I just picked up a friend's Wii and started my first recorded operating run on a fresh file... I'm one shot no resetting this. I've already made some hilarious mistakes you will laugh. As soon as it's finished I will upload it I won't have splits on screen but I do have splits so I'll write them down and keep track of mission times.
By the way fitter about the Cradle level.. go check out page 8 of this forum I wrote a ton of info about this level, I've improved on it a bit since but it might be useful to you
Bleh game froze up right near the chopper for carrier, I'll get a run in tonight when wife is asleep, or maybe tomorrow, I just noticed I don't have audio recording either so I'll check that out
Yeah, as noted above this game is unstable af. I'm pretty sure I had the game crash there in practice too, as I have the slide going into the tunnels in Memorial and the door going outside to the runway in Airfield. Two of which happened to me yesterday, with about 4 hours between them. SmartAlec0624 (WR holder)'s game crashed in the elevator in Dam (leading to the helicopter) (after the helicopter) and now you've had it crash up there. Does your game periodically freeze/stutter too?
I would say yes but I'm on a different Wii now, my game only tends to crash when I am rushing through an area and game starts lagging but of checkpoint, spawns etc. Sometimes you can get past a spawn point of guards, and they spawn behind you at same time as you load next checkpoint, that almost always makes me lag
Well I had to fix up some other things this morning, I did a few other runs since but I cut out this bunker level. I glitched it out somehow near the ending and I think it might be because I went too fast? It's really long uploading to YouTube though, video is about halfway done, I may try some more runs later today. If I upload longer videos in parts will it be faster? For when I have a 2h video to upload I mean.. video is 50% on YouTube, I'll link here when done
Also, this happened during the run that completely broke me
For years I've simply killed everyone. A few months ago I realised I could run through the first area, checkpoint cheat and then kill a few guards then run to the end.
Check this out, run I just finished, going to convert the file and upload to YouTube, I'll write out a detailed review of things to take note... Many hilarious mistakes, I must point out during this run I was drinking with my wife to celebrate!! We got our offer accepted for a house!! I bought a house!! Damn feels good.. anyways I'll list out some times to pay attention to, things that can help bypass certain spawns or manipulate certain patterns of guards. You can see where the drunken rage takes over when I am clearly going to die, yet rush through anyways. This run is good example of how fast you can go while still having 7-8+ deaths all game. Gonna get to work on that now, can't wait to show you guys .
I got my run onto YouTube but not sure what happened, there is no audio that recorded.. I tried to reupload it while I'm at work today, otherwise I'll put it up as it is anyways so you guys can watch if interested anyways, I'll be home in a couple hours I'll do that then
Your run is on the leaderboard, JamesBong. Have you figured out what happened with the audio? If you're using OBS to capture your video, you may want to add the audio as a separate source. That's what I have to do to get audio in my gameplay.