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The Spice is Life, Cajuns are Gods!!
I've been thinking about running this game for a while, and since I'd have trouble properly recording Crash 2 or any other console game at the mo' (due to a considerable lack of desktop), I think I'm gonna do it. Even though it's a flash game, it is a pretty challenging one, and I've gotten pretty good at it, although I'd need to get a much better run to be at a submittable level.

I just have a couple questions about the timing and recording of this run, since the run itself will be rather straightforward. The game has a built in timer, and it is very accurate, but it does not count time where you have no control, most notably the scoring screen that is seen every ten levels. I'm pretty sure SDA would use the in-game timer for this game, but I'd just like to be sure. Secondly, what program should I use to record the run? I'd prefer something that isn't as resource heavy as FRAPS but still records in lossless quality. Is there another, more lightweight program that would be better for recording flash games?
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I'd love to see that! Matt Thorson knows how to create challenging and innovative games, and even though my eyes were bleeding after completing this one, I enjoyed the simple yet solid gameplay.

About the timing, to quote SDA's faq :
If a game displays a time upon completion, and this time is tested to be accurate, then the timer will be used.

About the recording part... Are you experiencing lags with FRAPS? If so, I don't think other softwares will run smoother... You can try camtasia, camstudio.

Anyway, go for it Wink
Good luck, I really enjoyed this game. I'm sure you've probably seen this:

Edit history:
Jambalaya Bob: 2012-04-14 05:41:02 pm
Jambalaya Bob: 2012-04-14 05:35:52 pm
The Spice is Life, Cajuns are Gods!!
Idk if this computer would lag with FRAPS, I doubt it in fact, but I would probably have to shut down a lot of programs while using it. It's only a small issue, but still an issue for a couple reasons that are a bit complicated and one that isn't (antivirus being a whore).

I know what SDA's rules are, but I'm not sure exactly what the qualifications are for the timer; although I'm 99% sure it would be fine, since things like Super Metroid, which doesn't even use seconds, are allowed. Not much of a problem either way; because no matter what, I just gotta be fast, yo!

I haven't seen that actually, I got into speedrunning the game when me and a bunch of other guys suddenly started doing a ton of dumb races on SRL for it (that severely pissed off a couple mods).
Edit history:
Arcanod: 2013-11-07 04:26:53 am
Here is a video to show the fastest strategies I found for every level:

Edit history:
ZachSK: 2013-02-12 10:18:51 pm
Feudal Family Lord

This is my current PB, I am now considering submitting THIS.
Only 2 Deaths and a sub-par lvl 3. Any thoughts?
Really, you made such an improvement in so little time? Well done. You could try to submit this one.
The two deaths are quite costly (~11.3 s), but two deaths only is a nice achievement. The final time is decent.
In level 2, you loses time by jumping. Same in level 35, even if not as much.
In level 48 (and 49, but it's a bit more dangerous), you could have released the grappling hook earlier.
You also loses a small amount of time in level 3, 25 and 41, but no major flaws.
Good job on levels 20, 21, 29, 47.
Feudal Family Lord
Quote from Arcanod:
Really, you made such an improvement in so little time? Well done. You could try to submit this one.
The two deaths are quite costly (~11.3 s), but two deaths only is a nice achievement. The final time is decent.
In level 2, you loses time by jumping. Same in level 35, even if not as much.
In level 48 (and 49, but it's a bit more dangerous), you could have released the grappling hook earlier.
You also loses a small amount of time in level 3, 25 and 41, but no major flaws.
Good job on levels 20, 21, 29, 47.

Level 2 is a habit, because i routinely jump at the beginning of levels
I'm reallllllly paranoid about being "that guy" and submitting another run so close to getting rejected, But I'm confident that this is way better.

Doicm mentioned that the deaths aren't clean, which is true. But, i'm 15 seconds off the WR and, while a deathless run would be optimal, I can't reasonably get that to save ~10 seconds

If you feel like this has a chance of getting accpeted, i will submit it...otherwise.....i don't know if I can humanly beat it
Waiting hurts my soul...
Deathless would definitely make the look cleaner, even if you only saved 5 seconds.

