an individual game's community.

It's a name, a number, and you have to pay to have your entry put in a book for someone to graze over it and go "oh, neat". It's unengaging when you can watch it on YouTube and see how it's done. It's hilarious to watch them as a company try to come up with Wile E. Coyote-esque attempts to build a userbase... Such as creating "Professional Gamers" like pr0digyx or whatever his name is and viewbotting him on the Twitch frontpage.
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Blubbler: 2015-01-26 02:44:45 pm
TG is worse than youtube comments, I'd rather have them stay as irrelevant as possible.

Also I don't know what Guinness is doing or planning, but people told me runs of mine are in there Gamer's Edition record book, although they are neither on SDA nor TG.

My Super Mario Bros. 2 record is already in Guinness. TG's current SMB2 record is over 40 seconds slower. It's sad because I used to consider myself part of TG, but if you think about it they were never fundamentally about console speedruns anyway and were more or less destined to fall behind the times considering their past stances on what is considered acceptable for video submission. SDA has no real reason to align with TG at this point. It is what it is...I am eternally grateful for TG being there when I first became interested in speedrunning, but they are essentially an arcade score-keeping organization. At this point, even SDA would be losing some ground were it not for Games Done Quick marathons, because live streaming is so prevalent.
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Crow!: 2015-01-26 05:02:03 pm
Crow!: 2015-01-26 05:00:12 pm
What's that gemma?
I thought I'd look up what that site knows about the games I speed run / have done some research into:

Secret of Mana [fastest completion]: no scores.
Here's a gem:
Special Rules: You May NOT cast a spell and then save the game.
This is a reference to a myth that you can get a stat buff to last forever by saving while it's active.  As if the were any stat buff good enough to bother going through a save / reset to maintain it over the course of the game.

No reference is made to any of the myriad, game-warping glitches that actually exist.  And there's no runs.

Final Fantasy Adventure:
game not listed.

Dragon Warrior [fastest completion]: one score.
7 hours, 15 minutes from 2010
Probably a decent run for its time, but it's old.

Earthsiege 2, Quest For Glory (any), Epic Battle Fantasy (any):
games not listed.

So, there's definitely no reason for me to go there.  Putting aside their lack of completeness in the games I happen to care about, even in the cases where there ARE scores, there are no links to view the run.  If I don't get a video to see the runner's mad skills, why would I bother looking up what the scores are?

I don't see the value in knowing who holds a record, even if the site did record that information accurately.  I want to be dazzled by their skills, or learn them myself.  TG appears to offer neither of those, so I'm uninterested.
SPEEDruns not SAFEruns
Reading that thread just proves Twin Galaxies is trash and doesn't even deserve our time. I'm sure they scoff at SDA the same way we do at them. Let them do their thing, obviously a majority of our community doesn't care for them and their outdated rulings on speed runs. Time to move forward.
Yeah, seeing someone say "don't roll through the door because the devs didn't intend it" in OOT is...well...I can't even put it into words how silly it is.
Learning to Stream
Quote from Deuceler:
Reading that thread just proves Twin Galaxies is trash and doesn't even deserve our time. I'm sure they scoff at SDA the same way we do at them. Let them do their thing, obviously a majority of our community doesn't care for them and their outdated rulings on speed runs. Time to move forward.

Once upon a time when I was on the staff, several fine folk of this community convinced me of the error of the ways of tracking in TG and I was slowly pushing new changes into the works to start removing a lot of the crap and let the SDA model of play it till ya break it, then destroy the records... unfortunately back then there were many a hurdle and too many higher up that didn't want to evolve.

I did what I could with what parameters I had and did what was possible to make something good occur... but yeah... TG changed a lot as I was exiting the building... and now it's a former shell of itself and it's a tragedy.

I left because I wanted to focus on life and getting married at that time... it just pushed me more to SDA when I had downtime.

But the past is the past and SDA is here, and that's all that matters.
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
Let us please finish the debate about TG and Guiness here and now. It serves no further point. Everything has been said (albeit not by everyone)*

*inspired by Karl Valentin
Everything. There. I said it.
T r i P T e a M
I was going to look up my games in TG just to see what they had to say about it but then I remembered my two main games were never released in the states so they probably don't even exist to them. Oh well.
Magical. Flying. Bathtub
I was told recently that Guinness's latest book of records (2015) still had DarthKnight's time listed as WR for Arkham City, which was quite hilarious.  That "record" was put in the 2014 book because at the time it was the only one on SDA even though it wasn't the fastest run (I think it lasted somewhere between a day and a week because I found a glitch that cut out another 2 minutes, so I had a couple of faster runs on twitch and Youtube).  However, even though I now have a faster run on there, which has been destroyed many times since by cojosao and feanorus, Darth's run is still listed as the fastest!

On the other hand, the 2014 book did have a badass-looking picture of DarthKnight dressed as Batman with his system setup so maybe they felt that cojo would be too hot and distract all the pretty make-up girls and it was just easier to use the same details again.  Guinness have also snubbed my mate Steve who held the record for visiting every station on both the London underground and New York subway systems, so I've sorta gone off them...