The Spice is Life, Cajuns are Gods!!
I've been thinking about running this game for a while, and since I'd have trouble properly recording Crash 2 or any other console game at the mo' (due to a considerable lack of desktop), I think I'm gonna do it. Even though it's a flash game, it is a pretty challenging one, and I've gotten pretty good at it, although I'd need to get a much better run to be at a submittable level.
I just have a couple questions about the timing and recording of this run, since the run itself will be rather straightforward. The game has a built in timer, and it is very accurate, but it does not count time where you have no control, most notably the scoring screen that is seen every ten levels. I'm pretty sure SDA would use the in-game timer for this game, but I'd just like to be sure. Secondly, what program should I use to record the run? I'd prefer something that isn't as resource heavy as FRAPS but still records in lossless quality. Is there another, more lightweight program that would be better for recording flash games?
I just have a couple questions about the timing and recording of this run, since the run itself will be rather straightforward. The game has a built in timer, and it is very accurate, but it does not count time where you have no control, most notably the scoring screen that is seen every ten levels. I'm pretty sure SDA would use the in-game timer for this game, but I'd just like to be sure. Secondly, what program should I use to record the run? I'd prefer something that isn't as resource heavy as FRAPS but still records in lossless quality. Is there another, more lightweight program that would be better for recording flash games?
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