From a layman point of view, I have one small suggestion.

Level 22, can you grab one of those spinners to fling yourself forward at the end? There seems to be a couple spinning the correct way to do this, and the speed you get seems pretty good.
Quote from ZachSK:
If you feel like this has a chance of getting accpeted, i will submit it...otherwise.....i don't know if I can humanly beat it

If you think you can't do better without turning insane, submit your attempt. It is good, not even comparable to your first submission. We will probably discuss it a little with the other verifiers, but I would myself lean towards an accept. You don't have to do a deathless run on a punishing game like this one, if the final time is decent (my own speedrun of Jumper: Redux has 4 deaths).

Quote from ZenicReverie:
From a layman point of view, I have one small suggestion.

Level 22, can you grab one of those spinners to fling yourself forward at the end? There seems to be a couple spinning the correct way to do this, and the speed you get seems pretty good.

Oh, you're right! Altough it doesn't seem to be faster than using the grappling hook above (like I did on the video), at least most of the time; and both moves are equally hazardous. I think there is enough complications in other levels to not take the risk of optimizing this one...
Feudal Family Lord
I will resubmit
Thank you for the renewed confidence
Edit history:
Arcanod: 2013-03-28 11:10:50 am
Arcanod: 2013-03-28 11:07:18 am
Arcanod: 2013-03-28 11:06:49 am
Arcanod: 2013-03-28 10:13:34 am
Arcanod: 2013-03-28 09:41:01 am
Arcanod: 2013-03-28 09:38:45 am
Arcanod: 2013-03-28 06:29:54 am
Arcanod: 2013-03-27 06:15:57 pm
Arcanod: 2013-03-27 06:15:45 pm
Arcanod: 2013-03-27 02:14:00 pm
Okay, I'm joining the fun! Smiley
My best so far is a 4:25.32 with 9 deaths. I will aim for less than 4:20 with, say, 3 deaths at most.
Come on, let break this game!

EDIT 03-28-2013
I got 4:20.15 with 5 deaths. New goal: 4:15.
Things are getting better and better: 4:16.60 now, with 4 deaths.
4:18.23 with 2 deaths... I think my keyboard killed me on level 46. (Ghosting issue: when 3 arrow keys are pressed at any time, the character freezes. I hate that.)
4:10.60 with 2 deaths! The two deaths cost around 5 seconds, so a time of ~4:05 can theorically be achieved in a deathless run with the same risk-taking and strategies. I'll submit this attempt if I don't get something better.
Edit history:
Arcanod: 2013-11-07 04:29:06 am
Arcanod: 2013-03-28 03:19:15 pm
Oh my, I did it! A deathless run of the game, with a flawless execution and strategies of my own! I won't hide my feelings, I'm really proud of this one! Smiley
What a relief, when you can die or loose time basically anywhere (especially at the very end). It was an epic challenge.
I had to do it while all was well engraved in my brain. Still, I didn't think it would be done so fast (only 1 day of attempts, excluding ~15-25 hours of intensive practice).

Final time: 4:06.03. Deaths: 0. Score: 19 852 380 (altough I don't know how it is calculated).
Here is the video. I hope you'll enjoy it!

I'll probably submit in the next few days. I just need to write the comments. There's quite a lot to say, actually.

@Zach: I'm sorry that your run becomes obsoleted, but veryfying it really made me want to play the game (I'm easily attracted by hard plateformers). But don't worry, your run has been accepted by SDA and I'll mention it in my comments, at least to keep a history.
F*ckin' sanity effects...
That was soooooooooo awesome.  Thanks, Arcanod!
Awesome job Arcanod! Great to watch, congrats on deathless.
DOSBox <3
Edit history:
ZachSK: 2013-03-31 05:07:33 pm
Feudal Family Lord

EDIT: Maybe you can do level 50 without the box. I know it's very hard, but it's doable